Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

There was something about Dawn Taylor that was different from Tara, Spin, and all the other women vying for Azmir’s attention on a daily basis. Dawn wore a speck in her eyes that told me she was different…dangerous even. I didn’t like what my gut was warning me of. I wish I knew if she reached out to him again or what his response was to the texts I’d read that morning in Vegas!

My mind churned until revelation smacked me in the face. I jumped out of the tub, splashing water every which way until I got to my towel. I didn’t bother drying off. I just wrapped my body and went straight for my iPad that was on the coffee table of the sitting room there in the master suite. I typed in the web address to Azmir’s mobile service provider and clicked on “My Account”.

My heart raced as I typed in a password that I wasn’t completely sure was correct, but I had to try. I didn’t feel the floor once the screen refreshed to a page that read, “Welcome back, A.D. Jacobs”. One hundred kilowatts of dopamine coursed through my brain and I jumped up and down, deliriously enthused by my discovery.

It was the password he’d given me last month when we were having problems with the Internet while he was away. I needed to call the provider to rectify it and though I didn’t expect for him to allow me to make the call because he usually had staff to do everything, he did and provided me with a password. I had hoped he was like 98.9% of the population who duplicated passwords for the sake of sanity when they need to call upon them.

I clicked away until I was able to pull up his texting records. It took the hassle of starting my search from present day all the way back to the day we were in Vegas, and once I was there I had to decipher the messages to locate Dawn’s. Once I did that, I made a mental note of her number and scrolled down the columns until I found it again…and again. And again? My heart was ripped from chest when I saw the nauseating amount of times her number appeared. I followed their exchange that started the TUESDAY NIGHT HE WAS IN CONNECTICUT!

Dawn wrote: Azmir, I can’t stop thinking about our encounter earlier. I hope this does not put our business relationship at risk. Shayna doesn’t deserve to lose a heavy account because I can’t exercise self control. I am so sorry…well, kinda.

A few hours later, Azmir wrote:Like I said, no sweat…shit happens.

Dawn replied immediately. Are you upset over it? I really wish we could have a do over…not that I have any regrets about any of it. I just wish I knew what you’re thinking.

It was just a kiss. No biggie. Sleep on it. Azmir replied sometime later.

Okay. Let me know if you need to talk about it or if something will change between us…professionally or personally.Dawn followed up with that immediately and that apparently ended the conversation because Azmir never replied.

The cogs of my mind started rotating—right away, quickly and hard! There was a few hours of delay from Dawn’s first text and Azmir’s response. I checked the times again. Azmir kissed her just before Facetiming with me. His delay was because we were…busy being intimate. Suddenly, I recalled asking Azmir if would join me in my masturbatory indulgence. He declined, saying that he’d had all the indulgence he needed for the night.

Adrenaline shot through my veins and I started feeling a myriad of emotions and physiological responses all at once; betrayal, pain, anger, cold chills, self-pity, loose limbs, confusion, an up-rise of bile…bile…BILE!

It was rising from the pits of my belly when I took off to the bathroom and hurled face first into the toilet, barely making it. I hugged the frigid porcelain bowl as though my life depended on it. The upchuck didn’t last as long as the ones over the weekend, but it was just as forceful.

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