Lily’s Mistake


For the next two weeks, Masie and I are busy with our plans. We’ve been baking non-stop in my kitchen as we try different recipes; marking which ones work and which ones don’t.

It’s already six in the evening before Masie decides it’s time to leave. We’ve been up since nine and only took half an hour lunch break before we started baking again.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay? You look nervous all of a sudden.” Masie’s instincts are spot on, but I’m not about to spill my secret. Not yet, anyway.

I merely nod. “Just tired. The last two weeks have been draining me.” They have and now I have another issue to top it all off.

Masie gives me a cheerful smile. “Okay. Tell lover boy not to wear you out so much. You look like you need sleep.” She winks at me before she leaves the house.

That, too. Drake has been insatiable on a daily basis. It’s hard to keep up with him.

I’m sitting on the couch when I hear him enter the house. I left the door unlocked knowing he’d be over soon. “Hi.”

Drake strolls in wearing an all black Armani suit, looking like sex on legs. He bends over and kisses me on the lips. “How was your day, Pretty One?”

I look Drake dead in the eye and blurt it out, “I’m pregnant.”

Drake suddenly stills before he composes himself. He opens his mouth, then shuts it again before he starts to pace around my living room. Calmly, he asks, “Is it mine?”

I feel like he just punched me in the gut while slapping me a few times before he stomps and spits on me. How dare he ask me that question? “On second thought, let me double check my calendar. It might not be yours after all.”

I didn’t anticipate him asking if it was his. I feel side-tracked and insulted. So, this was how Shannon must’ve felt.

Drake simmers in anger, but he asked for it. His question was beyond disrespectful.

“Please, leave. You are not welcome here anymore.” I’m surprised that my voice is stern and it doesn’t waver. I’m a wreck inside, but I’d rather die than show him that.

“Is it mine or not? Don’t be a smartass about it. Answer the question as I asked you to do.” His voice grates on me.

“Not yours, Drake.”

He doesn’t even dare look at me as he leaves my house, slamming the door shut on his way out.

It hurt that he would even question me like that. I told him I hadn’t slept with anyone but him in over a year.

He can go suck on it for all I care. I don’t need him to raise a child. I can take care of it on my own.

I don’t need him.

I don’t.

I wake up the next day with a surprise. My mother is in my kitchen making me breakfast.

“Mom? What are you doing here so early? It’s not even nine in the morning.” I yawn while I sit down at the breakfast nook.

“Drake came by today. He told me that you’re pregnant. Is that true?” Mom’s eagle-eyes don’t miss a beat. “And looking at your reaction, I’m assuming that it is Drake’s, too?”

F*ck you, Drake Tatum, and your stupid tattle mouth. “He doesn’t want it.”

“He tells me that you told him he isn’t the father.” Mom places the food on the table before she slides it across to me, eyeing me sternly. “What made you say that, if he is the father?”

“The stupid man asked me if it was his. How dare he? I’m not some slut who’s been juggling different guys. That was uncalled for.” Okay, I need to calm down before I blow a fuse.

“Okay, maybe he did deserve that. From what I saw earlier, I can tell you that he’s regretful, but doesn’t know how to approach you.”

“He can go f*ck himself,” I mutter.

“Lily, behave.”

“I’m sorry, Mom, but I’m not in the mood to talk about this right now.”

“You are an adult, Dear; we have to talk about this. Patricia will want to know and frankly, Drake is waiting for my call. The man didn’t sleep a wink last night. He told me that’s he’s ready to marry you as well.”

F*cking Drake.

“I am not marrying anyone. Period. As far as I am concerned, Drake and I are done. He can help out with the baby later on, but that’s it.”

“That’s up to you, but you have to talk it out with Drake. He needs to hear it from you.” My mom is always so reasonable. I know she wants what is best for me and Drake, but right now, I could care less. Drake royally pissed me off last night and that’s that. True, he can be sorry, but that won’t take back the words he spoke.

He f*cked up, big time.

Mom gets up and hugs me. “I love you. You’re going to be a great mom. Don’t let hatred consume you, though. I think it’s high time you and Drake sort this out.” She kisses my forehead before walking towards the end of the room.

I hear her talking on the phone. I can’t really blame her since this is such a big deal to us. We are a close unit. She and Pat are expecting their first grandchild and both have been dying for one.

“We’re going over to the Tatum’s for lunch. Will that be good for you?” Mom asks kindly.

It’s not like I have a choice. If I don’t agree to it, I full well know that the entire Tatum clan will be on my doorstep before sun down. “Yeah, sounds good to me.”

Pamela Ann's books