Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! EVEN THOUGH YOU BETRAYED ME. LIKE A FOOL, I STILL LOVE YOU! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, AZMIR!” I howled from the pits of my belly over the last stretch of my orgasm.

Never in my life had my brain been so mis-wired and detached from my body. The experience was surreal. I hated him in that moment. Hated his strong-willed nature, hated my need to be dominated by him in order to express myself. Hated myself for being so weak and in love.

Azmir exhaled audibly. He started to plunge harder and deeper, he held me to his chest so strong and possessively. He pumped into me insanely until his erratic breathing finally told me he was ready to climax. In an instant, he laid me back down on the dining room table and pulled out of me with sharp withdrawal and I lay there in disbelief as I saw hot, rich semen shoot from him onto my body. It wouldn’t stop. The first of a series of squirts landed on my chest, nipping my chin, then my upper abdomen. Azmir’s body jerked with every gush. Another round landed on my lower belly and finally the last of it hit my pelvis, stretching down to my sex. As I watched each spurt and its landing, my gaze went between it and Azmir’s empty eyes.

When he was done, there was arctic silence that was so startling, I cried. I was laid out on the top of Azmir’s dining room table with my legs hiked beneath me, looking at his extracts splayed across my body, weeping at the despondency that swathed his existence. Where did he go? He was not my Azmir.

My sobs grew vocal, but he was unfazed. He reached over me and once again, smeared his semen, this time over my chest, breasts, rib cage, belly, and finally my vagina. His touch was course and devoid of affection. He was marking me, branding me like some animal. He didn’t have to say it. It was understood. This was his response to my delayed obedience. To my betrayal.

He sauntered off into the living room and pulled up his pants. Seconds later, I heard the slamming of his office door.

The tears wouldn’t stop.



I was fucking pissed. Sitting at my desk, breathing erratically and wanting to punch the shit out of something, I tried to collect myself, center the rage that surged from my gut to the surface of my being. I watched her on the surveillance monitor. Still spread out on the dining room table, still sobbing uncontrollably. As much as a small part of me wants to go and console her, I can’t summon the compassion to do it.

Fuck! I smeared my semen on my lady’s face and her body, marking her like some fucking caveman. It felt good. Dominion. She looked so bruised. So raw. So tamed. The only time I can control Rayna is when my dick is buried in her—or my tongue. This shit is spinning out of control, my world is off its axis. I’ve forfeited my control over it for a woman who runs from me at every turn.

I jolted from my chair when she moved, watched her like a vulture. Rayna better not try to make dash out of that door or I swear with everything I have, I will drag her little ass back in here by the roots of her hair if I have to. Caveman is right.

Shit! What is this?

I knew what it was. She had acquired my heart and I needed to possess her. She is fucking mine. All of her! Every inch of her hair, every cell on her precious body.

I watched as she sat up on the table and observed my sperm plastered from her chest to her thighs, my seeds coating her torso. The sight of it made my dick rock hard. Animalistic, I know—and incongruously, I don’t give a fuck. This—this is what she does to me.

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