Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

There's a beat of silence and then, "Whoa. Back up. Last episode, he had Catty Barbie hanging on him and you were wiping down her foot."


"I didn't wipe down her foot," I snap, "Just her shoe. Anyway, you missed the episode where he picked me up after work, explained that she is the daughter of a business associate and they've messed around over the years and now she wants him but he has no interest in her and he had the event with her planned months ago and couldn't get out of it. Oh, and he likes me, like really likes me and wants to get to know me better. And by better, I mean, whether I like Dramas or Action flicks, but also, like, pack your bag, you're spending the night with me better."


"Wait," Landon says, "Was that last night's recap of Beverly Hills Housewives or what happened with Jake since Friday night?"


"Very funny," I say. "You're not helping here, Lan. I'm freaking out. This is not my life. This stuff doesn't happen to me. Last Saturday night I was at home on my couch curled up with a good book and seriously thinking about getting a cat because I was kinda lonely and maybe there was a really sweet kitty at the shelter who could use a good home, and could I afford to add possible vet bills to my budget? This was my thought process and my biggest concern of the moment last week, Landon."


"Okay, Fancy Face, slow down. You really are starting to concern me a little here. First off, you don't have to do anything that you're not ready for, okay?"


"Well, that's the thing, I think I do want this. That's the crazy part. I like him. He's sweet and thoughtful but he's also intense and kind of bossy and he kind of freaks me out, but he makes me feel good too and I, well, I think I want to give this a chance. Is that crazy?"


Landon is quiet for a second and then, "No, babe, not crazy at all. Holy shit, my baby girl is growing up. He's a lucky son of a bitch, you know that right, Fancy Face?"


"Thanks, Lan," I whisper.


"Okay, now let's get down to business. What panties are you wearing?"


"Um, red lace," I say, "Matching bra."


Nicole had given me two sets of sexy bra/panty combos on my twenty first birthday, telling me that that was my year and she had a feeling I was gonna need some amazing underwear. Turned out she was just a little off but now I couldn't be more relieved that I had something pretty to wear since there was a chance that Jake was gonna see my underwear tonight.


Oh God! Panic!


"Perfect. Where are you going?"


"He's cooking for me at his place."


"Cooking for you, huh? Sexy. Listen, Fancy, my best advice to you is to relax and let things play out. You feel comfortable, you go with that, you don't, you let him know and if he likes you like he says he does, he'll let you set the pace."


"Okay," I whisper, and "You know I love you, right, Landon Beck?"


"I know, Fancy Face. How could you not? I'm very lovable."


I laugh and the doorbell rings.


"He's here! Gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow," I whisper.


"K, babe, If you don't, I'll hunt you down. Love you, too!" He says back and I quickly hang up.


I open the door and Jake smiles huge when he sees the overnight bag in my hand. And God, will I ever get used to how good looking he is? He's just this big, strapping man and I want to do dirty things to him. And, holy smokes, it's like I don't even know myself anymore! Cool it, Evie!


He leads me out of my apartment and when I see movement against Maurice's keyhole, I knock and say "'Night Maurice!" As Jake leads me to the front building door, I hear Maurice from behind his door say, "'Night, Evie."


He drives me to his condo downtown, telling me a little bit about his day, which sounds basically like meetings, meetings and more meetings.


As we're driving, I wonder about something and ask, "Speaking of work, how'd you know when I was getting off work today?"


"I called The Hilton and told them I was picking you up and forgot what time you told me to be there," he says.


"Hmmm, sneaky. I don't think they're actually supposed to give out that information."


"I'm very persuasive," he winks.


"Yeah, kinda getting that." I mutter.


We drive into an underground parking garage and he pulls into an assigned spot, then helps me out of the car, taking my small bag from me.


He uses a key card to open the door to a back stairway and then leads me to a beautiful wood paneled elevator, types in a simple code (I can't help noting that it's 1234 which doesn't seem like high security but it's not my business) and pushes the button for the top floor.


When we step out, there is only one door in front of the elevator which means his condo takes up the whole upper floor. Oh wow.


He unlocks his door and leads me in and I take in the huge open space in front of me. There are tall windows on every exposed wall, and I look out them at the beautiful city view. To our left is an obviously high end, modern kitchen with black cabinets, black granite countertops and stainless appliances. The furniture is contemporary, all straight lines and minimal embellishment. The color scheme is mostly black and gray, with accents of white. It's all stylish and sleek and obviously expensive and I completely hate it. It feels cold.


Jake is looking at me and says, "Corporate condo. You don't like it."


Am I that easy to read? "No, no!" I say, "It's really stylish. I was just thinking that it needs a little warmth. Maybe some colorful throw pillows or something." And oh my God, am I really giving him decorating advice? Shut up, Evie.


He smiles though. "I agree. I just don't know how long I'll be in this place. I'd like to buy something eventually."


He leads me further inside and takes my jacket as I go to the window and look out at the city under a twilight sky.


I feel Jake's warmth before his body actually touches mine as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me, pulling my back tight against his hard chest.


Mia Sheridan's books