Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“What exactly are you feeling?” Rayna gave me this look that said she was confused or I was dumb as hell for asking.

I chuckled before explaining. “No,” I declared while shaking my head. “We're going to start something new. It’s called communication. To the best of your articulation, tell me what you’re feeling,” I requested, sounding like a damn therapist.

She looked to the wall directly in front of her to collect her thoughts. Then she belted, “I’m physically tired…confused…mentally exhausted. My neck is in knots from the stress. My joints are tight, too. I’m uneasy about what you must be thinking, although you’re still here. I’m wondering for how long before…” she paused.

Her eyes zoomed into the floor. I hated seeing this confident and fiery woman so insecure and vulnerable. This must be what Michelle knew of Rayna.

“Don't think too hard. We’re here...together...this moment.” I grabbed her hands and put them to my face, trying to capture her eyes. They eventually met mine. Ahhh...there she is. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m not in the know of what’s down the line for us either,” I pleaded in her eyes as I kissed her soft hands.

“Come on. Let's take a long ride,” I said as I rose from the chair.

“Where are we going? My flight leaves at one.”

“Oh, then you’ll be missing your flight, Ms. Brimm.” My eyebrows met my forehead.

She shook her head in contest of my itinerary. “Azmir, I have to get back to work. I've missed so many days over the past three weeks. I may not have a job.”

I was confused. “Are you telling me that you flew out here for just twenty-four hours? Rayna, that five hour flight is exhausting alone. If you think you’re bleary now, just wait ‘til you encounter your first patient tomorrow. You’ll be fatigued. You need reprieve.”

Her eyes left mine as if she were processing what I’d said. She exhaled before her rebuttal, “Azmir, I have to return. Now that Michelle isn’t here, neither is my job security.”

“Do you fear you’ll lose your job? Do they have legitimate reasons to terminate you?” I was in search of answers.



I didn't know where he was going with all of this. “Again, Azmir, my life has changed so much with losing her. She meant so much. She’s the reason those bastards didn’t clip me for walking in on a blow job,” I sighed, winded from the memory of that dilemma.

Not withdrawing his gaze from me, he pulls his phone from his waist, pushes a few buttons and holds the phone to his ear. A few seconds later, “Ed, Azmir Jacobs here. Yeah...I have a prospective client who’s in need of your aggressive services. She’s an employee of Smith, Katz & Adams Physical Therapy there in SoCal. Yup. She will need preemptive counsel to ensure they understand that any unlawful or faulty termination will not be tolerated from her crafty superiors. Yeah. Uh-huhn. Her retainer will be at your disposal expeditiously. Indeed.” He ended the call with his coochie creaming smile.

He returned the phone back in its holster, “Done. Now, contact Sharon and inform her that you will return on Wednesday. We need to go, a car is waiting downstairs.”

“Azmir, I don’t have enough clothes, or toiletries...” I pleaded.

“Rayna, last I checked A.C. has shops and boutiques where you can get whatever you need for an enjoyable stay,” he spoke in a manner that told me his decision was final.

Wearily, I relented.


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