Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I was on the table enjoying the stretching of my muscles when he texted me checking in. He told me he would have to meet me at the club because his flight was delayed. I noted it was seven. The plunge in my anticipation level accelerated at record speed at that discovery. I was looking forward to arousing him in one of the two pieces of lingerie I’d purchased for the evening. I tried my best to shake it off. I did so successfully by falling asleep during my massage.

Two hours later, I was back in the glorious and spacious suite preparing for the party. Chanell sent a text asking to meet, but I declined. I had no desire to roll with her girls to a party that I would end up with Azmir at anyway. I took my time properly placing my lace undergarments and applying my make up. I loved my hair. The ponytail allowed for the highlight of my cheekbones, giving them more definition. I applied a burgundy shade of MAC lipstick and liner. Taking a deep exhale in the mirror, I appraised my final look. I was grateful that it all came together.

Wheeeeew! I had just hoped Azmir felt the same.

At the door, I felt the drawing energy before stepping into the club. There was an enlarged poster with the faces of the birthday celebrants outside of the main entrance. I smiled when I saw Kid’s high yellow complexion with neatly braided cornrows. He was fairly tall, trim and always warm to me.

I walked in and scanned the main room. Unsuccessfully, I tried spying the VIP section but it was strategically and obscurely positioned so that those in the common areas couldn’t see the activities of those elite patrons. I didn’t see anyone I knew so I made my way to the bar to order a drink.

Before I could do another read of the room in search of my party, a handsome Caucasian man with glowing green eyes and dark blonde hair sat on the bar stoop to the right of me with a gorgeous smile. I had encountered quite a few undeniably good looking Caucasian men since being on the West Coast, even gone out with a couple. I quickly assessed that this one would have definitely won my attention if I were available.

“You’re stunning in that dress. The designer should be paying you for advertisement. You’re hot!” he charmed.

I blushed at his cute attempt. “Why, thank you.”

“Aaron.” He extended his hand for me to shake it. I obliged.

“Rayna. It’s nice to meet you, Aaron.” Over his shoulder I thought I had seen Wop but it turned out to be a look-alike.

“Are you looking for someone?” he couldn’t ignore my distraction.

I smiled politely. “Yes, I’m here attending a party for a friend and I can’t seem to find anyone I know.”

“Are you sure you’re at the right club? It would be something if you were supposed to be at a different casino altogether.”

I shook my head. “No, I’m at the correct place. I saw his picture outside.”

“Which of the birthday boys? Sam, Man, or Kid?”

I was surprised that he knew them.

“Kid. How do you know him?”

“I coordinate and promote the parties here.” He handed me his card and I placed it on the bar next to my clutch. I had no need for it but he didn’t have to know that.

“How do you know him?” he asked with flirtatious eyes. He was being a little forward. I noticed his chiseled chin. Very handsome.

“We have mutual friends.” That was true when you considered Chanell and Azmir.

“Oh, okay because I was hoping you weren’t a close friend of his and he didn’t properly inform you that his party would be in a VIP area.” His chin was tilted making it clear he was flirting.

Oh! That’s where they are? I wondered if Azmir had even arrived yet or was he up in the suite preparing to come down.

“Oh, no! We’re not that type of friends.” I shook my head again. I immediately realized that the more I shook my head and the less I used my words the more he thought he had a chance with me.

“That’s good to know.” He winked his eye and I laughed at his persistence.

“Ah! She laughs! Now, I’ll walk you up to the party if you promise that I won’t find out that you are a good friend of his and break my heart.”

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