Saved by the Rancher

chapter Twenty-Two

JENNA OPENED THE boxes from Ben and found the new laptop. She used her cell phone to connect to the Internet and her email account and sent Ben instructions to carry out her plans. On course to complete her goal, she’d give her ex the shock of his life if she pulled this off. She had to pull it off. Time to take a stand. Bodyguards, walls, gates, time, distance, nothing had protected her. She’d always known the only way to end this was to give her ex a very powerful reason not to come looking for her again. Thanks to Ben and his team, she had that reason.

She found it difficult to think of what her life could be like without her ex-husband hunting her like a wild animal. This life is all she knew now. She thought of Jack and decided life could be wonderful. Images of them happy together for years to come were so easy to conjure, it scared her.

After replying to several emails, tired of her own company, she took her cell phone, left her pretty room, and went outside with Sally. The fresh air smelled of grass and honeysuckle from the bush by the front steps. The sun warmed her face, and she gazed up at the bright sky and took a deep breath and relaxed.

“Where should we go?”

Sally barked and took off to the barn.

“Okay. Let’s go see Jack,” she said, talking to air. Sally disappeared through the wide doors. Jenna made her way down the gravel driveway to the huge building at her own slow pace.

The face of the barn was made of river rock, up from the ground three feet. The rest was wood painted white with dark blue trim. Jack really had a thing for blue. Outdoor paddocks led inside to stalls down both sides of the building. Some of them held gorgeous brown quarter horses. The top level of the barn had lots of windows and a hay-filled loft. The scent of hay and horses enveloped her as she stepped into the corridor and let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light.

Unsure where to find Jack and Caleb, she walked down the spacious center aisle that led back to some rooms at the far end. Jack must have an office down the way.

The horses moved and shifted in their stalls. Some peeked their heads over the doors. A few men worked in the barn, taking care of the horses. She smiled but kept her distance, Sally keeping pace beside her.

She came upon an open stall door with only a thick rope across it to keep the huge stallion inside. He moved to the opening and blocked her path with his big head. The most gorgeous horse she had ever laid eyes on.

He bobbed his gray head up and down, stomped a hoof, and blew through his nostrils into her hair. She immediately reached up and rubbed her hands over his long nose and along the side of his face. She stood in front of him stroking his neck and talking softly. He put his head over her shoulder and let her stroke behind his ears. She nuzzled her head against his. The scrape of boots fast approaching startled her.

A man carrying a strap in his hand drew closer. Panic stole her rational thoughts and she moved toward the horse, away from the threat.

“Miss, get away from him. He bites and might stomp on you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Jenna put up a hand. “Don’t come any closer.” Her voice weak, panic rose and took over her senses.

Sally barked several times and Jenna ducked under the rope into the stall. The big stallion went along with her. She backed up to the far wall. Every cell inside her screamed run. Trapped, fear overtook her, freezing her in place inside the stall behind the huge horse.

“Miss, that horse is mean as can be.” He stood at the open stall door, blocking her exit, and called to her. “You gotta come out.”

Jenna’s focus zeroed in on the strap hanging from his hand. Unable to move, her knees went weak. She crouched down with her back to the wall, the horse moving, so he stood completely over her. She kept her eyes glued to the man with the strap and folded her arms around her knees.

Jack stood in the middle of the paddock, lunge line in hand, as the yearling ran circles around him. Whenever the youngster tried to buck or prance, Jack coaxed him back to his training. Focused on the task at hand, it took a second for Jack to hear the change in the other horses. They neighed and stomped in their stalls, restless. Blue fussed, and Sally barked and growled. Jack’s eyes met Caleb’s and he recognized the same alarm he felt. Jack untied the yearling and he and Caleb ran inside. They spotted Pete at Blue’s stall. Sally barked and refused to let him get closer.

“What’s going on, Pete? What’s wrong with Sally and Blue?”

“It’s the woman from the house. Blue’s going to kill her. She’s in there with that demon horse, and she won’t come out.”

Jack ran to where Pete stood and stared unbelieving into the stall, Caleb right behind him.

“Oh my God, Jenna.” Literally, she crouched under Blue, who stomped his front hoof warning everyone to stay away. Sally wouldn’t let Jack in the door. Jenna stared at Pete with huge eyes filled with fear. Terror radiated off her and pounded at his heart.

“Jenna, honey, please come out. Blue might hurt you.”

“I won’t go back. I won’t go back. I won’t go back.”

Not a good sign. She’d been doing so well this morning, and now she chanted that phrase over and over again, rocking back and forth. Just like the other night in the closet when she’d broken down.

She didn’t move, just stared at the men in the doorway. Actually, her eyes were locked on Pete’s every move. “Pete, tell me what happened,” Jack demanded.

“She stood here rubbing Blue’s head. I thought maybe he’d hurt her, so I told her to get away from him. I guess I startled her. She turned, said something I didn’t hear, then when I came closer, she backed herself into the stall with your beast.”

Jack didn’t know what to make of it. She must have gotten scared from seeing a strange man. “Jenna, come out. No one will hurt you. Caleb and I are here. We’ll take you to the house.”

