Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Rayna!” April gasps.

“Not that it changes that what I did was wrong, but Rayna, I don’t have two million dollars just laying around in my trust fund.” Britni sniffles, sobering from her previous emotional breakdown.

“No, you don’t,” I retort. “However, you do have a substantial amount in them.” Over the years, Britni has made it known that both her parents and two of grandparents had created trust funds for her.

Her parents separated when she was young and both did well, as did her grandparents. Although she still works, Britni could have taken off time after school and traveled, per her father’s suggestion. She can afford it. The amount of the lawsuit is steep under the advisement of Azmir’s fire-breathing attorney, Chesney. Lady Spin’s doubles Britni’s, and the radio station’s lawsuit exceeds them all.

I exhale as I fight down the threat of my anger resurfacing on this matter. “Look, Britni, I don’t want the money. I couldn’t care less about receiving anything from this ordeal outside of a sincere apology. But we don’t know how, if, or when this mess will hit Erin. She doesn’t have her mother to apologize to her or provide an explanation for her careless behavior. She also doesn’t have parents to pay her college tuition. How about we negotiate a number that you will contribute to her college fund and we call it even? We can agree on a percentage in the single digits of the total lawsuit figure. I can have Azmir’s attorney write up the paperwork.”

With her little nose as red as Rudolph the reindeer, Britni nods her head ardently. “Of course. I don’t have a problem at all contributing towards Erin!” she cries.

“And you can relay the same offer to Spin.” I take a sip of my water. My mouth has been going unusually dry as of late and talking so much doesn’t help. “But don’t think her cut would be comparable to yours; she earns a lot more than you do, I’ve been told.” I’m forgiving, but nobody’s fool.

“Yeah, sure. I’m sure she’ll be relieved,” Britni answers excitedly.

“My God is magnificent!” April yelps with her arm stretched to the heavens like a hat lady in the second pew. I see her vocabulary has even changed since being with this Greene guy.

Just then, the sommelier comes over with a bottle of wine. “Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. Jacobs made me aware of your visit tonight with your friends. Please…” He lifts the bottle. “…let me offer you a bottle of Petrus Pomerol 1998, aye?”

“Thanks so much,” I feel myself blushing at the gesture. Azmir can be so sweet. “I won’t be drinking this evening. But let me not stop my friends here.” I glance at the ladies.

“Please,” Britni motions to her glass.

“I’ll pass, too,” April declines.

He places the bottle on the table before leaving.

“So, have you told Rayna how your hot ass got preggo by the good reverend?” Britni asks with a plucked brow as she takes a slow sip of her wine.

“Brit!” April admonishes her. “I told you not to open your fat mouth!”

My mouth drops. I knew something was off, April is known for throwing them back. Her refusal of wine should’ve set off alarms right away.

“I was about to ask you before Britni walked up on us,” I share, aghast. “April, he’s like the pastor in training! How has his people taken the news?”

April rolls her eyes as she goes for her glass of water. She takes a sip and then murmurs, “They don’t know yet. And we can’t push up the wedding. His church is part of a worldwide organization. There are people coming in from countries I never heard of. His parents won’t hear of it…if we tell them. So, I don’t know what to do with our little love bug here.” She rubs her belly gingerly. I find my right hand sweeping across my belly. “I mean, I don’t understand what the big deal is. Who waits until marriage for sex nowadays?”

“Well, clearly not your whorish ass.” Britni clinks her glass against April’s. April forcefully places her glass down on the table. “Awwwww…c’mon, April! Don’t be a sour puss. You know that Bible-toting man was not prepared for your sexual prowess.” She laughs, and mine sputters out this time.

An unwilled smile hits April’s lips. “Girl, I victimized that church boy in his daddy’s office after my second Thursday night prayer service.” We all broke out in fits of laughter at that. By this time our food is arriving. The waiters go about setting the table as we quiet down.

“Holy shi—I mean, crap! Do you know how much this bottle costs?” April nearly shouts in a forceful whisper out of nowhere.

“How much?” Britni goads her.

“Around fifteen hundred bucks!” April’s eyes are wild and wide.

“Well, we’ve already known that Rayna snagged a baller!” Britni shares and April hums her agreement as she stuffs her face with penne a la vodka.

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