
Turning the Snickers in his hand that he had gotten for her, he waited for Shea to come out. It was a ballsy move to expect her to rub him down after the intense workout she’d inflicted on him, but Jordie was a lot of things, ballsy being one of them. He was craving her touch like a crackhead craved a hit. He needed it, and if this was the only way he could get it without crossing the lines of her relationship, he’d do it.

He knew she wouldn’t cheat, nor would he ask her to. One of the many reasons he’d never gotten into a relationship was because he couldn’t not cheat. It was in his blood; his mom was notorious for it. But now, after everything, he knew he would never do that to anyone.

Especially not Kacey.

He wanted her, his happily ever after. And after everything he had been through, changing himself completely, sobering up, he saw things in a different light. His mom issue was still loud and clear, but he was working on it. He wasn’t done with himself. He still had a lot of work to do, but the great thing about Kacey was that she wouldn’t hold him back—she’d lift him up. And he needed that lift from her. He was ready. At least he thought he was. Hoped he was. Prayed he was.

Letting out a long breath, his nerves getting the best of him, his phone vibrated with a text.

It was Natasha.

Natasha: What’s up?

Tucking the Snickers bar in his pocket, he typed her back.

Jordie: Nothing much. About to get a massage.

Natasha: Mm. Sounds like fun.

Jordie: It will be. U?

Natasha: Nothing much, just saving people.

Jordie: You do it the best. Make sure not to get trapped in the shower with a hockey player with a busted leg. I hear they are trouble.

Natasha: haha. Trouble, indeed. But no worries, you’re the only hockey player I’ll blow in a shower.

Jordie grimaced a little. He’d kind of brought that on himself, but he was trying to be funny. Trying to keep it light with her. He liked his friendship with Natasha, but lately, ever since he’d told her about Kacey and the baby, she had been coming at him hard with sex. Basically serving herself up on a silver platter for him. Old Jordie would have jumped in dick first, but new Jordie had his dick and mind set on another.

Jordie: Good to know.

Natasha: Want me to come and visit? Meet in a shower? At least the busted leg won’t be a factor this time. We could do new things.

Well, then.

Jordie: As great as that sounds, I told ya I’m trying to get Kacey back.

Natasha: Yeah, but I thought she’s ignoring you, dating someone else? Why wait for someone that doesn’t want you?

He hated when she did that. Turned hateful when things didn’t go her way. She was a prideful woman, he knew that, but he’d never promised her anything. He hadn’t promised anyone anything. Hence why he’d pushed the girl he loved away.

Jordie: So? That won’t stop me. You know how much she means to me, I want her to be mine.

When she didn’t text him back right away, he shook his head, tucking his phone back in his pocket. He valued their friendship—she was a godsend through rehab—but he had to be honest. He wouldn’t lie to her and lead her on. Pulling his phone back out, he checked it for a text, but nothing. Letting out a long breath, he texted her once more.

Jordie: Don’t be mad. I’m trying to be honest.

Natasha: Whatever. She wasn’t there for you and I was.

Jordie: Because I didn’t allow her to be.

He waited but nothing. Yup, she was officially pissed. Shaking his head, he tucked his phone into his pocket and figured that he wouldn’t send her an invite to his and Kacey’s wedding. He was pretty sure Natasha wouldn’t come.

Hell, he wasn’t even sure Kacey would come.

Ugh. The drama.

“Who you waiting on?” Karson said, bringing his attention up from his phone.

“Kacey,” he answered and Karson nodded.

“Awesome. I don’t have time to wait, so I’ll get Dave, mainly since the thought of my sister touching my groin is gross.”

Jordie snickered since he thought quite the opposite. “Maybe for you.”

Toni Aleo's books