Saved by the Rancher

chapter Twenty-Seven

DINNER WAS A ruckus family affair with lots of laughing and joking. Jack tucked away the memories they made tonight. He loved having his family around, but adding Jenna into the mix made the night that much more special. She fit. With him. With his family. In his life. He’d have to give some serious thought about how comfortable and easy it was to have her living with him and what that meant for his future. Their future.

Everyone moved into the Great Room after dinner, some entertainment news program playing on the TV. The coffee table and carpet were littered with boxes, plastic, tie wraps, and toys. Caleb and he had already put Lily’s Jeep together. Lily couldn’t wait to try it out, so she’d been driving it around the Great Room before and after dinner.

Expectations ran high as they waited for Jenna to join them and explain who she was, and reveal her ex-husband’s name.

“Look, that’s David Merrick. He’s one good-looking man. Rich. Runs some huge company.” Summer watched the TV from the sofa along with Caleb, Jack next to them on the love seat.

“What’s the matter with Jenna?” Lily asked.

Jenna stood still behind the sofas, unable to take her eyes off the image of that monster on the TV. Jack jumped up and moved to her side. He cupped her face in his warm hands. The instant he touched her, everything inside her focused on him. Afraid of the image of her ex on the TV, she reached out for Jack and the safety, security, and comfort innately a part of him.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

“That’s him.” Barely able to speak, she saw Jack, but her mind switched to images of David hurting her and she flinched away. Jack refused to release her. “That-that’s him,” she stuttered. An eerie shiver ran through her whole body. She clamped her hands to Jack’s wrists near her face and held tight.

Summer pointed to the TV. “He’s been the most eligible bachelor for years now. He’s getting married to some socialite, they said. That’s the man who did this to you?”

“I’m going to be sick.” Jenna’s stomach pitched and rolled at the thought of some poor woman marrying that monster.

“No, you aren’t.” Jack tipped her chin up for her to see him. “Take a breath.” She tried, but couldn’t suck in enough air. Jack’s warm lips brushed a kiss to her forehead. The heat from his body, so close to hers, warmed the chill from her bones. She leaned her forehead against his chest, inhaled the familiar scents of horses, leather, hay, and just Jack. He kissed her head. “Come sit down,” he coaxed, and led her to the love seat and sat her down before she collapsed. His strong arms wrapped around her, protecting her from imagined ghosts.

Shocked, but trying to keep it together, she glanced at Lily playing on the floor.

“Summer, why don’t you take Lily for ice cream with Beth in the kitchen? She shouldn’t be here for this. I’ll wait until you get back to explain.”

Summer took Lily away. Jenna settled into the sofa, but Jack stood and paced the Great Room, pent-up anger vibrating around him.

Unable to keep silent, his temper flared. “I can’t believe that’s the guy who’s been hurting you. I swear to God, I’ll find him and kill him.”

Summer returned. “Jack, sit down. Let Jenna tell her story. Then you can rage.”

Jack glared at his sister, furious, then fell onto the sofa beside Jenna. After taking a very deep breath, he took her hand and squeezed it, offering her support. Softening, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “Tell us everything, sweetheart.”

“Now you know who, David Merrick.” Just saying his name left a bad taste in her mouth.

She took a deep breath and began her story. “He and his family run one of the largest corporations in the U.S. and globally. I’m sure you’ve all heard of Merrick International. I met him when I was twenty-four, attending the University of San Francisco, my last year studying computer science and graphic art. He’s eight years older than me. He was visiting the college and gave some speech on business. His family also donated a large sum of money to the business program, which I found out later. Anyway, he was walking with a group of students, talking, and one of them ran into me and I dropped my books. Upset the person wasn’t paying attention, he apologized for the guy and helped me pick them up. We spoke briefly and he asked me to dinner. I accepted. Ordinary, simple, an attractive and charming man asked me for a date.”

