Holiday Games

Jenna took a couple deep swallows of her rum concoction, then grabbed Savannah’s hand. “Come on, ladies. What I think is we should be on the dance floor.”

“Oh, Jenna. Wait. You forgot your veil.”

Jenna paused and narrowed her gaze at Tara. “You did not do this to me.”

“Oh, we definitely did,” Alicia said. “You can’t be a bachelorette without having a little fun, and doing a little work. We have a sash for you, and a veil. And we have a bride-to-be to-do list for you tonight.”

“I’m going to kill you. All of you.”

“Yeah, you can do that later. After you check off every item off the list,” Alicia said, handing the list to Jenna.

Jenna perused the list, then looked up at them. “You all suck.”

“And don’t forget, I’ll be here to take pictures. Lots of pictures.”

Jenna glared at Liz. “You suck the most.”

“That’s what Gavin says.”

“Oh, my God, Liz. Does it ever stop?”

Liz laughed. “No. I do enjoy torturing you.”

This was going to be fun. Cheesy, but oh-so-much fun.


Two hours later, Jenna had obtained a condom from a stranger, had gotten a guy’s cell phone number, one guy had gleefully given up his boxers to her, one had bought her a drink, one had danced with her, another had let her take a pen and draw a tattoo on his hand, and one had offered up a photo of his girlfriend. A very charming man had even let her call his girlfriend—and the girlfriend had been a really good sport about it once Jenna had explained it was her bachelorette party and she was totally in love with her own fiancé.

Despite being reluctant about the list at first, after a few drinks and the number of shots these guys were buying her, Jenna was totally drunk and fully into completing the tasks.

Which meant Liz was glad she was stone-cold sober and staying glued to Jenna’s side. Savannah and Alicia were off on the dance floor with Tara, who’d also decided to drink on the light side tonight, so at least she had some help, because Alicia and Savannah were feeling no pain. Jenna had warned them about those fruity, fancy rum drinks, but did they listen? No. They were currently swaying on the dance floor, holding on to each other, their once perfect hairstyles now droopy and flat.

They were adorable. Tara was snapping pictures and laughing as she danced around them, and doing a fine job of glaring at any men hoping to take advantage.

Good for her.

Sebastian had also stationed a couple of the bouncers nearby, so Liz knew her group was safe from anyone thinking to take advantage of her loopy friends tonight.

Jenna, meanwhile, blinked, frowned at her list, and bumped into Liz. “Whas thiz one say?”

She loved being sober when her friends were blitzed. “It says you have to kiss a bald man on the head.”

“Oh, I can do that one easy sleazy, man.” Jenna flipped around and lost her balance. Liz grabbed her.

“Okay, go find a bald guy.”

“On my way.” Jenna weaved her way in and out of the crowd, Liz right behind her. Then she turned around and bumped into her.

“Oh, there you are, Liz.”

“Need something?”

“Yeah. What am I doing?”

“Looking for a bald guy so you can kiss his head.”

“Oh, yeah. On it.” This time, she wandered off in the opposite direction.

Shaking her head, Liz pivoted and followed. When Jenna stalled in the middle of the dance floor, Liz grabbed her arm.

“How about I help you out?”

Jenna frowned. “With what?”

She could tell this game was winding down. “Bald guy?”

“Oh, yeah. Nope, I’m totally in control here.” She pushed her way out of the crowd of dancers and made her way to the bar, where there was a gorgeous and very bald dude leaning against it.

Jenna leaned against the bar. “Hey there, hot stuff. Can I kiss your head?”

“Excuse me?” The guy’s girlfriend didn’t seem too keen on the idea, for obvious reasons.

Liz said. “Bachelorette party to-do list. Totally harmless, I promise.”

“Oh,” the woman said with a grin. “I remember when I had to do all that shit. Hideous, but fun at the same time.”

Liz nodded.

“Your friend looks shitfaced,” the girl said.

Liz laughed. “Pretty much. I think we’re going to wrap it up if your guy here gives the okay.”

“Fine with me if my wife says yes.”

The woman leaned forward and looked at Jenna. “Go for it, honey.”

Liz got out her camera as Jenna kissed the top of his head. She got the shot and thanked the couple, then took Jenna by the hand.

“You about ready to call it a night?”

“Hell, no. I’m ready for another drink.”

Liz rolled her eyes. Oh, Lord. This was going to be a long-ass night.


Gavin got his second card from the dealer.

A six, which gave him twelve.

What the fuck. A twelve? How could he keep getting such shitty hands?

“Dude,” was all Ty said next to him. At least he commiserated.

Gavin flicked his fingers to take a card. He had to hit on the twelve. He had no choice.

He pulled a nine from the dealer and grinned.


Jaci Burton's books