Holiday Games

“Maybe you need to relax,” Alicia said.

Tara nodded. “Same thing I told her. Just have sex and have fun with it.”

“Again with the sex with my brother topic,” Jenna said, wrinkling her nose. “Clearly, I’m never going to get away from it.”

She’d have to remember to thank Jenna later for the subject change. She laughed. “Yes, enough of that topic. I think I’m ready for that dip in the water.”

After lounging at the water all day, they headed up to their rooms to rest. Taking a nap in the afternoon was decadent, at least for Liz. And it made her feel refreshed.

They went out to dinner, then went for a walk along the beach. But they made it an early night and hung out in the room because everyone was tired from the trip. Plus, it was nice to just hang out. With their busy lives it was nice to just sit and talk with the girls. Tomorrow night they’d party.

The next morning they hit the pool early, staking out a couple of the best cabanas with water views. All the girls wanted to work on their tans, pre wedding, while Liz was content to hide in the shade, limiting her sun exposure. A light tan worked fine for her.

“Again, I’m never leaving,” Jenna said, sipping a cocktail in the cabana.

“I think Tyler might object to that.”

Jenna grinned at Liz. “He can come live here with me. I’ll open a bar.”

“He might miss hockey,” Savannah suggested.

“Are you suggesting I’m going to have to rethink my plan to relocate to Jamaica?”

“Possibly,” Alicia said.

Jenna sighed. “Damn.”

After spending the morning in the sun and the water, they changed and went shopping at some of the local markets. Jenna bought bracelets, Savannah bought a dress, Alicia bought earrings, and Liz found an exotic perfume she loved. Tara found something for Sam along with a watch for Mick.

They ate, then headed back to the resort. Alicia and Jenna went back to the pool for a couple of hours, but the rest of them took a nap.

Liz could definitely get used to this napping thing. It was decadent.

When it was time to leave for the evening, she took a shower and got dressed, choosing a short white dress and, of course, ridiculously high heels.

She came out to the living room where Tara was waiting with Savannah.

“You women are knockouts,” she said. Tara wore a coral bandage dress, and Savannah a gold strapless. Jenna came out wearing a simple black cocktail dress and sexy matching heels, followed by Alicia in a slinky red number.

“We’re going to kill tonight,” Liz said with a grin.

“You look stunning,” Jenna said. She put her hands on her hips and swiveled around in a circle. “Hell, we all look stunning. Men will be falling at our feet tonight. I’m going to want a lot of photos.”

Tara pulled her phone out of her clutch. “I’ll be the official photographer. At least until I get drunk.”

Liz laughed. “I don’t plan on drinking, so I’ll take the photos.”

“No drinking, again?” Alicia asked. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Someone has to make sure all of you don’t end up in Barbados by the end of the night, carried away by some smooth-talking hottie. I’m the designated babysitter, so the rest of you can party on.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jenna said, “because I’m ready to have a cocktail.”

After they had a most amazing dinner, they headed to a fantastic nightclub on the premises, with lights, perfect music, and some of the best drinks around. Liz had been here before and she loved this place, plus she knew the manager and the bouncers, so she knew her girls would be well taken care of tonight. And even more, they’d be safe.

They were escorted to their table in the VIP area and ordered drinks. Liz opted for a club soda with lime while the others ordered this and that with rum, of course. It wasn’t long before she saw Sebastian, the manager, making his way toward their table. She got up and hugged him.


“Elizabeth. You look wonderful as usual. And this is your entourage?”

She smiled and introduced all of them one by one to Sebastian. “And this is our bride-to-be, Jenna.”

“Ah, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. It’s been fifteen years for me and my lovely wife, Vita.”

“How wonderful for you,” Jenna said.

“Is Vita here tonight?” Liz asked.

Sebastian shook his head. “No, she’s home with the children. She’ll be sorry she missed you. And where is your husband?”

“He’s in Las Vegas attending the bachelor party with Jenna’s fiancé.”

Sebastian laughed. “Gambling, yes?”

“Yes. And drinking.”

“Then I’m glad you chose to come here. I’ll make sure you have a good time tonight. Enjoy.”

After their drinks came, Liz turned to them. “Well, what do you think of the place?”

“I think it’s fantastic,” Tara said. “Such a great choice.”

Jaci Burton's books