Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

When noon rolled around, I was still in with a patient, but was cognizant of the time as I knew the staff meeting had begun. My superiors were informed of my layover appointment and that I would be at least thirty minutes late. I returned to my office at close to a quarter after and sat at my desk. I felt exhausted and melancholy. I scraped together my things, searching my drawers for a writing pad when I laid eyes on my iPad that Azmir had sent over last week. I’d forgotten all about it and seeing it lying there intensified my blues. My stomach fluttered and my soul felt void. “I gotta be strong…move on!” Blu sang in I’ll Find A Way. I repeated those lines like a mantra all the way out the door.

The lobby of the rec center was flooded with folks coming and going, mostly whisking through to the cafeteria. I’d seemed to be the only body with a leisure amble in the entry way. I saw young Mark Littlejohn, a front desk receptionist, assisting someone at the desk. He was the same kid who gave me a tour when I was vetting Azmir before I met him. The sight of him made me smile because Azmir would always call him Young Littlejohn, endearingly of course. He was a rather short, brown skinned, twenty something year old, bright eyed kid. He was always pleasant and extremely articulate. I knew Azmir got a kick out of his size and delivery, hence the humorous moniker. I didn’t stop to speak, but brushed past the desk instead, en route to the elevators.

I stood among the large, gathering crowd waiting at the bank of elevators for the car. When I heard the bell alerting its arrival I wondered if I’d be able to make this trip or have to wait for the next available one. The doors rolled open and to my and all the others waiting dismay, the elevator was packed, leaving room for no one.

And I saw him.

My heart began to race and my breathing hitched. He wore a meditative expression while engaging some woman who was speaking to him with animation. The sight of him was magnetic and downright breathtaking. His head slowly pushed up and his eyes found me immediately, almost as if he’d sensed my presence. Azmir’s gaze on me was sweltering and undeniably arresting. I froze in place. I noticed his lips slowly parting. Before I knew it, the elevator doors started to close, but he leaped forward, catching one with his hands, interrupting the process. He threaded around a few people, out of the elevator and over to me. I stood there trying to manage my equilibrium while soaking in his arousing and very familiar scent. He didn’t say anything, instead he grabbed me, taking me by the arm and towing me down the hall, opposite of the lobby doors.

I had no idea where he was taking me, but his strides were purposeful. It had all happened so fast. I knew the main gym room, weight rooms, basketball courts and other amenities were there on the main floor, but what else was down there I didn’t know. Before I knew it, he had taken me to the back of the building, returning greetings to at least a half a dozen people on the way. I was immediately reminded of that night in the club, after Azmir knocked out my dance partner. He had me flying through the air, trailing behind him. This wasn’t that dissimilar.

We eventually stopped at the service elevator. Azmir pulled out a key, calling it to the main floor. In no time, the door opened and he all but pushed me inside. When I looked him in the face for an answer, he wore a scowl as he pushed the key into the control panel and pushed a few buttons, causing the doors to close.

“What in the world are you—” I tried to ask about his bizarre behavior, but he launched at me, covering my mouth with his, hungrily devouring me, and in no time at all, causing a guttural groan that I didn’t even know was possible to escape me. Azmir’s tongue attempted each inch of my mouth as his arm slipped around to the small of my back, pushing my belly into his erection. For the first time in my life I’d been lain out by a kiss. My legs gave out and my arms dangled behind my limp frame as fulgurate spikes of endorphins ignited delightful feelings of euphoria in his strong arm. We kissed hard, needy, and wild for what seemed like an eternity.

He let go of my mouth and lowered his forehead against mine. Panting, he breathed, “Come home…today. I can’t take this bullshit anymore,” as his eyes were sealed.

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