Love Beyond Compare (Morna's Legacy, #5)

“Nu-uh.” I pulled away. “I’ve had my moment. It’s your turn, I think. You look like you’re in pain.”

He laughed and kissed me quickly before leaning into me and pressing his forehead against my own. “Aye, I am in pain, Jane. Pure agony. I need to be inside ye.”

I stood on the tips of my toes as I moved my lips to his ear, allowing my lips to brush his skin as I spoke. I could tell by the way his breath caught that it stirred him.

“Then take off your clothes and get on your back, Adwen.”

His whole body jerked in a needy quiver. Without hesitation, he stepped away and removed his clothing.

“God, you’re beautiful.” The words tumbled from my mouth effortlessly. Taut muscles lay beneath smooth skin that was far darker than my own.

My eyes travelled curiously downward. I swallowed hard as my eyes rested on him. It was one thing to feel him with my hands; it was another thing altogether to see the size and length of him standing in front of me.

He grinned as he saw where my eyes landed.

“Is it too much for ye, lass?”

I looked up, regaining my composure as I walked over to him. He stood with his back facing the bed. Placing one hand on his chest, I pushed him backwards.

I raised both brows and glanced down at him as he scooted back on the bed, and I crawled on top of him.

“I think I can handle it.”

He reached for me then, pulling me so that our naked bodies spread across one another in heated fury. Our lips met as we tasted one another, our lips and tongues moving with such haste that we could scarcely breathe on our own.

I moved his hand in between my legs, and he groaned in acknowledgement of my readiness, lifting my hips so that I could sink down over him. Slowly, I lowered myself onto him and cried out as my out-of-practice body shifted to accommodate his length. He filled me completely.

He moved to pull my head down to meet his lips as he tried to roll me over so that I would be beneath him. I protested, rising up to push him down with my hand.

“No. Lay back.”

Our pace built quickly as we moved together. Before long, we were both lost in the sensation of the other. He held on, waiting for me to cry out before releasing himself inside me. Shaky but happy, I collapsed next to him and he pulled me into his arms.

We lay silently for a time, each of us catching our breath as the aftershocks of our pleasure coursed through us. I glanced over at Adwen and smiled, curious at his expression.

“What is it?”

“What do ye mean, Jane?”

He turned so that we lay facing one another, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

“You look…I don’t know, your expression is surprised or something.”

“Aye, I think I am.” He turned and lay back so that he stared up at the ceiling.

“About what?”

“I am no a good man to either say or think this, but I’ll tell ye. With every woman before, when I would lie with them, I dinna look at them as I should have. I dinna see the color of their eyes or take in the shape of their mouth as they peaked beneath me. They were a blur of flesh and heat but little more. And afterwards, I dinna want them beside me, dinna wish to see them again.”

He paused and stared up the ceiling. It was a vulnerable confession and one I knew wasn’t easy to admit with me lying right next to him. He twisted once again, facing me as he placed one hand on the side of my face, gently brushing my cheek with his thumb.

“That is the way it has always been for me, lass. But now, as I lay next to ye, all I can see is the bright flecks of blue in yer eyes and the way yer lower lip trembled as ye cried out. I believe I’ll remember every curve of yer body until I die, Jane, and I’m more likely to chain ye to my bed so ye never leave it than I am to escort ye out of it.”

I leaned in to kiss him, my heartbeat picking up pace in response to his words. I ran my hands down his chest as I leaned into him. “I was afraid you were going to say something about the sex. Normally ‘surprise’ isn’t a good thing in the bedroom.”

“No, lass, I verra much enjoyed bedding ye, though that was surprising as well.”

“Was it? How do you mean?”

“I am accustomed to lassies behaving as if they doona know what to do inside a bedchamber, though ’tis evident verra quickly that they are no as pure as they’d have me believe. Still, they behave as if they are. Ye dinna do that, Jane.”

I shook my head in acknowledgement. “No, of course not. Why would I?”

“Does it no bother ye that I knew ye were no a virgin?”

“No. In my own time, I don’t think it would ever be assumed that I was. Do you wish that I was?”

Adwen sat up and leaned over me, pressing his body hard against my own as he bent to kiss me, his tongue plunging deep into my mouth before he answered.

Bethany Claire's books