Holiday Games

He came around and faced her, dragging her bra down her arms. Her pants were next, and she held on to his shoulders while he tugged them down, then looked up at her, pulled her by her hips toward his face.

He nuzzled her sex, making her draw in a deep breath. She’d missed this closeness, this passion they shared when it was just the two of them. And when he drew her panties down and put his mouth on her sex, her legs trembled. Gavin grasped her thighs and held her in place as his tongue and lips did magical things to her clit.

She threaded her fingers through his dark hair as she watched his tongue roll over her clit. “You make me want to come. I’m ready. So ready.”

He put his lips flat against her and sucked, catapulting her into orgasm. She rocked against his face, crying out as her climax sent her reeling. When he stood, she cupped the back of his neck and brought him down for a deep, soulful kiss that only made her * quiver more.

Gavin pushed her onto the bed and dropped his jeans. He was inside her a heartbeat later, her * still spasming. She tightened around his cock, feeling every inch of him thicken inside her. And when he began to move within her, it was the sweetest pleasure, a reminder of why she loved being with him. He knew just how to touch her, the exact rhythm that would get her primed and ready to go again.

When he ground against her, she lifted up, making sure he was buried deep, loving the look of fierce passion that furrowed his brow, the dark, predatory need reflected in his eyes that told her he was right there with her.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and held him there, her body hovering on the brink of oblivion. He knew it, too, because he stopped moving, and it was as if the earth had stopped spinning, as if the two of them were suspended in space. All she could hear was their breathing, all she could feel was the hard pounding of their hearts against each other and his cock twitching inside her.

It was heaven, and pure, torturous hell at the same time.

Then he kissed her, drove hard within her, and she shattered like a broken lightbulb, every piece of her gloriously illuminated from the inside out as he shuddered and came with her. He groaned against her mouth, his tongue twining with hers as they rode out their orgasms together.

Out of breath, she held tight to him, so glad to be home and in his arms. Because nothing was more perfect than this.

“All is right in my world again,” she said, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

He disentangled and pulled her against him. “Mine, too. I had fun this weekend, but I’m happy to be back home. Happy to have you back, too.”

She tilted her head back and he brushed his lips against hers.

She was glad to have this idyllic moment with him, because she knew the next few weeks were going to be anything but calm.

Chapter Seven

Nathan had come home, and Tara and Mick were having everyone over for dinner to welcome him. Plus, he'd brought his girlfriend with him, and he wanted to introduce her to the immediate family before the wedding so she wouldn’t be too overwhelmed.

Which immediately made Liz curious because she’d known nothing about this girlfriend.

“Did Mick tell you anything about her?” Liz asked Gavin as they drove over to the house.

“Just that she’s pretty and she plays for the basketball team at UT.”


Gavin glanced over at her. “What does that mean?”

“Absolutely nothing. I wonder if this is a new thing, because Tara hasn’t mentioned her to me.”

“Imagine that. You, not in the know about something.”

She laughed. “Shut up.”

“I guess you’ll just have to find out about her like the rest of us.”

“I suppose so.”

They pulled up in front of the house and parked, then headed to the front door. “Looks like everyone’s already here.”

He grabbed her hand. “We’re not late, Liz. You’re just worried you’re going to miss some vital gossip about this hot mystery girlfriend of Nathan’s.”

She squeezed his hand. “I am not. I couldn’t care less.” Okay, maybe she did care. She’d kind of taken it upon herself to become Nathan’s not-quite-related-except-by-marriage-but-cared-about-the-kid-deeply aunt. Plus, she was firmly convinced Nathan had a profound athletic future, so she was a little overprotective of him. The last thing he needed was some gorgeous groupie sticking her claws in him and riding his coattails all the way to the NFL.

Gavin paused. “Liz.”


“Mind your own business.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nathan. You don’t want to step into that again. You know what kind of trouble you got yourself into before with Mick and Tara. You don’t want to do it again.”

“For God’s sake, Gavin. I’m not even thinking about meddling in Nathan’s personal life.” Geez, her husband was annoyingly psychic at times.

Jaci Burton's books