Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Pinky swear.” I wiggled my pinky finger at him.

He winked again. I pivoted to grab my clutch and suddenly smelled the most familiar and erotic scent. I turned my head completely to the left and found Azmir leaning on his side, into the bar flickering Aaron’s business card in between his fingers and wearing a cunning smirk. I gasped. He was dressed in a dark suit and I automatically wondered if he had even been up to the suite to change out of his business attire.

“Azmir! How long have you been standing here? I’ve been looking for you guys.” My heart rate had accelerated from his startling presence. He didn’t say anything or remove his smirk. He slowly tilted his head to get a sight of Aaron on the other side of me. I jumped, figuring I should do the honors. I scooted back enough to allow a clear view for them to see each other. “Aaron, this is—”

“Mr. Jacobs!” Aaron seemed to have been more shocked than I was to see him. “Is this…?” He couldn’t even complete his sentence. Wearing the same entertained expression, Azmir nodded in accession of Aaron’s summary of the situation. “Oh, man! I am sorry. I had no idea,” he tried to sound convincing.

Finally, Azmir rose from the bar and proffered his hand to Aaron, “Shit happens, Aaron. She’s a beauty. I can’t knock your ambitions—I have my own.” Azmir then took my right hand, kissed my fingers, and helped me to my feet. Aaron watched, still in shell shock.

“Errrr…I trust everything is to your expectations up there?” Aaron asked referring to the VIP section.

With his eyes surveying me from head to toe he replied, “It is now, Aaron. I had to find where she had lost her way.”

My face split a dorky smile and a giggle slipped. He could be so impassioned when he wanted to.

I turned to say, “Thanks, Aaron. Have a good evening.”

He nodded; I’m sure finding it best not to put his foot in his mouth any more than it seemed he just had. Azmir and I walked off with his hand gripping my waist, pulling my body into his. He whispered, “You look absolutely stunning, Ms. Brimm,” reaching down to kiss me behind my ear, causing me to shiver.

“Funny. That’s what Aaron said. See what the exuberate amount of money you had deposited into my account bought ya?” I teased.

He smiled as we took for the stairs leading to the VIP area and spoke even closer into my ear, “The only thing that I would spend more money on is peeling you out of this ensemble.” I puffed, shocked by his sensual wit in public. Then I heard bellowing and roars from Kid’s birthday guests. It was Petey, Kid, Chanell, and the crew, apparently relieved that I’d been located.

“There she go!” Kid yelled out clasping a bottle of champagne in his hand. He stood at our entering his arena. I could tell he was wasted already. Who could blame him, it was after all his day.

“Yo, Rayna!” Petey greeted. His short chunky frame and fluffy persona always warmed my heart. I saw Kim seated next to him waving excitedly and wearing a broad smile.

“Where was she?” Chanell howled over the loud music.

She was with a gang of slightly familiar faces that I’d seen over the past few months at local events. Some were friendly and others were down right rude and ghetto as all get out. They gawked and mumbled to each other, clearly talking about me. It never seemed to faze Azmir so I turned a blind eye to it as well. I greeted them all with hugs, one by one.

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