Saved by the Rancher

chapter Twenty-Four

JENNA AND JACK had a cozy dinner in the Great Room next to the fire. They watched a couple of movies curled up together on the couch. Jack sat in the corner, his feet propped on the coffee table, with Jenna resting her head on his leg to keep off her thigh and back. He stroked his fingers through her hair and even held her hand. They watched movies like they had done it every night of their lives, content just being in each other’s company.

He saw her to her door and kissed her goodnight like the end of a date. Sally curled up on the bed waiting for her. Jack glared at Sally and grumbled, “Lucky dog,” before leaving her with a mumbled goodnight. As she got ready for bed, she listened to Jack moving around his rooms, taking a shower before he settled into his bed. The quiet enveloped the house and night, but didn’t bring her any comfort.

Restless and plagued by nightmares, she woke from the last dream, sweating, a thunderstorm disrupting the quiet night. Wind and rain battered the roof and windows. The noise and swirling shadows frightened her. Her mind conjured her ex lurking in the murky corners and every creak was his footsteps, him sneaking up on her. Usually she’d have gotten up, told the little girl inside her to suck it up, lost herself in work at her laptop or in a book, and waited desperately for the sun to rise. Tonight, she thought of Jack—gentle, kind, safe, and good—only a room away.

She went back and forth in her mind, trying to decide how much she should allow herself to rely on him. In the end, she talked herself into the indulgence. Feeling stupid for letting her imagination get the better of her, she mustered her courage and climbed out of bed. Sally right behind her, she made her way to Jack’s room. The door stood open a crack, and Jack’s soft breathing pulled her forward. She snuck in. Sally jumped on the bed and lay at Jack’s feet. Jack didn’t stir, giving Jenna courage to climb up on the empty side of the bed and curl up next to him on top of the blankets. A clap of thunder made her jump, but the soft sound of Jack’s breathing relaxed her. She watched him sleep, comforted just having him near. Drowsy, the rain subsiding outside the windows, she slept.

Jack woke up, barely, when the alarm radio went off at six. He didn’t open his eyes, but lay still, slowly coming awake to the Eagles’ Hotel California. His awareness stretched. Sally must have come in during the night and curled up in her usual spot at his feet. Recognition bloomed again, and he turned to the now familiar pull of the woman curled up next to him, burrowed in at his rib cage. Not even covered with a blanket, wearing nothing but the t-shirt he’d given her last night, goose bumps broke out on her bare arms and legs. He stroked her hair away from her cheek with his fingertip. Touching her silky skin was quickly becoming an addiction.

Hands pressed under her chin, she lay curled in a tight ball, trying to stay warm. Without jarring or hurting her injuries, he drew the blankets out from under her and settled her under the covers with him.

He nuzzled his nose into her neck and hair at her ear and whispered, “Jenna, honey. Wake up.”

“Uh, uh.”

“Wake up, honey, you’re freezing.”

“I had a bad dream, the storm woke me, and I snuck in here in the middle of the night.” Her voice groggy with sleep, she wiggled and snuggled closer to him. He held her close and let his body heat seep into her.

“Why didn’t you get under the covers?”

“Because I didn’t know if you’d mind.”

“Mind having a beautiful woman sneak into my bed. I thought we discussed this, I’m not crazy or stupid,” he said on a laugh. The tension in her built, but he hoped his light tone settled her nerves. Relieved, she stirred awake and settled her head on his chest, draped an arm across him, and threw her bandaged leg over his thigh and between his legs. Every part of her cool skin pressed to his warm body. She snuggled closer, eliminating any space left between them, and he held her close. Content, he settled into the moment and her and the undeniable connection between them.

“You’re naked.”

“You’re overdressed,” he teased.

“We have to get up.”

“I already am.” He tried to keep things light and make her laugh despite his rising ardor.

“The messenger is coming with my papers. Caleb, Summer, and Lily will arrive soon, so we can go shopping. You have a surprise today.”

“I’d say the nicest surprise is waking up with you in my bed. Though it would have been better if you woke me in the night.” He kissed her on the head and held her close, loving the feel of her body pressed down the length of his. He inhaled her flowery scent and thought this is where she belonged.

“We’ll have plenty of time for that later. Behave yourself. Now, don’t you want to kiss me good morning?”

