Saved by the Rancher

chapter Twenty-Six

DAVID SAT AT the center of the table, his grandfather and parents to his right, his fiancé on his left with her immediate family. Colleagues and close friends filled the rest of the long table. The restaurant was crowded, everyone’s eyes on the newly engaged couple.

The diamond solitaire sparkled on Patricia’s hand, mocking him. He brought her fingers to his lips, kissing her knuckles above the offending ring.

“You look beautiful tonight, darling, though I prefer the blue dress to this green.” He traced his finger along her cheek. “The blue matches your eyes.”

Patricia’s pout at his first comment turned into a shy smile with the last. She’d learn how to please him in time. He’d make sure of it.

Seeing Patricia in green reminded him of Jenna’s eyes, the pale shade so soft and unique. His family may have believed he was moving on, but he had no intention of giving up his true wife.

“Are you enjoying the dinner?” Her eyes pleaded with him to say he was pleased with the small party she’d put together to surprise him. He hated surprises.

“I’m looking forward to enjoying you later.” Her eyes darkened with anticipation and a touch of apprehension. She wanted to be romanced and made love to in the bedroom. Maybe he’d take her on the living room floor from behind. Tonight, he’d continue to teach her to bend to his will and demands when he wanted her. Wherever and however he wanted her.

The guests tapped their utensils against their wine glasses, signaling the couple to kiss. David leaned in, pressed his lips to Patricia’s, and thought of nothing but kissing Jenna.

Jennifer Ryan's books