Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“I ‘on’t know. ‘Dats why I’m calling you. I thought we could roll together. You ain’t never pick up ya’ gear.”

What Chanell didn’t know was that I didn’t know anything about Kid’s birthday bash in Vegas until she brought it to my attention that day over lunch. I thought Azmir would bring it up to me last night and he most certainly didn’t mention it moments ago during our brief conversation. So, I had no need to shop. I didn’t like the idea of him being danced on by strippers and I sure as heck had no desire to watch them.

“Chanell, I have no interest in watching strippers. I see enough moves by women in my dance class every week.”

“Oh, nah!” she exclaimed. “’Da strippers is for Thursday. He having a big ass party down there on Friday night. He got the major hook up. There’s gonna be performances and celebrities in ‘dat bitch!” she shrieked.

“I don't know, C. We’ll see. Did you arrange for the dancers?”

I can’t lie, I had to know if Azmir would be in that suite with a horde of naked, sweaty, and thirsty women wiggling for dollar bills.

“Yeah, ‘dat shit is official right about now.”

We wrapped up our conversation with me inviting her to text me a picture of a larger size skirt on and me giving her my deliberations that way. I didn’t really care to make so many trips to the mall. Saturday was more than enough for me for a while.

That evening went by so slow. The energy balance in the apartment was so off when the man of the house was away. He called to tuck me in, so to speak, but it didn’t cure my blues for him. I took note that he still hadn’t mentioned Kid’s party. I found it very strange considering how close they were. I had started to believe that he simply didn’t want me in on that part of his bachelor life. But when I thought about how his time in Vegas would detract our limited time together in between his heavy traveling it tore at my heart.

Chapter 10


The following day went by a little quicker. Work came with its peaks and valleys, but because I had a session with Pastor Edmondson, it accelerated once I punched out.

Pastor Edmondson informed me that he was made aware of my women’s group discovery last Thursday. He, of course, didn’t disclose his informant but did say that he explained to “them” that he was well aware of my living arrangements and had made it clear to me that though he doesn't condone my decision, he respects my walk with Christ enough to allow God to evolve my perspective on it.

He was totally honest. Pastor Edmonson lovingly demonstrated, biblically, why God disapproves of two people living together unwed, but made very clear that it was not his intention to force change of my lifestyle, only to infuse me with godly principles that would change my heart and from there I would willingly change my lifestyle. I didn’t quite get it at that time, but it never left my memory.

He laughed apologetically about the encroaching questions I got and sympathized with Azmir for coming home to the likes of Rhonda and the others in his living room gawking at him. My pastor was easy to talk to and uncompromising in his beliefs. I deeply respected him for that.

That Wednesday, as I was writing reports to wrap up my day before heading to dance class, I got a call from Azmir. He sounded agitated.

“Hey, you! What's up?” I tried masking my panic.

“I just spoke with Petey who reminded me that Kid’s thirty-fifth birthday party is going to be in Vegas this weekend starting tomorrow.” I was thrown partly because I’d already known and also because he seemed to have not!

“I was planning on coming home Friday and heading up to Santa Barbara with you for a quick overnight stay but shit, I gotta check on his birthday gift and at least be there for his birthday party on Friday night.

“It’s okay. Kid is special to you. I wouldn’t be upset if you went to celebrate a milestone occasion with him.”

Love Belvin's books