“You just said to behave.” He kissed her anyway. Long and slow. Their lips met again and again. Warm, sweet, soft, she responded to every caress of his lips to hers. Drugged beyond reason, Jack’s endurance snapped and he took her mouth in a demanding sweep of his tongue, branding her as his.

Opening her mouth to accept his invasion, Jenna relished every taste and kiss. He rolled toward her and pressed her into the mattress. His erection pressed against her belly, her nerves tingled with awareness and apprehension. She hadn’t had sex in a long time and Jack was a big man, in every way.

The heat between them built. Jack cupped her breast and kissed his way down her neck. He pulled up her shirt and his thumb made slow circles over her aching breast, finding his way to her taught nipple. His rough palm against her sensitive skin made her breasts grow heavy. Jack groaned with pleasure and she arched into his touch, responding to the heat and need rolling off him and sweeping her away. Her heart beat so fast, her head spun. His weight settled into her, pressing her into the mattress, trapping her. Unwarranted fear raced through her mind, stealing away the pleasure of the moment. She pressed her palms to Jack’s chest and gave a half-hearted push. A voice inside yelled pull him back. Fear won out, and she hated her ex for doing this to her, taking one more thing from her.

“Jack, stop. Stop.”

Jack pulled back, pressed up onto his hands, and shook off his blinding desire. “Are you okay?”

“It’s just that, um, I haven’t done this in an extremely long time, and we have to get up, and you’re making me really nervous, and I don’t think I’m ready for this,” she rambled on.

He tried to lighten things without moving from where he needed to be. The thick head of his cock pressed to her entrance. He shifted and pressed harder. Her thin panties adding to the friction of the caress. Her eyes went soft and drooped closed as she sighed.

“You’re not ready yet, but give me a few minutes and you will be,” he said, his voice husky with pent-up desire. He buried his face in her neck and kissed a trail to the soft spot behind her ear. God, she tasted better than she smelled.

She gave out a giggle. “Jack, I’m serious. Get up. People are coming over.”

“You’re killing me, you know that.” He rose above her on his hands, the lower half of his body keeping her trapped. He narrowed his eyes, deadly serious, he said, “We will finish this later.”

“We will,” she assured him, cupping his beard-roughened jaw in her hand to soothe him. As always, he leaned into her touch. “Seriously, I haven’t been with anyone since, well, a long time. I’d like us to take our time. Learn how to enjoy each other. You’re, uh, a really big guy, and you’re scaring me a little bit,” she admitted.

The last thing he wanted to do was make her pull away. Then he thought about what she was telling him. She hadn’t been with anyone since her ex. Jack couldn’t believe a beautiful, wonderful woman like Jenna hadn’t been with another man in so long. It amazed him she’d chosen him. His size and strength had frightened her more than once already. As much as he wanted her, he wanted to take his time. He didn’t want her nervous, or anxious, the first time they made love. As much as it hurt, and he was hurting, he’d wait and know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Next time, he’d make sure she didn’t feel anything but pure pleasure, no nerves, no fear.

“We’ll wait until the timing’s better. About the other, I’d never hurt you, Jenna. Never.”

“Thank you for understanding. It means the world to me you’re willing to give me the time and courtesy I need right now.”

He could seduce her. She wanted to be seduced. That much he knew for sure. Making love was a natural expression of what they were feeling for each other. Each passing hour the need they shared grew between them until it was palpable. With the amount of heat between them, it was only a matter of time before they came together in a blaze. Right now, he had to put her needs above his own.

He let loose the pent-up groan in the back of his throat and settled beside her, missing the feel of her skin against his. He allowed her time to get up first and head back to her room to shower. He didn’t want to make her any more nervous by getting out of bed naked and aroused. His t-shirt looked great on her, the hem skimming the middle of her thighs, teasing his senses, heating his blood even more. He’d like to spend the rest of his life waking up with her in his arms and her wearing his clothes. Actually, nothing at all. He’d be thinking about her firm round breasts, her supple body, and long legs wrapped around him for the rest of the day.

He showered, shaved, and dressed before Jenna came walking down the hall wearing nothing but a towel.

“See, I knew you couldn’t hold out. Come here, darlin’.” He held out his hand to her.

She swatted it away. “Very funny. I need you to put medicine on the cuts on my back.”

“Now see, you’re just no fun.”

“Come on, baby, play doctor with me,” she said with a throaty, whiskey smooth voice that could have seduced any man. It worked. She seductively brushed the hair back from her face and lowered her lashes demurely. He lost his breath.

