Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Everything done with and for Rayna was done so with great effort, with everything I had. No challenge was met with unexceptional attempt. She was worth my time, efforts, and resources. I’d put it all on the line for her, even if she didn’t quite know this yet. I decided right then there to take my time with her. Tearing down those stubborn walls made of keloids derived from her past—whatever that represented to her. I would give Rayna my all.

Within five minutes under my adjuration, Rayna was screaming my name so loud and hard that I’m sure the entire marina heard her satiated cries.

Her yelps of pleasure was so palatable that I was near explosion my damn self.



Time blurred past after Azmir left for business that Tuesday. I’d busied myself with dance class, bible study, and my counseling sessions. Ironically, Pastor Edmondson started exploring the phenomenon of love and how it varied to the wonder of being in love. We had only gotten half way through it before the session was up and I couldn’t get any more questions out, but I’d had a lot of time to think about how it applied to my life.

Usually when Azmir left, I’d longed for him from day one until he returned to me, but this time around my endurance was assisted because I had long days and even longer nights due to my show on Saturday. It had also helped that we video chatted nearly every night.

The Facetime conferencing started off slow and odd…yet interesting that first night he was away, but over the course of a couple of days they had evened. I don’t know what it was about that first night, but Azmir had seemed withdrawn. He didn’t give me the impression that he didn’t want to talk however, he appeared peculiar, almost preoccupied. He struggled through it to coach me on how to give myself an earthshattering, toe-wiggling orgasm, something I’ll never forget. But something was off.

Toward the end of our Facetiming experience, he mentioned that he’d just come from a Greek event with Eric and Mark, something I found hilarious considering they actually looked the aristocratic Alpha type. Azmir got a good laugh when he asked me if I’d pledged during my academic career and I explained that I’d considered it, but quickly realized it wasn’t for me, though Michelle went ahead with it and pledged Delta Sigma Rho. She was the sole Caucasian on that line and did not care. And I was extremely proud of her.

Thursday came and I’d been preparing for Saturday by keeping the song I was covering in my ears, on repeat every chance I got. I needed it to seep through my pores so that I could excrete it through my sweat when I hit that stage on Saturday. Work sped by in a flash and before I knew it, I was at the dance studio with Jimmie who cursed me out every which way he could imagine.

“You’re fucking up, The Lost One Found!”

“If you’re gonna go this soft, you might as well get “lost” before Saturday, The Lost One Found!”

“Shit, would a drink loosen those stiff ass muscles, The Lost One Found? You need to get the stick from up your ass!”

No matter how hard I tried I kept missing drops, being delayed for beats, and my kicks were never swift and correctly aligned. I’d started to worry that I chose the wrong song. I was embarrassed and pissed to no end. Jimmie all but kicked me out of his studio that night.

I headed straight to the marina, frustrated and filled with anxiety. I was soaking in the tub, sulking and trying to figure out what was biting at me. It didn’t take long for me to get honest with myself and admit that I’d put those texts from Dawn Taylor to the rear of my mind since Vegas, and not to mention her surprise pop up visit to Kid’s party had really rattled me. Azmir’s distance that Tuesday night still haunted me as well.

Love Belvin's books