Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“I was checking out the ambiance. Look at these benches and chairs. Very chic.” She compliments as though she knows, though I doubt she does. Unless you’re in the know of local business and investments, you’d never think Azmir would finance an Italian restaurant.

“The food is just as good, if not better,” I add.

“Mmmmm! Good, I’m starved,” she says picking up the menu.

I notice she rubs her belly and I’m just about to toss a question when the hostess announces, “Mrs. Jacobs, the last of your party has arrived.”

I look up to find a Britni with a nervous grin applied to her well made up face. She’s wearing a fitted, green mini dress with a cropped denim jacket and military ankle lace up boots, making the look appealing. Britni has always been able to do that.

“Yes! Brit, you’re here. Now we can order,” April squeals as she trains her eyes back to the menu.

I notice she doesn’t stand to greet Britni like she did me, but I guess it’s because they are in touch. Britni sits at the head of the table, so none of us are seated next to each other. As if on cue, the waitress comes and takes our order then sets off to put them in to the chef.

“Rayna,” Britni calls out tentatively. My head shoots up from the menu. “I’m glad you agreed to meet up.” Her eyes speaks more than her mouth. Britni knows she crossed the line with that video.

“Hmmmmm!” April hums facetiously from across the table. Even she’s been compromised by that video.

I settle my eyes back onto Britni and give a peaceful nod. “I’m looking forward to getting things out in the open,” I offer because I am.

I’ve been having mixed feelings about this viral video since my conversation with April. There are so many things I’m responsible for regarding my relationship with these two women, which is why I easily agreed to tonight.

“Well, Rayna,” April begins as she reaches for the bread and butter. “Brit and I have squashed our beef about the video. Before coming back to you about it, I had to discuss it with my fiancé first. It was difficult to do, but I knew it was the right thing and had to be done. Needless to say, I wasn’t very happy with Ms. Thing over here.” She tosses a manicured nail across to Britni who looks to be reduced to a petulant child.

“Anyway,” she stuffs bread in her mouth. “My Gerald is still all for marrying me despite my former loose ways and wild days. You got hitched since it, so it didn’t exactly end your life. So, Brit and I have squashed it and I’m hoping you two can too, Rayna.” April managed all of this with a full mouth.

Before I can speak, Britni says, “Rayna, it was wrong what I did. I was being reckless and immature. I didn’t think of what it would do to you. And please don’t think I hate you or anything because I’ve never hated you.” Britni’s eyes are glossed. I can’t believe she’s fighting back tears. “It’s just that you were always so…ironclad that when the woman came and asked for something that would rattle your cage, and I knew it wasn’t you on the tape so it couldn’t ruin you exactly, I didn’t think you’d be all that upset. I was drunk when Spin and I met up with the Dawn girl the night after the concert. I told her I went to school with you and she asked about racy…perhaps drunken pictures and that’s when I thought of the video. It was the first thing that came to mind. And when I told them you weren’t even there, Dawn said it didn’t matter.” She sniffled.

“It was stupid of me, I know. I didn’t think of Michelle…didn’t think of Erin,” she choked on a cry. “I swear, I’m so sorry.”

April grabbed a cloth napkin from the table and offered it to Britni. I wasn’t expecting this Britni. She’d always presented like a carefree wayward preteen to me. People change. And her admitting to tarnishing Michelle’s memories lightened me. She seemed genuine and that appealed to my resolve.

“I forgive you.”

I notice April’s hand that had been caressing Britni’s from across the table halt. Britni’s red eyes shoot over to me and her brows furrow. April’s face mirrors Britni’s.

“C’mon, guys. I’m not ruthless or cold-hearted. Britni made a bad call,” I explained. “…a horrible call. But April’s right; all is well in spite of your callous actions. I’m in a different head…and heart space right now. I’m…” I take a moment to decide on my next word that describes my current state. “…happy. I don’t know…maybe I wasn’t happy until recently…or perhaps I didn’t know how to be more than just content with living so independent of everyone except Michelle.” I shake my head and allow the smile that’s begging at my face despite myself. “But now I know there’s more to life than holding on to things that will allow you to miss out on being happy. So, yes, I forgive you, Britni.”

“Oh, my god!” April releases a hefty breath and slaps her chest. “I thought I was going to have to hold you down and beg you not to continue with that nasty lawsuit!”

My head jerks back and a grimace forms on my face simultaneously. “Oh, I didn’t say that I’d abandon the recompense for the damage,” I state vehemently.

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