Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Ms. Brimm!” I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. It was a little alarming because outside of work, only Azmir addressed me by my last name and that clearly wasn’t his voice. I turned to find Brian Thompson standing with his hands over the shoulders of a beautiful adolescent girl with glowing brown skin and hair spilling over her shoulders. Her smile was soft yet admirable.

Thompson looked good in his blue jeans, gray button up shirt and violet sweater vest. He had style. His eyes bounced between mine in elation and wonder. My breath caught. Not only was he a sight for sore eyes, but I had completely forgotten about inviting them. When I extended the invitation, I was so wrapped up in a vindictive web from my heartbreak. Those maleficent feelings that I honed in yesterday were now temporarily at bay, seeing all of my supporters there.

“Brian! You…you guys came. This must be your niece, the future dancer,” I beamed, extending my hands to her. I didn’t realize that she had been holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for me until she extended her arms for me to retrieve them. Brian’s eyes squinted seductively, which told me the flowers were his idea.

“Oh, wow! Thank you. My name is Rayna. What’s yours?” I asked the young girl. There was something endearing about her eager and innocent eyes.

“I’m Brandy. Brandy Thompson. You rocked on that stage! I never knew I’d get so much interpretation from that song. It was like watching a video, with the artist performing it!”

“Wow, Brandy. Thanks! It makes all the months of choreography, edits, and additions worth it, hearing those appraisals from you.”

“You choreographed that?” her eyes widened in amazement. It suddenly hit me. Seeing her reminded me of Erin. Oh, how I’d missed her.

I looked up at Brian, all of a sudden overwhelmed by her excitement. “Y-yes…we all choreographed our acts tonight. Only a little help from our instructor.”

“That’s awesome! I would love to be a part of something like this someday!”

Her animation seemed genuine, so I tried to appease her. “I can take you around back to meet the instructor. Maybe he can point you in the right direction.” I gave her a wink.

She bounced up and down on her feet, eventually turning to, without words, ask her uncle’s permission, to which he responded, “How can I say no to my favorite little girl.” His smile was cool and comforting like an uncle’s should be.

I turned to see all inquiring eyes locked to our exchange, it was very unnerving.

“Errrrr…Brian, Brandy, these are family-friends…Kid, Wop, Chanell, Kim and Petey.” I smiled, still feeling anxious about the mixed company. Suddenly, the job of hosting these folks posed daunting. “I’ve never invited guests to see me dance. And what support I have the very first time! I’m feeling kind of lucky tonight.” I tried unsuccessfully to lighten the atmosphere. I got a few mirthless laughs, even smirks, but Petey gave nothing. I tried not to show my concern.

“Yo’, Rayna, come back here. Should be something for you,” Petey basically ordered territorially.

Oh! Not you, too!

Petey and I walked to the back of the auditorium to find a tall man with orange hair dressed in livery, holding a long tan box. I guessed by the way we gaped at him he had an inkling that we were the right group to ask.

“Rayna Brimm?”

His eyes bounced around all the females of the group. I didn’t look to see if Brian and his niece had followed us back. But I did catch when Chanell pointed to me. He advanced toward me, handing me the box. I thanked him and noticed Petey slide him cash. I opened the card attached and right away admired its rich stationary. It read:

Orange roses represent Pride and Fascination.

Congratulations on a job I know was well done.

I am all too sorry that I wasn’t able to be in the audience,

but I’ll hold onto my front row experience

a few months ago at your former home.

Forever Missing You,

A.D. Jacobs

Love Belvin's books