Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“No, no need. I think I can find my way to the door.” Dawn had suddenly regained her forcefulness.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I snorted as I stood to my feet and rounded the table to lead her out. Behind me, she maintained a steady stride to the door. I could hear her shoes click clack down the corridor and into the foyer. As I grabbed the knob of the door, my mood had started to settle. I don’t know if guilt had hovered in about chewing her out because of my sensitive issues, but whatever it was, I wanted to end her visit on a good note. “I’ll have an answer on the proposal by the week’s end.”

The sound of my voice arrested her tread and her stance settled and softened as she acknowledged my words. She gave a lungful exhale, taking her chin down with it, contemplatively, and immediately brought it back up. Without provocation, she pounced on me, bringing her delicate right hand up to my shoulders and taking the other to pull my head down. Dawn dashed her tongue down my throat with determined force. Her tongue was lithe and the taste of brandy mixed with traces of mint along with her unique flavor turned me on.

Without deliberation, I lowered my head and took her at the small of her back, welcoming her in. Her movements slowed at a rate that told me she had switched from impulsive to cruise control in her audacious move. Her left hand stroked the back of my neck. She was getting comfortable on my person. Not wanting to be overtaken, I flickered my tongue in her mouth seductively, causing her to push out a gut-felt moan. When I let her catch my tongue, she sucked on it and moved her right hand down my abdomen in search for the hem of my T-shirt.

She was aggressive and I’d suddenly come to the realization that that’s what drew me to her. I enjoyed her initiative, her fierce nature. She was out on the prowl for my attention and had been making that damn clear. Any time before the present-day it would not have been an issue for me at all, I’ve been pursued by countless women and regularly, but that was the one thing that I didn’t have with Rayna. Dawn lacked indifference. It felt good to be assured of. Dawn’s hand brushed passed my pelvic area, sending a tingling sensation down to my groin. That fractured my lewd state. If I didn’t stop, I would be fucking her against the foyer wall.

I pushed back. “Dawn, you need to go. We can’t do this. It isn’t possible right now.”

Her eyes were lost on my words. She was hungry. Within the blink of an eye her face crinkled as if reality had finally hit her at the moment.

“Shit,” Dawn panted heavily and with both her hands she rubbed the frustration from her face. “Azmir, I hope I didn’t fuck anything up.” She couldn’t even look me in the face. It was probably for the best.

“Don’t sweat it. It never happened.” I tried to sound as assuring as possible, but I needed convincing, too. I couldn’t believe my lack of restraint. I exhaled while holding my head. “Are you going to be okay getting back to wherever you’re staying?” My voice was involuntarily calm.

“Ummm…yeah…yeah, I-I’ll be fine.” She moved up to catch the handle of the door and took two steps before turning back to me. “I’m sorry for...” She was at a loss for words, something I didn’t think was possible.

I shook my head as a means of telling her that all was cool then I watched her leave. My head was spinning in confusion and self-abasement overtook me as I padded to my room. I didn’t know how I was going to pull off the upcoming Facetime chat with ol’ girl.

I went into the bathroom to splash water on my face, hoping it’d help clear my mind. Hesitantly, I took a furtive glance in the mirror and noticed the red stains of Dawn’s lipstick around my mouth.


My chest tightened. Since Rayna, I’d grown obsessed with traces of lipstick on my body. But only from her lips. The gloss and matte colors that matched her divinely soft skin, not another woman’s.

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