“Definitely killing me.” He barely got the words out after she spoke to him with that voice.

“Yeah, well, I’ll make it up to you later.”


“Oh, yeah.”

Easy enough for her to tease and play with words. The way she held herself ready to bolt at any sudden move he made toward her and the tinge of embarrassment pinking her cheeks as she stood before him in nothing but a towel told him just how uneasy and nervous he made her. The last thing he wanted her to feel when they made love the first time was hesitant. More, he needed her to feel safe enough to let her guard down and be herself, knowing he wasn’t a threat in any way.

With that in mind, he tamped down the sexual energy radiating off him and put the medicine on her back. The cuts were almost healed thanks to the ointment, and most of the redness had disappeared or turned to bruises. The stitches looked good, they’d need another five days before he could take them out. In all, he couldn’t believe how fast she was healing.

As he finished his task, the house exploded with activity. Caleb, Summer, and Lily arrived through the kitchen and someone rang the doorbell.

“I’ll answer the front door while you get dressed.” He kissed her on the forehead and headed downstairs.

“Jenna,” he called back up. “It’s the messenger.” He escorted the man to the dining room table and headed for the kitchen to see his family.

EVERYONE WALKED OUT of the kitchen as Jenna finished signing the last of the papers. She handed them to the messenger, who assured her they would be delivered to Ben the next morning. He handed her several marked envelopes containing all her copies and left.

Jenna’s phone rang.

“Hello.” They stood around the dining room table watching her.

“It’s Ben. I got everything taken care of from your last email. Who is this surprise for? Jack?”

“One is for Jack, the other’s for Caleb. Will they be delivered today?”

Jack, Caleb, Summer, and Lily listened with open curiosity. Caleb shared a questioning look with Jack to see if he knew why Jenna was talking about them. Jack just shook his head and raised his shoulders. They had no idea what she was up to, and it felt good to surprise them, knowing she’d make them happy today.

“Yep. Jack and Caleb will flip when they see them. The guy at the shop emailed me photos. I am so jealous,” Ben said.

“Yeah, well, you never know what Santa will put under the tree for you. Thanks for doing all of this. I signed the papers this morning. You should get them tomorrow.”

“Okay. Have a good day. Rabbit, you are the most amazing woman. I hope Jack and his family know that.”

“I think he does, and they do. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks, you’re a real friend.”

“It’s nice to know you’re having some fun. Bye, Rabbit.”

Everyone’s curiosity pricked. She played it cool. She wanted to watch their faces as she revealed her plans.

Calmly, she scanned all their faces. “Good morning, everyone.”

“What’s with all the legal documents?” Summer asked, concerned. “Are you in some other kind of trouble?”

“You will all find out later today. Summer, Lily, are you ready to go? This will be a shopping trip you’ll never forget.”

“Is Santa coming today?” Lily wanted to know.

“Have you been a good girl?” Jenna teased.

“I’ve been a really, really good girl,” she said excitedly.

“Well, then it’s your lucky day, because I’m playing Santa today. Let’s go, little one. We have a lot of shopping to do, because I don’t have anything to wear. Jack and Caleb, expect the delivery of your lives today. Sign for them, and we’ll see you when we get back. Don’t forget to sign the papers. Ready, Summer, Lily?”

“What delivery? What papers?” Jack and Caleb asked in unison.

“You’ll see. Have a good day, boys.”

“Where do you want to go shopping?” Summer asked as they stepped out the front door. “I can think of several stores in town, but I’m not sure what you’re looking for specifically.”

“We’re going to the Cherry Creek Mall. I hear they have some nice stores.”

They were getting into Jenna’s SUV. Lily buckled into her car seat looking around the shiny new vehicle.

“Jenna, Cherry Creek Mall is in Denver. That’s at least six hours away. We’ll never get there and back by dinner.”

Jack overheard Summer; concerned, he addressed Jenna through the driver’s side window. “Honey, you can’t drive to Denver today. Your leg and back will be killing you if you sit in this car all day.”

“Who said we’re driving to Denver? We’ll see you guys back here at six. Enjoy your surprises today.” At that, she gave Jack a quick kiss and took off down the driveway and handed the directions over to Summer.

“Where are we going?”

“To the airfield in Gates. I’ve chartered us a flight.”


“Like I said, this will be a shopping trip to remember.”

Jennifer Ryan's books