She took another deep breath and continued. “After several dates, he told me about his business and family. He was like a prince, rich and powerful, and he liked me. He took me to all kinds of places, dinners, the opera, and charity benefits. Very overwhelming, but wonderful. After three months and a whirlwind courtship, we eloped. His family was furious. They couldn’t believe he’d married me so fast. When they confronted him, he said, ‘I’m obsessed with her. I can’t live without her.’ At the time, it seemed sweet. He loved me so much, couldn’t live without me, and he stood up for me to his family.

“After two months of wedded bliss, things changed. He changed. At first, it was subtle. He’d make a disparaging comment about my hair, or my dress. He’d dismiss my opinion, or do something big without consulting me. The changes went from subtle to aggressive very quickly. Any time I talked to another man, he got jealous. He wanted to know where I was and what I was doing when I went to school. Soon, he made me leave school. He said I needed to be more involved in his life and business. I wanted to be a good wife, so I gave up school to make him happy. As a result, I lost touch with my friends. That was the beginning of his campaign to isolate me and keep me all to himself.

“His temper became volatile, so I thought it would be easier to give in. Soon, the jealousy turned to rage. We got home from a party late one night, his anger had been simmering for hours underneath the public persona he projects. He accused me of flirting with every man there, said I must be having an affair, and he slapped me. He said no wife of his would sleep around. I had stayed by his side the whole night, making his accusations completely irrational.” Lost in her memories, it took her a moment to break free of her past. “Anyway, that was the first time he hit me.

“Several more incidents happened. I ended up in the emergency room a few times. They never did anything. He’d make some lame excuse about his clumsy wife tripping in the garden and banging her head. No one would help me, or more accurately, go against him. He made several large donations to the hospital, and they looked the other way.

“He rarely left me alone. When I wasn’t with him, his people were watching. I had lost all my friends and feared telling my family. I feared what he would do to them if they spoke out against him. I feared being punished if I did, so I was alone in my misery.

“The last incident was the final straw. I knew I had to get out, or he’d kill me.” With a deep breath, she spit out the words, “He accused me again of cheating and threw me down a flight of stairs. I broke my arm in the fall, and he was forced to call an ambulance. He couldn’t stay with me during the X-rays. After they put the cast on, I snuck out of the hospital and took my chart with me. I ran and hid behind bushes and dumpsters, always looking over my shoulder, until I could find a way out of town.

“I hopped on a bus and found a cheap hotel several towns over. I stayed there for a few days until I recovered enough to visit the library and use their computer to find a lawyer. I found Ben. He helped me file for divorce.”

She looked at Jack. “Do you remember me telling you about the good work Ben does for battered women? He helped me, kept me hidden, set me up with a top-notch divorce attorney to keep his involvement a secret, and we went to court. The Merricks were furious because David never had me sign a prenuptial agreement. That left them wide open for me to take a large chunk of their empire.”

Summer leaned forward in her seat. “I remember now. They brought in a bunch of men who said you were having affairs with them. They also said you were a gold digger, who only married him for his money. The stories were sordid and terrible. They ripped you apart in the press.”

“Yes, they did. But in the end, I won. Remember I said I took my chart from the hospital. Ben and my other lawyer waited until the last minute to use the information. The hospital chart detailed my cracked ribs and the broken arm. David’s lawyer said I fell down the stairs on purpose, trying to get David’s attention. Things like that. It didn’t work though.”

She took a deep breath before she continued. “David didn’t know, but when he threw me down the stairs, I was pregnant. I lost the baby. He killed his own child. He couldn’t defend himself against that. Had I brought the charts into open court for the record, David would have been crucified in the press, which would have reflected on Merrick International. He and his family couldn’t afford to have that happen. So David was forced to settle with me. And I made him pay. I was awarded an astronomical settlement, including a sizable chunk of Merrick International.”

Summer was crying. Caleb rubbed his hand over his wife’s pregnant belly.

Jack sat stunned beside her. His eyes were sad as they connected with hers, but his hands were clenched into fists on his thighs, his whole body stiff as he tried to contain his fury. Nothing could have convinced her more of his deep feelings for her than him sitting there about to explode at the injustices she’d suffered.

Summer was the first to speak. “You lost the baby?”

“Yes, and I’ll never forgive him for that.”