Caleb moved next to Jack. “Come on, I’ll call Summer and Lily. They’ll look after you. Would you like that?”

Jenna rocked back and forth, still chanting, “I won’t go back.” Her eyes unfocused, lost in some imagined terror, Jack didn’t know how to pull her back to reality.

Frustrated, Pete said, “I don’t want to lose my job, or make you mad.” The slap of leather against Pete’s thigh pulled Jack’s attention from Jenna to Pete. “I didn’t do anything to her,” Pete said, pleading.

Jenna’s eyes got even bigger, her face paler as Pete continued to smack his thigh. Jack finally understood what held her attention. Not the man, but the leather in his hand that looked very much like a belt.

“Pete, slowly hand that strap to Caleb, and then I want you to walk away. Go into the kitchen and have yourself a cup of coffee.”

Pete handed the strap over, not realizing what he’d done wrong. He walked away from the stall and down to the kitchen. Jack would explain later. Right now, his priority sat precariously under a tempestuous thousand pounds of ornery, devilish horse.

Caleb’s face mirrored Jack’s inner turmoil. Knowing Jenna needed reassurance, Caleb spoke softly. “This is just a strap to fix a horse bridal. That’s all. Pete would never hurt you. I’ll put it away.” Caleb walked away slowly, making sure Jenna saw him taking away her worst nightmare. Jack’s stomach turned as her eyes followed Caleb’s back as he left.

“Please, honey, come out of there. If Blue kicks or steps on you, he could kill you.”

Her ex’s image superimposed over the first man, and now Caleb. She kept seeing her ex coming at her with the belt, heard the sound it made when it whistled through the air and the snap of it when it slapped across her back. The stinging pain of it biting into her skin. Flinching, she tried to shake off the memory. Her focus returned, and Jack stood in the doorway before her. Locking on to him, she barely managed to say, “Hi.”

“Hi, honey. You okay now.”

Jenna regained her senses, and little by little her body relaxed. Her eyes weren’t so huge and she didn’t hold her knees as tight. Blue stood guard over her, still, for now. He turned his big head down, looked underneath himself and neighed at Jenna.

“I was looking for you.”

Jack could almost breathe easy again. “Did you miss me?”

“Yeah. Nice barn.”

“Thanks. You know it’s making me really nervous watching you sit under one of the meanest horses who ever came into this stable.”

“He’s not mean. He blew in my hair, and I was giving him some love when . . .” She stopped and locked eyes with him. “I got scared.”

“Well, you’re scaring me now. Honey, come on, get out from under Blue.”

She combed her shaking hands through her hair. “His name is Blue?”

“Yes.” Jack couldn’t take much more. While talking, color bloomed back into her cheeks, but she still wasn’t safe. If Blue decided to kick . . . He didn’t want to think what would happen if he kicked her.

“You named him Blue?”

He didn’t know why his horse’s name concerned her so much, but if it took her focus off being scared and got her out of the stall, he was all for talking about it. “Yes, honey, come out.”

She broke out into a full belly laugh.

“What the hell is so funny?”

“You really do like blue. The cabin, the house, the barn trim, and now the horse, all blue.” She continued to laugh, trying to catch her breath. He didn’t mind, even if she sounded a little hysterical. She released some of the pent up tension in both of them.

“Would you get out here, please?” Jack bent under the stall rope. Sally calmed and sprawled in the hay. He walked to Blue, careful not to spook the animal, and stroked him down his neck the way he liked.

Jenna stopped laughing and took a deep calming breath. Jack put his hand down to her and she grabbed hold and came out from under the horse. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a huge hug, holding on as hard as she could. They stood there for several minutes, his hands resting on her hips.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I saw him coming toward me with the strap in his hand, everything closed in around me, and I panicked. I was back in that house, and he was hitting me, and . . .”

Jack grabbed her and held her tight. Her whole body trembled against his.

“Ouch!” Jenna squealed then squirmed.

Blue smacked him in the back with his head. Jack let go of Jenna, and they almost toppled over from the force of Blue hitting him.

“I’m sorry. I forgot your back. Damnit, Blue, knock it off.”

“I like Blue. He’s beautiful. Aren’t you, sweetheart.” Jenna walked around Jack and grabbed Blue’s head. She gave him a squeeze and stroked him. Blue nuzzled her neck and shoulder. Then he placed the front of his head down the front of Jenna, from her breasts to her belly.

Caleb stood watching from the stall door. “I’ve never seen the stubborn beast cozy up to anyone. He tolerates Jack, but it looks like love with you, Jenna.”

The stress and strain left Jenna’s body as she stroked the huge animal. Horses had that effect on people when they connected with you.

“Well, I’ll be damned. That horse doesn’t like anyone, and here he is all snuggled tight to you,” Jack said, surprised.

“You’re just jealous.” Jenna gave him a sweet smile.

“Um, yeah. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“I’m really sorry I made such a scene. I don’t know why I did that. You must think I’m crazy.”

“Maybe you should talk to a doctor, someone who helps women in your situation,” Caleb suggested.

