
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone so that you can keep on acting like you do.”

“I do!” she yelled, but he just laughed.

As he looked over at her, his lips turned up a bit as his eyes darkened. “Okay, answer me this: when you kiss him, do you think of me?”

“You’re disgusting,” she sneered. “And you’re delusional. I don’t think of you at all.”

“Yeah, sure.” He scoffed. “Y’know, the sooner you realize that he isn’t for you, the better.”

Her brows actually touched and she was almost speechless. Was he on something? Sputtering, she yelled, “Better for who?”

“Me,” he said, and that time, she was speechless. But before she could even process what he was saying, he cocked his head toward her. “Also your tit is hanging out. Might want to tuck it back in before I touch it,” he said, causing her to look down in horror to see that her tit was indeed hanging out.

“You pig!”

With a naughty grin, he looked over at her, sending chills down her back. “Oh, sugar thighs, remember, you love the pig-like qualities I have.”

When he winked, her resolve almost cracked wide open. Crying out in frustration, she slammed her door and stomped to her dresser to get dressed. She swore that steam was coming out of her ears! He was positively evil and a royal pain in her ass. All week it had been like that, teasing and picking at her like they were buddies. And they definitely were not. He also kept saying little things like that. The kinds of little things that she practically had held her breath to hear before. But now, he was saying them left and right, and she didn’t know what the hell was going on!

She didn’t understand his game. But she was pretty damn sure she saw him naked more than dressed, and she worked with him for two hours a day. He was always prancing around with his cock out for her to gawk at, causing her, against her better judgment, to be hot and bothered. Thank God, Liam wasn’t putting out because there was a good chance she would imagine Jordie instead of him.

Which was a whole other issue.

She really needed to let him go.

The more time she spent with Liam, the more she knew he wasn’t it. Or maybe he was, but Jordie’s cock was beckoning her to the dark side. She really wasn’t sure, but it was all a fucking mess. Liam was doing nothing for her, and she felt as if she was doing what Lacey had said. She was grasping at straws. Trying to make something work with someone just to keep Jordie away. He knew she wouldn’t cheat, unlike Jordie. She was insanely loyal, but it wasn’t right what she was doing. It also would mean that Jordie would be right, and she hated to allow that. But she had to stop lying to everyone and herself. Because she didn’t love Liam. Not even in the least.

But hell, he was coming to meet her parents that day.

They were coming in to visit since they were dying to see Mena Jane and they still hadn’t sold their house. Apparently Karson and Kacey were chopped liver because all that mattered was their firstborn grandbaby. A part of Kacey was jealous that Karson had given them that precious gift. She knew good and well that her parents would be smitten with all their grandbabies, but she’d always thought she was going to be the one to give them their first.

But she was stripped of that chance.

Toni Aleo's books