Love In Between

“We’ll get there eventually, but you’re going to have to give me space, and as for Brynn, don’t expect miracles, because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive her.”


As Mary and I got up from our chairs, she hugged me. “I’m going to go now and give you the space you want, but please keep in touch. You’re a very lucky woman to have such a wonderful man in your life. Even though I don’t know him very well, I can tell he’s a great man; and he’s very sexy too.” She winked.


As I smiled at her and walked her to the door, she turned to Luke. “I’m counting on you to take care of my daughter.”


“Don’t worry, Mary, I’ll take excellent care of your daughter.” Luke grinned as he winked at me.


Shutting the door behind her, Luke walked over and pulled me to him. “I’m so proud of you. It took a lot of strength to try and mend things with her; that’s one of the qualities I love about you, Lily.”


“Oh yeah?” I smiled as I nipped at his bottom lip. “Tell me what other qualities you love about me.”


His hands began to travel up and down my sides as he softly kissed my lips. “I love how soft your skin is,” he whispered as his lips traveled to my neck. “I love how perfect your ass is,” he said as he squeezed it with both hands. “I love how beautiful and firm your tits are.” He smiled as he pulled the strap to my sundress down and exposed one breast, taking it in his mouth and lightly sucking my nipple. “But most of all, I love how wet you get when I touch you,” he whispered as his finger dipped into me.


I moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair, threw my head back, and brought one leg up to his waist so his finger would deepen inside me. My body instantly knew pleasure when he touched me. Hell, it knew pleasure just by the way he looked at me. As he removed his finger, he looked at me and smiled. “Come on, babe, let’s take it to the bedroom this time,” he said as he picked me up, carried me, and gently laid me down on the bed.














As Lily and I were snuggled against each other in bed, I heard my phone beep. I reached over, grabbed it, and read a text message from Maddie.


“Adam just called and talked to Charley. He said that he’s sorry and something came up, so he won’t be able to come visit her. She’s devastated and won’t stop crying.”


I closed my eyes, and Lily asked what was wrong. I showed her the message from Maddie, and she instantly felt bad for Charley. I was relieved because I didn’t want him anywhere near her, but I felt sorry for Charley. I kissed Lily on the forehead and sent a message back to Maddie.


“Typical douchebag, Adam. I’ll be up there in a second.”


I sighed as I climbed out of bed and looked at the clock, which read 6:00 p.m. Lily and I got dressed and headed upstairs to Maddie’s apartment. As I opened the door, Maddie walked over and told us Charley was in her room. I could hear Charley crying down the hallway. As Lily and I stepped into her room, we saw Charley lying face down and crying into her pillow.


“Hey, peanut,” I said as I rubbed her back.


“Go away, Uncle Luke; I don’t want to talk to anyone,” she sobbed.


“Your mom told me about your dad, and I think it’s pretty crappy what he did, but he’ll come see you soon.”


“You don’t know anything!” Charley snapped at me.


Lily walked over to the bed and motioned for me to move down. “Let me try,” she whispered.


As she sat down on the bed, she began to tell Charley about her father.


“I know what it’s like to be disappointed by your dad, Charley. My dad disappointed me almost my whole life.”


Charley turned her head, looked at her, and sniffled. “Really?”


“Yeah, really,” Lily answered her in a soft, sweet voice.


“But he promised, Lily. He promised me that he would come see me,” she said with a pout.


Lily took her hand and started stroking Charley’s hair. “I know he did, sweetie, but sometimes when you’re grown up, things come up, and it can hurt the ones you love. My dad made me a lot of promises that he didn’t keep. Sometimes, he wouldn’t be home for my birthday, even though he said he’d be.”


“What did you do?” Charley asked as she sat up.


“I cried, just like you are right now, and then I got over it, because I had plenty of people at home who loved me, just like you do.”


“But I wanted to see him,” she whined.


Lily pulled Charley into an embrace and kissed her on the top of her head. “I know you do, sweetie, but sometimes certain things can’t be helped. You have to be a big girl and move on.”


As Lily looked at me, I smiled. Seeing her with Charley was incredible, and all I saw when I watched her was the mother of my children.


“Thank you, Lily.” Charley smiled as she looked up at her.


“You’re welcome, baby.”


“Hey, what about me?” I asked as I leaned over and began tickling her.


Charley giggled and tried to push my hands away. “Thank you, Uncle Luke.”


“How would you like to spend the night over at my apartment tonight? We can dance, eat a bunch of junk food, sleep on the floor and, best of all, we can watch scary movies!” Lily said with excitement.


“Really?!” That would be so fun! Can Uncle Luke spend the night with us?” Charley asked.


Lily looked at me; then she twisted her face as she looked at Charley. “Are you sure you want boys at our sleepover?”


“Only Uncle Luke.” Charley giggled.


Lily leaned over and kissed me. “I guess he can come, but he has to behave himself.” She smiled.


“Is that so?” I growled at her.


As Lily and I got up and walked out of the room, I told Charley to pack her bag. We walked into the living room, where Maddie was sitting on the couch.


“Charley is going to have a sleepover at Lily’s tonight, if that’s ok,” I said.


She looked up at me and smiled. “That’s great, Luke. Thank you, Lily. I’m sure that made Charley very happy.”


Charley came running down the hall with her bag. “I’m ready!” she squealed as she kissed Maddie goodbye.


SANDI LYNN's books