Jack agreed, he and Caleb had both had their fair share of post-traumatic stress. He thought Jenna could use some help dealing with everything she’d been through.

“I’ll think about it. I got a lot done on the phone with Ben, and I thought I’d go for a walk, get some fresh air, see you guys. Then the past and the present got mixed up, and my brain shut off and the panic took over.”

“It’s okay, honey.” Jack caressed her neck with his fingertips. “You’ve had a bad couple of days. You’re entitled to be out of sorts. I’m here now. You have nothing to worry about. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Pete. You’ll like him. Then if you see him around, you won’t be scared.”

“I’d really like to apologize to him. I must seem like a crazy woman.”

“Someone hurt you. It’s natural to be afraid, especially in a new place with new people.” Jack held her hand and walked down the aisle toward the kitchen with her.

“I don’t know how you put up with me.”

“You keep smiling at me like that, and hugging me like you did in the stall, and I’ll drag you to the house and show you how I put up with you.”

“Jack! Caleb is standing right there.”

“Caleb didn’t hear anything.”

“Yes. Caleb didn’t hear anything,” Caleb mimicked back, snickering at Jenna.

“Besides, he’s sleeping with my sister. And he’s gone and knocked her up—again.”

“I do my best.” Caleb and Jack smiled at her, lightening her mood and making her feel much better.

They entered the small kitchen. Pete sat at a round table, contemplating the steaming cup of coffee between his hands, looking dejected.

“Miss, really, I wasn’t gonna do anything to you. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“I know. I’ve had a rough time lately, and I panicked. It had nothing to do with you. I’m really sorry.”

“Shoot. No need to apologize. That horse could have killed you.”

Jack didn’t want to go there. Seeing Blue standing over Jenna scared him half to death. He held her hand tighter, reassuring himself she was fine.

“Pete, I’d like you to meet, Jenna. Jenna, this is Pete. He oversees all the horses.”

“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” Pete stood and offered his hand.

Jenna took it without reservation. “It’s nice to meet you, too. Again, I’m really sorry.”

“Oh, enough. Any time you want to ride, I’ll get you a real nice horse to take out. Jack has some real beauties.”

“I’d like that, but not until my leg is better.”

Jack hadn’t thought about her leg. “Did you tear those stitches again? I don’t want to keep sewing you up.”

“I think they’re fine.”

“Come into my office, and I’ll check them to be sure.”

Caleb and Pete excused themselves, while Jack and Jenna went into the office. Jack’s domain had an oak desk and file cabinets, a state of the art computer system, and posters of muscle cars—Camaros, to be exact—covered the walls. Stunned, Jenna turned a circle to look at all of them.

“You being a horse man, I’d have figured you for Mustangs rather than Camaros.”

“My dad had a ’69 Camaro when I was a kid. I hated when he sold it. I always wanted that car. There’s this place a few towns over. They restore classic cars. Caleb and I go down there sometimes and drool. Caleb’s a Mustang man. He likes the ’67 Fastback. They had a red one at the shop about six months back. I didn’t think I’d get Caleb out of there.”

“Why didn’t you ever buy a Camaro?”

“Didn’t have the money. Didn’t have the time. I don’t really know. I guess I could now. Maybe I will.” He shrugged.

The name of the shop was printed on the calendar behind Jack’s desk. September had a picture of a ’69 Camaro, black with silver racing stripes up the hood and over the roof. Of course, the requisite blond bombshell in a bikini stood beside the car with a sultry smile.

“That’s a nice car. I love fast cars. I used to have a Porsche. I loved to speed down the back roads.”

“A Porsche, huh. That’s an expensive car,” he stated, a touch of curiosity in his voice.

“The SUV I have now is okay, but there’s nothing like speed.”

“God, I like you. You’re not like any other woman I’ve ever known. You like cars, horses, even sports. You don’t even mind my dog following you everywhere and sleeping in your bed.”

Jack leaned back on his desk and drew Jenna in between his legs. She settled against him, locking her arms behind his neck. Jack gently grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. Again, the slight hesitation lasted a second and disappeared.

“I just want to touch you, but it seems whenever I do I end up hurting you.”

“It’s okay. Hold on to me.”

He did. They stayed snuggled together for a long while. Jenna stroked the back of Jack’s hair and absorbed his warmth. She needed to be close, to be held. To let the last of her fear dissipate and Jack’s strength seep in and fortify her resolve.

She’d had so little physical contact over the years. Being in Jack’s arms reminded her how comforting cuddling with someone could be. Before her ex-husband, she dated, had other boyfriends. She remembered feeling close, but this was so much more.

He kissed her neck and worked his way along her jaw. She tilted her head back to give him better access. Her hands traveled through his hair, down his neck, and over his strong shoulders. The ringing of her phone finally broke through the spell they weaved.

“Don’t answer that,” Jack grumbled. “I finally have you to myself.” He made a grab for her phone, but she quickly held it away, laughing at his little-boy antics.

“I have to, it’s Ben calling me back with some business.”

Jack let out a frustrated grunt, and she answered the call.

Jennifer Ryan's books