Holiday Games

The dealer ended up with eighteen and Gavin raked in winnings.

“You lucky sonofabitch,” Mick said, setting down his bet for the next hand. “Who the fuck pulls a twenty-one out of a twelve?”

“I just did.”

They played several rounds, and after that one winning hand, Gavin’s luck changed. When the dealer reshuffled the deck, Gavin cashed out, figuring he wouldn’t press his luck. He and Mick moved over to the craps tables. They both did well there, so Ty and Garrett joined them along with Ty’s friends from his hockey team, Eddie Wolkowski and Victor Putinov.

“Too bad Cole can’t be here,” Gavin said. “He loves to gamble.”

“Yeah, well, he has a game tomorrow and I have a bye this week, so he’s shit out of luck,” Mick said with a smile as he tossed the dice across the table.

Everyone surrounding the table cheered as the numbers came up a win.

“But I’m in the luck,” Mick said with a wide grin.

It had been a good day. They’d gone to the shooting range earlier in the day. Nothing like firing off some machine gun rounds in a controlled environment to let off a little aggression. It turned out Victor was the most accurate. Ty had accused him of spending time in the Soviet military. Victor laughed and told them he used to hunt rabbits and that’s why he was such a good shot, though he didn’t need machine guns to take them down.

Then they’d headed over to the raceway and driven some very expensive cars. Gavin had chosen the Ferrari, which had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. There was nothing like having all that power in his hands as he’d fired it up and taken it around the curves at the Las Vegas raceway. It had been a thrill not only to drive the car, but to watch the other guys drive the cars they’d chosen. Impressive machines, and a lot of fun.

Spending tonight gambling was more relaxing. It was nice to have an easy night just hanging with the guys and cutting loose. Guys didn’t need glitz and glamour to have a good time. Gavin just wanted to make sure Ty was having fun, and from the pile of chips in front of him and the wide grin on his face, he seemed to be having a blast.

They hit the poker room later in the evening, drank several beers, and played well into the night. Gavin had given Ty a choice of gambling or hitting the clubs.

“I spend a lot of time in Riley’s Club with Jenna,” he said. “Lots of music and dancing and we always have a really good time. If I want to hit a club, I’ll do it with my woman. Let’s gamble.”

It had been a good choice. This was quiet: just the guys, their beers, and their cards. Understated, and fucking perfect.

He sat in the sports book room and took a look at the betting, more or less to take a breather.

Mick joined him. The waitress came over and Mick ordered a soda while Gavin ordered another beer.

“Making bets on some of the games?” Mick asked.

“Nah. Just looking at the lines.”

The waitress brought their drinks.

“How’s Nathan doing?” Gavin asked.

“Good. He’s finishing up finals and coming home next week. I can’t wait to see him.”

“Me, too. He’s changed a lot since you and Tara first got together. He’s a man now.”

Mick laughed. “Yeah. He was just a kid when I first met Tara. A little unsure of himself, but still, he knew what he wanted. And now he’s the damned quarterback at the University of Texas. His freshman year and they took the Big 12 Championship.” Mick took a long swallow of soda with a smile on his face.

“Spoken like a proud father.”

“I know. I can hardly believe it myself. But he’s my kid. He might not have been born mine and he might not have my DNA, but he’s still mine and has been since— Hell, since the first day I met him, I guess. I couldn’t be more proud of everything he’s accomplished.”

“You’ve done some nudging along the way. There’s no doubt you’ve had some influence on him.”

“Yeah. A lot of don’t-fuck-this-up-like-I-did influence. He knows what not to do. He’s always gotten good grades, and he loves sports. He’s focused. Though he said he wants to bring his girlfriend to be his date for Ty’s wedding.”

Gavin arched a brow. “Nathan has a girlfriend?”

“So he tells me. Some hottie who plays for the basketball team there.”

“You said yes, right?”

“Of course I said yes. Though the poor girl will be subjected to all the Rileys. I’m not sure Nathan knows what he’s dragging her into.”

Gavin shrugged. “If she survives all of us at one time, she’s a keeper.”

Mick laughed. “You’re right about that. Maybe he’s smarter than I think. Trial by fire and all that.”

“Hey, relax, Dad,” Gavin teased. “He’s doing good.”

“I know. He’s got it all together. I keep reminding myself that every day.”

Gavin knew what Mick wasn’t saying. “And he’s not drinking.”

Jaci Burton's books