Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Rayna stumbled from the table, trying to find her balance. I had her legs pinned up so high, I needed to reach the depths of her. She’d feel the echoes of my dick for days. As she should. I watched as she wobbled feebly into the living room, collecting her things. My fingers gripped the sides of my chair and my tense shoulders leaned forward, ready to lunge out of my office if she fucking touched that doorknob. My heartbeat accelerated and I felt the perspiration misting just above my eyebrows. She was not fucking leaving me. No way. Not again.

I sighed of relief when she turned right, toward the back of the apartment. All praises be to Allah for her good senses. She stopped at my office door. I couldn’t believe I was in my office watching this shit go down as if it wasn’t my life. She was feet away, at my door, contemplating her next move as I watched her raise her fist, prepared to knock. Within seconds, her arm recoiled and she cupped her mouth and cried silently.

Again, I fought to comfort her, to lift her in my arms and pour my shredded heart out to her in hopes of her understanding my position and the need for her to be patient with me and ride this shit out. But I didn’t. Visions of Brian Thompson’s cock-sucking lips reaching hers riled up my inner G who doesn’t do comfort. We defile, destroy, and take what we want.

Every time I replayed the image of him reaching for her face, I felt sharp pains in my dick. I wanted to kill him. I considered it as I cocked the shit out of his face, aiming for his lips. The lips that touched my lady. If I could’ve thought of legal ways to kill him and pay my attorneys my entire fortune to preserve my freedom so that I could be with Rayna, I would have. He let her get drunk and tried to fuck her. I knew that would be next. I’m a man. We fuck our prey, and he’d been patiently waiting for the right opportunity. If I had not been there, at that very moment when they returned. If I had not made a turn around trip. Had not told the pilot to keep the plane juiced. Had I not believed her letter, attempting to terminate us. It would have been his cock inside her and this would have played out a lot differently.


The first officer on the scene was a former employee of mine, who asked me to leave the parking lot immediately and contact my attorney, expedited my trip home to deal with her. To make sure she didn’t run again. This had been the cycle of my life; I fuck up, she runs, we fuck, she stays. But this time was different. She ran to the arms of another man. How do I deal with this?

Rayna turned on her heels and headed to the master suite. Wise decision. Her loud sobs down the hall tore my heart from my chest. But I’m a G. I just sat there feeling it justified and my growing problem solved. She complied. My dick got hard again. Fuck!

Control is a dangerous addiction, but it’s even more hazardous when its fleeting. Suddenly, I felt the need for another swig of brandy. I needed to relax. My phones’ constant ringing snapped me out of my trance. I wasn’t surprised when I saw damn near fifty alerts. I knew people were calling about the incident in the parking lot. My assistants, attorney, and PR team.

I just needed to get to Rayna first so when I left the scene, I shot over to her place, washed the remainder of Thompson’s blood from my hands so that I could scoop Azna and some of her clothes and toiletries. She would not be returning there to stay. It was clear to me that Rayna didn’t know how to handle time apart.

I took some time to return the calls, starting with Chesney, my spitfire attorney, to give him a run down on the situation. He, in turn, called my public relations people. I knew Dawn and Shayna would have much preferred hearing from me, but I had other people to reach out to and in all honesty, everything they needed to know could have come from Chesney and his legal associates. I reached out to Petey with the details of my next move with Thompson and then called Brett with instructions for the staff, particularly those who were out there in the parking lot. I asked him to expect a media briefing from Chesney’s firm as to how to address the media and/or Thompson and his legal team.

Love Belvin's books