Holiday Games

Great. Just great. It was probably the flu or something. Talk about bad luck.

But she focused on Jenna coming down the aisle with Gavin’s father, and how beautiful she looked.

She’d get through this. And she was going to be fine.

Nothing was going to ruin Jenna and Ty’s wedding day.


Gavin couldn’t believe that was his little sister coming down the aisle looking so beautiful, so grown up. His throat swelled with emotion as he watched their dad turning her over to Tyler, listened to the two of them making vows to watch over each other, to care for each other in hard times and in good times, and promise to love each other forever.

He wasn’t an emotional sort, wasn’t the kind to get choked up over things, but this was his sister, the one he’d teased mercilessly when they were kids. He’d pulled her hair and laughed when she ran to Mom about it. But he’d also picked her up and carried her into the house when she’d fallen off the swing and broke her arm.

She might have been his to tease, but she’d also been his responsibility to look after.

Now she wasn’t his responsibility anymore. She was Tyler’s. She was an adult and she was getting married. He’d had to pass the torch on to another man who’d take care of her when she was hurt, who’d calm her fears and tease her and laugh with her.

He realized he had tears in his eyes. He quickly swiped them away, then looked over at Mick, whose eyes were also filled with tears. Mick crooked a smile and nodded at him, and he knew Mick felt the same things he did.

And okay, maybe Jenna was getting married today, and he knew Ty was a great guy and would always take care of her, but he and Mick would always be there for her, no matter what.

Because they were Rileys. And nothing would ever tear them apart.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

As Jenna and Ty kissed, the church exploded in applause, music pealed, and the wedding party began to descend from the altar.

Gavin met up with Liz, who looked a little pale, but smiled as she slipped her arm in his. They did their part for the photographer, but when they reached the back of the church, he turned to her.

“Are you all right?”

She tipped her head to the side. “I’m fine. Why?”

“You look pale.”

“Huh. Maybe I need more blush. And here I spent all that time getting my makeup done. I should ask for a refund.”

He laughed. “Seriously, are you okay?”

“My dress is a little tight and I think they had the heat up a little high in the church. Wasn’t it warm in there?”

“Not that I noticed. Why? Were you having hot flashes?”

“Kind of.”

“Hard to believe considering how little you’re wearing.”

She tapped his arm. “I’m wearing plenty.”

They were pulled apart then to greet guests on the way out. Then they had photos in the church. Gavin kept his eye on Liz, though, who smiled and seemed okay, but still looked pale. There was a winter flu going around, and the last thing she needed right now was to get sick. They had to host the holidays with the family next week, and he knew she was stressed about that, plus the whole trying-to get-pregnant thing. She’d had a lot on her mind lately, and he hadn’t been helping in trying to relax her.

He’d have to work on that.

After photos, they headed downtown to the Hyatt for the reception. Since they’d checked in to the hotel earlier in the afternoon, their car was parked there and they all got to take the limo to the hotel. Ty and Jenna still had photos with all the parents, then they’d come over in their limo. In the meantime, the bridal party was finished, so they were headed over to the reception.

“Glad to be done with all those photos. It was like being at a game. Only with fewer interviews.” Cole cracked open a bottle of champagne.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Savannah said.

“That’s because you’re beautiful and you should have your photo taken every day.” Cole kissed her cheek and handed her a glass.

He started pouring champagne into glasses and handing them around the limo. Mick handed Liz a glass, but she passed it on to Gavin.

“Not drinking?” he asked.

“I’m pacing myself. It’s going to be a long night.”

“And she doesn’t want to end up naked table-dancing too early,” Gavin said.

Mick laughed. “I’ll keep my camera phone ready for that.”

Tara nudged him. “You will not. And no one will be naked table-dancing.”

“Are you sure about that?” Savannah asked. “You can’t vet everyone on the guest list.”

Tara sighed. “So true. Let’s hope no one dances on the tables tonight.”

“You’re no fun,” Mick said.

“My date is stripper,” Ty’s friend Victor said. “She could dance naked on tables.”

Everyone looked at him. Victor laughed. “Just joking. She is kindergarten teacher.”

“I’m telling Felicia you called her a stripper,” Eddie said.

Jaci Burton's books