Love Redeemed (Book #4)

I kiss his shoulder, then trail my tongue to the crest of his ear, applying soft bites. I stroke him strong, feeling empowered from holding his massive extension in my hand. The most intimate firmness belonging to a virile commanding leader of a thriving conglomerate is being commandeered under my ministrations. This type of power is heady, dangerous even. He is at my control. He needs this release. He needs me to anchor him, to level the pressures of the world.

Azmir’s face pivots and his hand shoots up, gripping the back of my head, bringing my mouth down to his. His tongue lashes wildly in my mouth, pouring his carnal desires and sentiments into me. He’s helpless, vulnerable, in need of me to bring him to this. My hands work feverishly in jerking him and he groans in my mouth his pleasure. His slick tongue holds no prisoners, flapping deliciously into my mouth and I moan my approval. Azmir’s breathing suddenly becomes distressed and I know he’s on the cusp of his release. My hands pump harder and I feel his strong hip thrusts meeting my fists, creating a sensual staccato swishing sound throughout the room.

Our collision is hard, urgent, and wildly impassioned. His tongue threads my mouth just as urgently as his lap thrusts into my fists while I’m propped up behind him. I work diligently and can even feel my upper arms numbing, but I’m too caught up to stop. I’m dedicated to the process. I won’t halt my rabid strokes until he says. Which isn’t too much longer.

Azmir’s neck jerks back and his pelvis slams into my fist midair before suspending there. “Raaaaayna!” he cries out as he heaves violently in my arms.

I swallow his cries in my mouth. I moan as if I’m soaring right along with him because that’s how powerful this bond is between us. He is me and I am Azmir Jacobs. I am his partner. I have his back. I cover him with everything I have. I will be whatever he needs, whenever he needs me to be it. And right now he needs me to be right here with him, decidedly. And I am. I love this man.

After a few minutes, I pull myself from behind him and take to the bathroom. I return with a warm wet washcloth to clean him and when I’m done, I grab his clothing. I assist with them, starting with his socks, then his boxer briefs. When I rise to his hips, I angle myself to keep from hitting his heavy appendage. I can’t believe he’s still rock hard. But that’s my big guy; always ready for more. I’ve had too many awkward moments hanging in this arena of his anatomy. I notice he’s watching me with lazy eyes. But these aren’t defeated eyes, they’re exhausted ones.

I take his T-shirt from the bed behind him, and move to pull it over his head. He assists. When his arms come down and he adjusts it around his torso, I mutter, “I’m going to get us something to eat. We haven’t eaten a meal all day.” Azmir nods. “And then I’m going to put you to bed so you can sleep.”

I turn on my heels towards the door and on my way I stop and look over my shoulder to remind him, “DND for the rest of the day.”

Azmir snorts and flashes me a bit of that panty-snatching smirk that does all sorts of things to me. I head to the kitchen to fetch some sustenance for my big guy and my demanding belly.

Chapter 18


“Mrs. Jacobs, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” the hostess greets me. I wish I could recall her name. I believe it’s Rose. Azmir and I have been eating here so much lately; I should know the entire staff’s names. “One of your parties has arrived. This way, I’ll take you to your table.” Her smile is pleasant and I follow on her heels, feeling grateful to be without John, a huge concession on Azmir’s part. I now feel like a grown-up again.

As we approach the table, April’s face comes into recognition. But hardly. Something’s different. With each step, I can pick up her features more distinctly. Her face is rounder…slightly plump, and her skin isn’t its usual porcelain shade. She’s glowing as she rises in my approach.

“Rayna,” she greets on a guarded grin. I’m sure that’s because of her history with my foul reception. “I’m glad you could make it.”

I go to extend my arms to hug April and at the same time, I thank the hostess who leaves. I take the seat across from her.

“I’m glad we could meet, too. It’s been so long. So much has changed,” I mention with my life transition in mind while trying not to eagle eye her plump belly that rubbed against mine during our brief embrace.

“I know!” she exclaims, clasping her hands together. I settle my blazer and purse as she speaks. “And this restaurant pick is awesome! Gerald and I heard about this place and said we’re going to give it a try. It’s been the talk for a couple of months now. I’m glad you chose it. Have you been before?”

“Ummmm…yeah. A lot actually. It seems to have grown to become Azmir and my favorite spot as of late.”

Especially since he now owns it. But I wouldn’t dare utter that. Azmir’s money still makes me uncomfortable. It’s so easy to forget about because when we’re together, he’s far more than his prestigious reputation to the world.

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