Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

My phone pinged again.I’m not taking no for answer Brimm. We can talk beforehand if you like, you name the time and the place & I’ll clear my schedule to make it happen but no is not an option.

Crap! He’s not letting this go. I tried my best not to look so distracted in this meeting. Azmir was pushing my buttons—in good and bad ways. There was so much I wanted to say. So many apologies and recent revelations, but it wasn’t the right time, nor did I believe this thing with Azmir was a sure thing.

Azmir, I haven’t heard from you in nearly a week and you expect me to comply with your wishes of dining with your mother? For what…to explain to her that as your former “roommate” I can assure her that you’re a great bed-warmer? I don’t mean to be rude but you have to see things from my perspective. Dawn is an issue for me. Heck, Tara is a huge looming issue! I don’t think I can do this again.

I readjusted myself in my seat and widened my eyelids to keep from tearing up. Seconds later, another alert appeared.

It was Azmir:I’ll move around my schedule. We’ll talk.

“When?” I shouted in my head. I didn’t respond because I didn’t know how to reply to that. I’d suddenly become so frustrated and being holed up in a humdrum staff meeting didn’t help at all. That entire afternoon didn’t help lift my mood. I resumed to tending to my patients and putting out administrative fires.

I took the scenic route home, needing to think about this thing with Azmir. Things weren’t any clearer or less complicated just because he fingered me in his service elevator…though it was a nice method of release. My breasts swelled at the memory of his sweet breath hitting the side of my face. My panties were soaking wet by the time I hit my doorstep.

I didn’t see the sedan around and I was relieved and satisfied with my decision to not call the police. I changed into a cropped sweat suit and sneakers, grabbed Azna’s leash and called him out of the door. We took a brisk walk on the beach. Between the emotional tailspin Azmir put me in and my randy state, I needed the fresh saltwater air. The sun was setting on our way back to the house. Azna’s stride slowed and I knew I wore him out. I picked him up and pet him gently.

“I’ll fix ya’ something nice and warm as soon as we get in,” I sang in his ear.

I turned up my walkway and saw Azmir’s long legs, squatting on my steps as he sat serenely on my front porch. His gaze had the same affect on me as it did earlier. It excited me internally. I let Azna down and he ran straight over to Azmir, just like a child would do its father. Azmir seemed just as thrilled to see our pup. Azna’s tail wagged with frenzy in Azmir’s arms. I walked up the steps, next to the two, holding back my smile and noticed two bags behind Azmir; one clearly containing two bottles of wine.

Azmir’s dangerous eyes met mine. “You’ve cut your hair.”

He’d noticed, though he didn’t make mention of hit earlier.

“So I have,” I shot back, not caring about the traced venom.

He didn’t like it. I could see it all in his eyes. Though I didn’t like his disapproval, I didn’t care. I needed a new identity. And to spite him.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure. Please.” Nervousness was in my voice.

An hour later found us on the couch, working on the second bottle of Pinot Noir and laughing hysterically. Expensive gourmet Japanese food containers were spread across the coffee table and Azna was on the adjacent sofa chair, spread out in slumber.

“Wait! Chanell and Wop? This sounds like a story she’d be sitting here telling me about someone else!” I was in the midst of a laughing fit.

“I know. I swear, I didn’t believe it when Petey called me. It was a good thing Petey knew the arresting officer because they would’ve been in lock up.” Azmir chuckled sexily just before taking another sip from his glass.

I couldn’t catch my breath. “He was that loud?”

“Yes, she was slapping the shit outta him, riding his little ass in the backseat.” Azmir shook his head at the image.

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