Holiday Games

“Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Just like that.”

He bent and kissed her back and neck as he thrust into her, his cock and balls tight with need as he pulled out, then drove in harder. He felt her * surrounding him, pulsing as he continued to give her what she’d asked for. He strummed her clit, taking her right to the edge. He felt her body spasm as she hit the peak.

“Gavin.” She met his gaze in the mirror, ecstasy etched on her face as she came.

With a low growl he poured into her, his legs shaking as he climaxed. He held tight to her hips, emptying and shuddering until he had nothing left.

Gavin breathed hard as he fought to recover from that mind-blowing experience. Not wanting to spend any more time in here than was necessary, he withdrew and they did a quick cleanup.

He pulled Liz against him, giving her a deep, passionate kiss.

“When we get home, it’ll be slow and easy.”

She grinned and brushed her lips against his. “I liked fast and hard.”

“You make me crazy, you know that?”

“Good. Now let’s head back downstairs before Mick and Tara think we’ve been fucking in their bathroom.”

He laughed, shook his head, and followed his wife.

Chapter Eight

“I can’t believe Jenna and Ty are getting married tomorrow,” Liz said. “It seems a little surreal to me that it’s here already.”

Gavin turned the car off and pocketed the keys, then turned to her. “Do you remember when we got married? How fast the time crept up on us?”

Liz shot him a sexy smile. God, he looked good tonight dressed in a suit. At the church earlier when they’d rehearsed for the wedding they were coupled up. Walking down the aisle with him reminded her of their wedding, which hadn’t been so long ago. She still remembered each moment of it so vividly, of how nervous she had felt walking down the aisle, and how calm she became as soon as she’d seen Gavin’s face at the end of the aisle.

He’d looked gorgeous in his tux, so tall and sexy. Just like tonight in his suit. She wanted to crawl all over him in the car, but she suppressed the urge since they were due inside the restaurant for dinner. And besides, the valet was standing right there to collect the keys from Gavin, so that might be slightly inappropriate. “Yes. It was a whirlwind. But I still remember every moment of it.”

He crooked a grin at her. “Me, too. Especially our wedding night.”

She laughed and pulled her coat tighter against the cold wind. Gavin came around and opened the door and they hurried inside.

It was beautiful inside the Hyatt. With Tara’s help, Jenna and Ty had chosen a perfect location not only for their wedding reception, but also for the rehearsal dinner. They checked their coats and found Gavin’s dad at the coat check.

“Your mom is already inside with Tara and Mick,” Jimmy said.

“I think we’re going to need to feed Jenna oxygen,” Tara said, pulling Liz away from Gavin.

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“No particular reason. And for every reason.”

“Ah.” Liz nodded. “Pre-wedding jitters.”


They found Jenna talking to the catering manager. “This is not the food I ordered.”

Clyde looked confused. He opened a binder. “Ma’am, if you’d like to go over the forms you filled out, I can assure you it is.”

“It can’t be. I hate salmon. Who would order salmon?”

“Clyde. Let’s go over a few things,” Tara said, motioning him away from a near frantic Jenna, who then turned to Liz.

“The food isn’t right. Look at this.”

Liz blinked as Jenna fanned the paper in front of her.

Liz took the menu. “Jenna. Calm down. Tara will take care of everything. Remember, this is what she does for a living.”

Jenna fell into a chair. “I’m not going to make it until tomorrow. Mick had a game on Thursday, so he just got back in the nick of time. Cole has a bye this weekend. Ty at least has a couple of days off, as do his two friends and teammates, who are ushers. And Gavin is off season. Do you have any idea what it was like trying to plan my wedding around the schedules of athletes in three sports, one that’s off season, and two that are in season?”

“Actually, yes, I do.”

“Oh, of course you do. Anyway, a fucking nightmare. And Christmas is next week. What the hell was I thinking getting married the week before Christmas? No one has time for this shit. No one’s going to show up. I just know it.”

Yeah, Jenna was on the first-class express to meltdown city. Direct flight, no stopovers.

Liz signaled for a waiter. “Bring me a shot of tequila. And make it a double.”

The waiter nodded and Jenna lifted her head. “Oh, no. I’m not drinking tonight. I’m going to be calm and rational and not drunk and crazy.”

“Okay.” Liz leveled a direct look at her.

“I’m already crazy, aren’t I?”

Jaci Burton's books