It took her a long time to get past it. She’d learned to accept it was for the best. If she’d had the baby, David would have been a part of her life forever. He’d have had a hand in raising the child, and that was unthinkable.

“That’s why I took the money. The press accused me of being a gold digger, but getting a large settlement was the only way I could hurt David. I made him pay me off and hand over part of his precious company. His family was furious. The trial cast a shadow over him in the public eye. More importantly, I’ve done a lot of good with the money from my settlement.

“Ben’s firm partners with a shelter in San Francisco. I donate money and Ben handles the divorce proceedings and restraining orders pro bono. The child custody battles can get very expensive. Without representation, most women end up having to turn their children over to abusive fathers without so much as supervised visits. I pay for those cases. For every dollar Ben bills, I make another donation back to the shelter. Last year, the shelter raised enough money from me and other donors to buy an apartment building they use to house women in need. They also provide the women with vocational training and get them working, so they can support themselves. I give to other charities as well. Along the way, I’ve helped a few people privately. I turned my situation into something positive for others.

“Since the court case, I’ve been on the run. Over the last two years, David has managed to find me seven times. Ben employs some exceptional computer and financial guys to hide my assets and me, but somehow David always finds me. We haven’t figured out how he does it. I’m very careful about where I go and who I see. That’s why you needed to know. I never get close to anyone. I learned that lesson the hard way when he had my bodyguard killed.” Summer gasped at the news. “I don’t want anything to happen to you guys. I couldn’t live with myself.”

“I saw some men looking around outside the ranch the other day.” Caleb looked pointedly at Jack.

“One of the emails I sent to Ben directed him to hire men to watch the ranch. If David shows up, my hope is that they’ll take care of the matter before anything bad happens. I specifically have a couple of guards watching your house and Summer and Lily.”

Stunned, Summer’s mouth dropped open. “People are watching us.”

“From a distance, and only to make sure you’re safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you or Lily. So far, he doesn’t know I’m here. He’s out of the country. I don’t know when, or if, that will change. The one thing I can’t afford to do is think for a moment that he isn’t coming, because I know he will. It’s only a matter of when.”

She sucked in a deep breath and prayed they wanted her to stay. She loved being a part of this family, in even a small way. Most of all, she didn’t know if she could take it if Jack asked her to leave.

“What I need to know, is now that you know who I am and what could potentially happen if he finds me, do you want me to leave? I’ve put you in a terrible position by allowing you all to get close to me. If you want, I’ll leave. He’ll never know I was here, and you won’t be in any danger. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

“No!” They all said together.

“You understand? I know what he’ll do to me if he comes. I don’t know how far he’ll go. He might just come for me. But he could go after you to get to me. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to any of you.” It would kill her to leave them, especially Jack, but if it meant their safety, she’d leave immediately.

Jack couldn’t take any more, his voice gruff and laced with frustration, he said, “You aren’t going anywhere. I’ve told you that a hundred times.” He calmed, cupped her cheek, and looked her in the eye. “Hear me when I talk to you. I want you here with me.”

She leaned into his hand. Calm one minute, the next the situation got the better of him. “I can’t believe you have guards on my ranch.”

“Not that many, and only Caleb noticed. I’ll call them off if you want, but I want them protecting Summer, the bundle she’s carrying, and Lily.”

“Jenna, I can’t believe all this. How could he do this to you?” Summer asked.

She and Caleb had a wonderful marriage, full of love. Caleb would never hurt her. He’d never raise a hand to her. That hadn’t been Jenna’s experience, until she’d met Jack. She knew to her soul he’d never hurt her.

“Less than six months of marriage to someone who started out a prince and ended up the devil turned out to be more than I could bear. He’s obsessed with me. The first year after the divorce, he would find me and terrorize me. He’d threaten and try to convince me to give up my shares. He can’t afford to buy me out with cash, leaving only two ways he can get them. Marry me again, or have me sign them over to him. So, he threatens and beats me, hoping I’ll give in to his demands.”

“Why don’t you just give them back and put an end to this,” Jack demanded. “If this is all about something as stupid as stocks, give them back in exchange for your safety,” he pleaded.

