Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I knew no one typically served food or gave out favors for attending, but I also knew no one stayed in this area and all traveled considerably so I thought to extend my hospitality.

LaWanda exhaled, “Cool. Do me a favor and text me your address and I’ll send it out to everyone in the group by—” her words were halted by the opening of the door and we watched Azmir’s gait as he strolled in on the phone.

My surprise and horror didn’t allow me to catch much of his conversation, but I did hear, “I’m home now and about to go into my office to take a look at the numbers. They have to come better than that. This is a seventeen million dollar deal we have on the table.”

The silence in the room made me want to crawl into a hole and never return. The group of women were all standing at attention of Azmir’s tall frame wearing a light gray suit with a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the top. He had his gym bag strapped to his shoulder and his phone glued to his ear. He exuded all things alpha male in a place where estrogen dominated, making him prey.

He looked up and was stopped in his tracks with wide eyes, but didn’t jump like I thought he would, instead he played cool and flashed his charming smile. I was all too familiar with that smile. It’s the one that made your vajayjay cry in need. His face registered embarrassed once he realized what he’d walked in on. And all you heard was a chorus of gasps and appraisals.


“Oh, my gawd!”

“Who is…?”


“Is that her man?”


“Rich, I gotta go,” he ended his call and surveyed the vestibule. His eyes landed on me apologetically. “Hey,” he managed.

“Hey!” I stated in an overtly contrived manner, waving my hand with a faux smile.

“Hello, ladies,” Azmir beamed, trying to lessen the awkward moment that was taking place.

“Hiiiiiiiii!” the chorus sang in unison—this time.

I couldn’t believe there was an ounce of unity in this group, but of course it would be for a man. I discovered Azmir’s natural comfort of being in front of strangers. His response was graceful and it seemed that he was doing a bit of harmless flirting to soften the blow of my pending punishment for him coming in during the session. He unleashed his infamous coochie creaming smile, I wondered if it was purposely or just a common facial expression that simply had lecherous effects on all women. It was uncanny witnessing the reactions of the women knowing he’d had the same influence over me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I thought you’d be done,” Azmir was still addressing the crowd. I had a leading suspicion that he had forgotten about them coming over.

The choir broke into sections. “No, it’s okay.”

“You’re no bother.”

“We were just leaving…?” LaWanda prompted him for a name.

Azmir paused, looking at me to gauge my lead. I was still in shock and had nothing to offer. His 6 foot 4 frame stood at the foot of wolves ready to devour him. Heck—even I was a little turned on by his presence after being in a room with a bunch of women for the past three hours or so. His beauty was really a sight to behold, even after coming from playing ball.

“I’m Azmir,” he replied to LaWanda with his gazed fixed on me, still trying to read me. “I’m happy you guys came and trust you were able to share and impart a little knowledge on each other.” His eyes then ran across the crowd giving them individual attention and genuineness.

“Oh, yeah! We had a really good time!” Lisa’s buoyancy was on full blast. Wipe your mouth, girl! You’re drooling. A few other women echoed her sentiments, at least those who were able to speak and had come down from their lustful discovery.

Azmir’s gazed rested on me. I guess he picked up my alarm. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Have a wonderful evening and safe travels home, ladies.” He turned and headed down the corridor to his office.

Love Belvin's books