
Karson gave him a sideways glance. “Don’t be a douche. But on that note, what’s going on with you two? She won’t even look at you or anything. You two used to be two peas in a pod, messing with each other and flirting and shit. You piss her off?”

“You could say that,” Jordie mumbled, and he knew that it was the time to come clean. Tell Karson that he loved Kacey, but this wasn’t the time or place. He really needed to sit down with him and apologize for hurting his sister. He wanted to wait until she was on his side, but he may need to do it before. Because he felt like shit lying to his best friend. Shrugging his shoulders, Jordie said, “Probably. You know how she is.”

Karson laughed just as Dave came out, beckoning him in. “She’s as prickly as a cactus for sure, but don’t be an asshole to her. She’s emotional as shit lately. See ya at the house.”

Jordie nodded as Karson disappeared inside before taking a deep breath in. Karson would flip his shit if he knew that Kacey was being emotional because of his stupid mistakes. Maybe he should have told him right there, just for the fact that there would be more witnesses.

Because he was going to need them.

Just as he went to pull out his phone, Shea came out, stretching his arms over his head. He looked over at Jordie and then pointed at him.

“We still good for Sunday?”

Jordie nodded. “Yup.”

“Good, Shelli is begging to see you.”

“Can’t wait,” he said with a grin.

“Okay, you’re up. See ya tomorrow.”

“Bye, Cap,” Jordie called as he went in. Kacey’s back was to him as she washed her hands. She was wearing some wind pants and a tight black tank, her hair in a mini little ponytail. He liked that she had grown her hair out—she looked gorgeous no matter what—but he liked to have something to pull when he was pounding into her. He always lost his grip with how short her hair was before.

“Lie down, I’ll be with yo—” She stopped when she turned, seeing who was awkwardly standing in her doorway, and her eyes narrowed.

Jordie quickly held his hands up, showing the Snickers. “I come bearing gifts, and plus, I really need my leg rubbed down. And who better than the girl who helped rehab it a bit.”

She wanted to say no, he could see it in her eyes, but then her eyes fell to his leg and the Snickers and he knew he was in. There was a commercial for the chocolaty goodness that said, “You’re not yourself when you’re hungry,” and that was Kacey. He always said she got “hangry” all the time. You had to feed the beast or she would eat you. Plus, she couldn’t say no to food.

Shaking her head, she said, “Fine, lie down and don’t talk. Put the Snickers on my desk.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, doing as she said before removing his shorts. Lying bellydown on the table, he watched as she continued to wash her hands, working her lips. He hated how worried she looked, almost as if it were taking everything out of her to be there with him at that moment. He loved how easy it was before. They’d only had to look each other and they’d know. But back then, it was too much for him to handle. It was scary how easy it was to be with her.

He hadn’t been ready.

But he was now.

He went to say something but then remembered she didn’t want him to talk. Biting his lip, he watched as she grabbed a pair of gloves, which confused him.

“What’s up with the gloves?” he asked and she sent him a look.

“I refuse to get slut on my hands,” she snapped back. “And didn’t I tell you not to talk to me? Because I don’t have to do this.”

“You don’t have to be so bitchy about it,” he grumbled and her head fell to the side.

“Oh, I don’t? Maybe you should have thought about that before you took my heart, threw it on the ice, and then slap shot it against the boards. Blood, guts, and pride flying through the air.”

Toni Aleo's books