Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Before he could say one, my body quaked as my orgasm came coursing through, causing my torso to bow beneath Azmir’s towering, brawny frame. I let out whimpers in order not to give way to my threatening screams. Azmir held me tight and still worked his groping fingers on and inside of me, dragging out my orgasm until I wailed from sedation and could take it no more. He slowly pulled out of me and collapsed his back against the wall right aside me.

With a cool and collected demeanor, he licked his thumb and fingers that were inside of me and murmured, “My mother has been in town. I can’t keep pushing back dinner with you. I’ve run out of excuses. Dinner tomorrow at seven. I’ll have Ray come scoop you,” here is when I caught his Brooklyn twang.

My arms and hands were still splayed against the wall as I tried catching my breath and control of my delicate, trembling frame. “Azmir, I can’t,” I whispered with little energy to spare.

Unperturbed, he turned the key with his dry hand to start the elevator’s ascent.

“You can and you will. This shit is done. Now, I know you don’t have time; you’re late for your staff meeting. And I have to go call Yazmine to give her a final date and time for her first dinner in L.A. with my favorite girl.”

How did he know I had a staff meeting? Then I quickly realized since we’re using his facility he could have come across that information easily in a briefing with Peg.

Before I could give a rebuttal, the elevator had come to a halt and the doors parted.

“Your stop,” Azmir announced as he continued to lick his fingers as though they tasted of honey.

I was so turned on and ready to go, but I couldn’t let him sense that so I slowly straightened my dress and leaned over to pick up my belongings from the floor before exiting the elevator. I tried my best to maintain a dignified walk out and as I turned to my left, I heard Azmir’s deep vibrating voice inform, “You should hang right.”

I stopped in my tracks and did an about face.

The staff meeting was in full swing when I walked in. Jim Katz’s eyes landed on me and he cued Michael Shriver who seemed to have sped up his presentation on the latest marketing ads that would be posted in local publications and billboards. When he was done, Jim stood and announced the pending lawsuit that the firm was facing. He gave measured details, likely under the advisement of Brian Thompson’s legal team. That made me think of him…Brian Thompson and why was he not present to discuss this himself.

Just then, Jim mentioned that more pressing issues took precedence of Brian’s appearance for this meeting. He really didn’t give much away and that, coupled with my rendezvous in the elevator with Azmir, forced my attention elsewhere. The bottom line was that I was not the cause of the lawsuit and wouldn’t discuss it any further anyway. My skin felt flushed and my thighs were sticking, making me switch positions in my seat to find comfort. I could still smell Azmir’s delicious scent on me. Thoughts of his big hands being inside me caused my pearl to pulsate all over again. Suddenly, I craved him needing more…much more. My phone pinged, breaking from my lecherous zone. It was him.

Yazmine has been informed of our dinner plans tomorrow at Maggiano’s. Ray will be at your place at 6 sharp.

I was secretly turned on by his forwardness. But he didn’t have to know that.

If I decide to come I’ll drive. Thanks for the info.

Quite frankly, I wasn’t in the mood to put up a front for his mother. What role would I play? Roommate? Former roommate? I most certainly wasn’t his girlfriend!

Stop with the resistance. It’s over. I could feel his dominant nature come through that text.

I replied,We’re over Azmir. You can’t throw me into an elevator, take advantage of me, pull at my conscience of entertaining your mother and expect me to forget all that has taken place to lead us here! I’ll think about it and get back to you.

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