Lily’s Mistake


“I have to go home and get ready for your mom’s lunch party.”

We just finished eating breakfast where I nibbled on a toast and had some coffee. Honestly, the last thing I want to do is eat or go to a lunch party after last night, but I promised my mom. Today is important to her and I can’t let her down.

“How about you let me shower quickly, then we can drive back to your house and go to my parents’ house together?” Drake asks before taking a swig of his coffee.

“About that… I don’t want them to get any ideas, yet. I want to keep this between you and me for a while, if you don’t mind?”

“I do mind. Why would you want to keep me as your dirty, little secret?” Drake nods, the answer just dawning on him. “Right, in case this doesn’t work out between us,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Don’t get angry. I just don’t want all the fuss. We barely just started. I want to keep it that way for now. I did tell you that we’ll be taking it one step at a time.”

Drake merely shrugs, and then looks away, hurt.

Drake’s car is already parked in his parents’ driveway when I get there. As I’m pulling into an open space in the drive, my ringing phone distracts me from thoughts of Drake.

“Hey, Masie! What’s up?”

“You’re still coming for the barbeque this afternoon, right? Just checkin’, that’s all.” Masie’s chirpy demeanor helps ease my tensed body.

“Yep, I did say I was coming. Gotta go, Hon, I’m going to meet Mom’s boyfriend for the first time.” Hopefully, everything will be okay.

“Okay, see you in a few.”

After ending the call with Masie, I sit in the car, killing time. I took a couple of painkillers before I left my house, but it seems that it’s taking forever to kick-in. My head throbs and my arm hurts like it’s strained.

I lean back against the seat, closing my eyes, rubbing the area on my arm that is aching. Maybe, I have to get something stronger to dull the pain away, I think.

“Lily?” I hear Drake knock on my window. Without opening my eyes, I unlock my door and open it.

“Give me a minute. I should be out soon,” I mumble in response.

“Are you hurting, Babe?” Drake looks worried as he squats down to my level and checks my arm.

I flinch when he touches the sore spot. “Just a little, but I already took some pain meds before I left the house. I’m still waiting for it to kick in.”

Drake takes off my seatbelt and gathers me in his arms. “I’m taking you in. You need to rest.”

“I can walk. Put me down,” I protest. “Drake, I will rest, okay? But you have to let me walk. I can’t imagine what they will think if you burst inside the house with me hanging in your arms.”

Drake sighs. “I was only thinking about your welfare, Lil.”

I give him a quick kiss, which helps his mood. “I know.” I smile at him.

We slowly walk towards the entrance. Drake drops his arm off my shoulder once we enter the foyer. The Tatum’s Spanish-style residence is majestic. It has twelve bedrooms, a crazy amount of bathrooms, two kitchens, two pools and a huge tennis court.

“Lily, I’m so happy you could make it.” Patricia kisses my cheek and gives me a warm hug before she lets go and kisses my forehead.

“Drake’s not being a pain is he, Hon? If he is, you go straight to me.” Patricia eyes us with a huge smile.

“Mom, Lily doesn’t feel too well. I’m about to take her upstairs and let her rest for a bit.” Drake stands a little closer to me.

“Of course, go say hi to your mom first, so she doesn’t worry. Do you need any medicine?” She doesn’t even let me respond to that before she orders Drake to tell someone in the kitchen to prepare some food for me and he can take it upstairs with him.

“I already plan on it, Mom,” Drake murmurs before walking away.

“Your mother is in the dining room with Colin and Hugh.” Patricia pauses. “You’re okay with her dating again, right? Your mom is happy. I can vouch for that.” You can see she is worried that I won’t approve of Mom’s new love life; it’s written all over her face.

“I am, Pat. I’m glad she did. She needs someone to be there for her, too. I’m actually pleased that it’s with Colin. At least we know the man already.”

Patricia looks radiant. “That is true. It’s just been too long for her. She deserves it.” Pat clears her throat and eyes me. “I don’t mean to pry… but I can’t help it. Drake can’t take his eyes off you. Please tell me that he’s trying to win you? You know there’s nothing in this world that would please me more… Drake and you together. It’s my only wish.” She looks expectant as she waits for me to speak.

Yes, Patricia. We all know it. I want to say that Drake and I are actually together, but I don’t want to get her hopes up. “All I can tell you is… I guess, he’s trying.”

She is overjoyed. “That man… I keep telling him that there will be no other woman who will make him as happy as you, Lil. Every time I tell him that, he tells me to drop the subject, but I guess, it did get through to him. The way my son looks at you, he won’t stop until he gets what he wants.”

“I know,” I whisper. I remember how relentless he can be and I clearly remember how he has been since I’ve succumbed to him. He’s insatiable and I love every second of it. The man knows his way around a woman’s body. I blush as I recall his antics.

Patricia and I go into the dining room and join the rest of the group. I greet Mom, Hugh and Colin. Colin is still pleasant and still looks the same since I last saw him. Which was ages ago. Patricia explains that I’m not feeling too well, but before I leave the dining room, I see her wickedly wink at me.

I meander back towards the hall and find Drake waiting for me at the stairs, leaning against the staircase. My body prickles when I get close to him. “Hi.”

“Ready?” Drake asks.

I frown. “For what?”

Drake picks me up and takes me upstairs to his old bedroom. How he manages to get there without tripping, I will never know. Once we are next to his bed, he slowly puts me down and undresses me until I only have my bra and underwear on. He then puts me in his bed and covers me with the sheets.

“You might not be hungry, but I’m going to feed you anyway,” Drake says as he takes a tray of food and places it on the side table. The smell of fresh sautéed shrimps, grilled steak and vegetables makes my mouth water. “Open your pretty little mouth, Lil.”

I glare at him. “I can feed myself.”

He shakes his head. “Nope, where’s the fun in that? Let me take care of you, Babe.”

Damn the man for being so sweet. I can’t help but say ‘yes’ every single time this side of him comes out.

So he feeds me until I’m full. Drake wants me to finish the entire raspberry topped crème brulee, but I’m way past my limit. “I can’t… no more. You’ve already proved to be such a good nurse. I’m good.” I grin at him.

Drake stands up and puts the tray aside after he carefully cleans my lips of any food residue. “What now?” I look at him, expectantly.

“What do you want to do? Do you want to rest? I can get you more pain meds if you need them.” Drake sits on the bed and starts to stroke his fingers against mine.

Emboldened, I tell him, “I want your kisses. Can you make that happen?”

Drake jumps right on the bed and gets on top of me. “Thought you’d never ask,” he murmurs before he kisses me with such affection, I hopelessly burn against him.

I run my fingers through his hair, playfully pulling it. Drake groans against my lips. “Relax and sit tight while my mouth devours you.”

I yelp when Drake situates his head in between my core and bites into the flesh of my inner thigh. “You’re too playful,” I complain. I hear his light chuckle and feel his hot breath against my mound as he removes my panties.

“You have no idea… how playful I can be.” My fingers clutch the sheets when his tongue pierces into my wet entrance. Those were the last words he spoke to me for an hour and half.

Pamela Ann's books