Jenna wanted to laugh, understanding Jack’s need to think this could be solved so simply. Nothing in life is ever simple. “It wouldn’t make a difference, or change anything. Deep down, you know that. The shares are all I have to hold over him. I have a plan for those shares. I won’t give them back.

“After the first year, he became less obsessed with the shares, and more obsessed with me. He’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted, whenever he wanted it. He grew up spoiled and rich. He’s had everything and everyone at his beck and call, until I refused him. It’s made him crazy. He’s turned his obsession into a hunt. It’s a game, a challenge for him. He hunts me in between business meetings and playing golf. He thinks he can break me. So far, he hasn’t been able to, though I’ve had a few bad moments.”

She thought about her breakdown in the closet and freaking out in the barn when Pete walked up with the strap. In those dark moments, she’d often thought going back would be easier. One way or the other, this nightmare would end. But her fight and resolve would rally, allowing her to keep fighting.

Her gaze fell on Jack. Because of him, she had a lot to fight for now. “Not even this last time has made me want to give in, or give up. Soon, I’ll have the means to end the game. Until then, I hide.”

She took in all their shocked faces as they absorbed her words and situation. “So, I’ll say it again. Now that you know everything, do you want me to leave?”

All of them agreed. Shaking their heads, Jack answered, “No.”

“You don’t know how much this means to me, but I also want you safe. Do the guards stay, Jack?”

“I hate the fact they’re necessary. There just isn’t any other choice. I want my family and you safe. So, yeah, the guards stay. We need to figure out a way to end this though. We can’t all live here with guards and just wait for something to happen.”

“We won’t have to wait much longer. Like I said, I set a plan in motion, but it’s taking some time. I’ve almost got everything in place. Once I do, I’ll show David he can’t get away with what he’s done. If I have to, I’ll bargain for my freedom.”

“Bargain for your freedom. What kind of way is that to talk, to live?” Jack asked, having a difficult time accepting this as the only way to handle things. Ex-military, Jack needed a plan of action. Too bad, at this point in her plan, the only thing to do is wait until all the pieces fell into place.

“It’s the only thing I can do. What would you do if you had lots of money, but no power to use it? I figured out a way to get that power, and soon I’ll use it. He’s made me pay for leaving him, and I’ll make him pay for not letting me go.”

“What are you going to do?”

“That’s a whole other story. Let’s save that one for when my plan is complete. Trust me. You will be a part of it, if you really want to help me.”

“I’ll do anything for you,” he said and brushed his hand over her hair. “I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

“I would if it meant you’d be safe.”

“We don’t want you to go.” Caleb spoke and Summer nodded her agreement.

“Okay. Now that it’s all out in the open, let’s move on to something better. I’ll get Lily. You guys wait here. I have more surprises for you.”

She kissed Jack, stood, and ran a hand through his hair, satisfied when he gave her half a smile.

“What is she talking about more surprises?” Summer asked curious.

“I don’t know.” Jack stared toward the kitchen where Jenna had gone, wondering how such a kind, generous, wonderful person could endure so much and still manage to smile and light up his world. “Seems like this has been the day for them. Can you believe everything she said?”

“It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe about the baby. She must have been crushed.” Summer ran a hand protectively over her belly, unable to bear the thought of losing the baby growing inside her. Jack felt the same way. One more reason to stop this bastard for good.

“Think of everything Jenna will never have by losing that baby. She never got to see her baby, never got to touch him, or hold him and stroke his hair,” Summer went on.

Jack could only imagine. He already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life making Jenna happy. Now, all the more, he wanted to give her something that had been taken away. The thought of having children with Jenna bloomed into a vivid daydream. One he latched on to and promised himself he and Jenna would make a reality.

Jack put a hand over his sister’s swollen belly. Warming to the idea of having children with Jenna, a real family.

“Jenna’s got the strength to move mountains. Hell, she’s had to in order to survive that man. She deserves a better life, and I’ll make sure she has it. I don’t know what she’s planned, but one way or another, I’ll stop him.”

Jennifer Ryan's books