Lily’s Mistake


I wake up with Drake’s arm latched on to me so tight that it’s impossible to move.

“Drake, I need to move.” I nudge his arm to wake him up.

He whiningly groans as his mouth searches out the back of my neck, giving it a few kisses. “I love waking up next to you, too.”

“It’s already past noon. We have to get up.” Still, he holds me tight, fingers stroking the side of my leg.

“But I want to stay in bed all day with—” He pauses, suddenly jolts and sits up. “F*ck! I forgot about Skull!”

Finally, I’m able to roll over to my other side and touch his back, stroking it. “What about Skull? Is there something wrong with him?”

Drake shakes his head. “No, but he doesn’t like to be on his own in the house. That’s why he stays with Mom and Dad if I’m not home.” Sighing, he scrambles to his feet.

I sit up. “Wait—where are you going?” I’m baffled by his immediate withdrawal.

“Skull gets lonely. He’s probably been crying all night.”

Amused, I bite my lip, smiling. “Hold on. Let me get this straight. You’re rushing to get home because your dog is lonely?”

Drake stands, watching my lit up face, hands on his hips, bold in all his naked glory. “Are you making fun of me?”

“Maybe, it’s just that, never in a million years have I pictured you being like this, all because of a dog. It’s really hot.”

“Oh, yeah?” He leans over and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. “Come with me, please? I want to spend more time with you and frankly, I’m not ready to be away from you yet.”

Like I would let him leave all on his own, especially after last night…

“Give me ten minutes to shower and get ready.” I slide off the bed. Not shy about my naked body in broad daylight.

Standing close to each other, Drake kisses my forehead. “Just put some clothes on. We can shower at my place.”

“Fine, as long as you promise to make me lunch.” I love it when he’s all sweet. He makes me feel beautiful just being this way.

“Deal. Now get a move on,” he says before he playfully smacking my ass loudly, shooing me away to change.

I stare at the dog, then at the owner, and then back at the dog again before I start shrieking with laughter.

I stop when Skull starts barking at me for causing such a loud commotion. Wiping my tears away, I manage to look at Drake without laughing, but my eyes dance anyways. “When you mentioned your dog’s name was Skull, I was imagining a pug or a bulldog. Something manly, you know? I’m… I’m just shocked to find that Skull is a puffy brown and white Pomeranian.”

Drake comes over and picks up his doggy, holding Skull against his chest before the dog gives him a few wet licks on the lips. “Show her that you’re made of hard stuff, Baby,” he coos.

I smirk. Drake really does love this dog of his.

He puts him back down on the floor before he wraps his arms around me, smelling my neck. “Now, what would you like for lunch?”

We spend the rest of our Saturday in his house. Kissing, talking and catching up. By the end of the day, I’ve bonded with Skull and I think he favors me more than Drake.

It’s most likely because I sneak him a treat or two when Drake isn’t watching.

A painful scream comes out of me when I feel someone jerk my hair and arm, dragging me off the bed and onto the floor.

“You, stupid whore. Didn’t I warn you to stay away from him? I did, didn’t I? But you didn’t f*cking listen! He’s mine!” Shannon shrieks at me.

Since I’m on the floor, the closest thing I can reach is her leg. I pull it hard enough for her to lose her balance and she flops onto the floor next to me with a loud thud.

Shannon is scrambling to get on top of me when Drake yanks her off, throwing her off where she lands on the bed.

She is hysterically crying. “How dare you bring her here! On our bed! This was our bed. How f*cking dare you, Drake! You’re mine. You’re mine…”

“You and I are done, Shannon. I’ve made that clear already. I have your key. How the f*ck did you get in here?” Drake is glaring at her, eyes dark, furious.

My heart is sky-rocketing, beating so hard against my chest; it’s the only thing I feel. That is, until I start to feel the pain on my head. The spot where Shannon pulled my hair is beginning to throb and ache.

“Stupid man, do you think I would hand it over without having it copied? It’s not like you changed your security code, anyway. It was easy. You’re saying that we’re over when she’s around, but I know you still want me. You always have. We’re about to get married, Drake. You can’t keep hurting me like this.” Shannon starts crying again. She tries to reach out to Drake, but he smacks her hand away.

Drake helps me up and carefully places me on one of the cushioned chairs that are on the other side of the room. “Are you okay? F*ck, I’m sorry. Are you hurting?”

“I’m fine. Go take care of that, first.” My eyes send daggers to his deranged ex. Who is still in the process of crying and pleading.

Hell, what the heck did I get myself into?

Drake grabs his cellphone and dials the cops. He reports a home invasion and illegal trespassing. As he rapidly speaks on the phone, it’s hard to follow.

I feel numb.

My body is still tense and I’m afraid to move for some reason—possibly because the senseless bitch is still on the bed—sending me crazy eyes when Drake isn’t watching her.

When the cops come, Drake takes the reluctant Shannon downstairs. I hear him ask them to take her to the hospital first to get checked over. Just in case she’s high on something.

I feel something wet on my leg and when I look down, I find Skull rubbing his nose on me. I bend down and scratch the back of his ears. He then curls up next to my foot and falls asleep. The adorable fur ball is giving me comfort.

After what seems to be an hour of answering all the questions the police have for Drake, he finally comes back upstairs with some Advil and an icepack.

He finds me, sitting, still in the same position I was in when he left with Shannon. “Are you okay? You don’t look well.”

I nod and swallow the pills with some water. Drake carefully takes me in his arms and carries me into one of the guest rooms. We lie on the bed with Skull leaning on my back, snoring. I’m wrapped around Drake’s body while he holds the icepack to my head.

Drake breaks the silence first. “I didn’t think she was crazy. Okay—I mean towards the end, she started to become off, —but I didn’t think for a second she was capable of pulling something like that. I’m just thankful that she didn’t have a knife… or a gun. God knows what would’ve happened if she did.”

I would probably be dead by now, or I would’ve killed that daft bitch first. Hell, her crazy eyes are still haunting me. I remember the hate and scorn in those eyes and I shiver.

When the painkillers work their way into my system, Drake takes the icepack off my head.

He’s stroking my arm, softly, as I finally drift off to sleep.

Pamela Ann's books