
“What happened?”

“That’s details,” she snapped. “And I’m not sharing.”

His eyes went to slits, but then he looked away, sucking in a breath. “Why?”

“Because I’m not ready to.”

“Is he the last guy? The one who broke your heart?”

Her lip trembled as she looked down at the floor, her breathing labored. She had forgotten she had told him that. “Yes.”

When Liam closed the distance between them, she was surprised when he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. Tilting her head back with his forefinger, he looked deep into her eyes as he pressed his forehead to hers.

“I would never break your heart,” he whispered, his breath hot against her lips.

Gazing into his eyes, she knew that he spoke the truth. There wasn’t a heartbreaking bone in his body. He was a good guy. Sweet. Perfect. Everything she needed but nothing she wanted. But what she wanted would always break her heart, and she couldn’t be his victim anymore. Not when Liam was begging for her love. She’d be an idiot to let him go.

“I know,” she whispered back, her eyes falling shut, waiting for his wanton kiss, but it never came.

“I’m sorry I pressed for information. I just don’t want you to be sad.”

“It’s fine, kiss me,” she demanded, but instead of his lips, his thumb traced her bottom lip.

“Kacey, do you know how much you mean to me?”

She opened her eyes and said, “No, but kiss me and show me.”

He smiled. “A lot, and I’m glad you trust me not to hurt you, because I won’t.”

She looked at him expectantly, but he just kept brushing his thumb along her lips, not kissing her, and it felt so forced. Jordie wouldn’t even talk this much, he’d kiss her stupid, letting his body and hands do the talking. Instantly, she was disgusted with herself. She had this good man wanting to talk and be sweet, and she was thinking of a foulmouthed asshole who broke her heart.

What the hell was wrong with her?

“I’m excited to meet your parents. I’m sure I’ll love them.”

“Yeah, they’ll love you,” she said on a sigh. “I can’t wait.”

He sent her a sweet grin and then pressed his lips quickly to hers.

The kiss was over before it started.

No fireworks, bombs, or sparks.


Just a pressing of the lips, and as he pulled back, his eyes bright, he said, “Me neither.”

And Kacey decided that she was unsure how long she could keep trying.

Because no matter how badly she wanted him to be, Liam Kelly was probably not for her.

Kacey was doing everything in her power to avoid Jordie.


But it was not working.

Coming out of the shower, she reached for her towel, wrapping it around herself, but when her eyes set on two round, bare butt cheeks, she groaned.

“Do you not know how to cover your ass up?” she sneered when she passed by a naked Jordie as he trimmed his beard. She tried so hard not to check out his buns, the perfect cut of his hips, and the muscles in his back, but she was having no luck at all. His body was a wonderland of muscle and skin—two things that really turned her on. She knew damn well he did this to drive her crazy; he knew she liked him naked.

A lot.

Turning, he leaned his hip against the counter and shrugged. “I never covered up before,” he said it so matter-of-factly? it set her teeth on edge. “Not a peep came out of that mouth of yours in the past.”

Glaring, she held her towel tighter to her body because he was, in fact, very right, and she’d also foregone anything to cover up her own body.

Easy access.

“That was back when we were doing it. Now, it’s inappropriate.”

His brows pulled together. “It is?”

Flabbergasted, she struck her hips with her hands. “Um, yes! I’m dating someone!”

“Someone you aren’t happy with,” he said mildly, his gaze not leaving hers.

“You don’t know that,” she snapped back.

Toni Aleo's books