I grinned, listening to Blaze's announcement that Dani was pregnant. It was good being here, back with the club. It was a whole different kind of vibe now, with Blaze at the helm. Lighter, somehow. Calmer.
It probably had a hell of a lot to do with the fact that I was calmer now, with the kids, June at my side. I was taking a ration of shit here now for that fact, but not too bad. Everybody knew I was doing custom paint jobs on bikes now, had gotten a pretty good rep for it. So it wasn't like I'd just walked out of here and donned a suit or something.
Even if we drove up to the clubhouse in a goddamned minivan.
I watched June from across the parking lot as she scooped potato salad onto Holly's plate. I couldn't shake this feeling of satisfaction - pride-looking at her.
It was nice coming back here. The club was part of my past, and I'd do anything to help any one of them. But June, my kids over there? They were my future.
And that was exactly how it should be. If my dad were somewhere up there, looking down on me, I knew he'd be proud.
Of all of us.