Holiday Games

“You do that and I’ll shove hockey stick up your ass. Also, will tell your date that you’re seeing another waitress.”

Victor and Eddie glared at each other.

Gavin snorted. “I really like these guys.”

It was going to be an interesting night.

The Hyatt was decorated beautifully. The lighting had been set perfectly, the tables were elegant, and the views of the St. Louis Arch were stunning.

“Jenna’s going to love this,” Liz said to Tara. “You did such a wonderful job arranging everything.”

Tara smiled. “Thank you. I hope she’s happy with it.”

They found their places at the head table and took their seats. Liz was happy to sit down. She blew out a breath and tried to quell the queasiness that hadn’t quite gone away yet.

“Would you like something to drink?” Gavin asked.

Her savior. “How about a club soda?”

He frowned. “Still not feeling good?”

“There’s a flu that’s been going around. I’m hoping like hell I haven’t caught it. This couldn’t be a worst time.”

He rubbed her back. “I’ll go get that club soda for you.”

She would not ruin Jenna’s wedding day by being ill. Fortunately, her part was mostly done, photo-wise, but she didn’t want to miss Jenna and Ty’s special day.

Gavin brought her club soda and she took a sip. “Thanks. This will help.”

“If you don’t feel good I can take you up to the room.”

She laid her hand over his. “I think I’ll make it, but thank you. I’m sure the excitement of the night will overcome my stomachache. Besides, you have to dance with me.”

“I can handle that.”

The crowds were filling in, and the photographers had arrived. That meant Ty and Jenna weren’t too far behind them. When she saw their parents arrive and take their seats, she stood, grasping Gavin’s hand.

Soon the deejay announced the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Anderson. A lump formed in Liz’s throat at the thought of the two of them being married, and she blinked back tears as they entered the ballroom to loud applause from the guests.

They made such a beautiful couple. Liz couldn’t be happier for her friend.

And as Jenna and Ty took the floor for their first dance, Gavin wrapped his arm around her waist while they watched Jenna and Ty sway to a beautiful love song. Just watching them look at each other, it was obvious they were so much in love.

Liz tilted her head back and smiled at Gavin. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Her heart swelled and she felt like the luckiest woman in the world tonight. Even though it wasn’t her wedding day, she felt reaffirmed in her love for Gavin.

Gavin grasped her hand when they asked the wedding party to take the floor for the next song. Now she was surrounded by family and friends, and she didn’t even notice the photographer hovering close, because she only had eyes for her husband.

His fingers traveled down her back. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“So do you. I have a weakness for a man in a tux.”

“Just any man?”

“Oh, sure. Any random man in a tux that catches my eye will do. You know how easy I am.”

He tugged her close and whispered in her ear. “I should spank you for that.”

She laughed. “Promises, promises.”

After the dance, everyone sat and had dinner, which gave Liz pause, but since her dizziness and nausea seemed to have disappeared, she decided to go ahead and eat.

Gavin looked over at her plate, then back at her. “You sure you’re up for that?”

“Definitely. I really do think it was hot in the church, plus this dress is skintight. Add those two together, plus all the stress with the wedding and Christmas next week, and that’s what got to me. I’m feeling a lot better now.”

He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Good. I hated the thought of you getting sick.”

She was happy about that, too. She began to eat her meal, taking each bite slowly, gauging her body’s reaction.

“You’re certainly savoring each bite,” Tara noticed after Gavin left to go get a beer.

Liz smiled. “It’s fantastic food.”

“I think so, too.”

“Okay, so what do you think so far?” Jenna pulled up one of the empty chairs.

Liz squeezed her hand. “First you made me cry during your ceremony today, you bitch. Second, you made a gorgeous bride. And third, this food is to die for.”

“Everything Liz just said,” Tara added with a nod.

Jenna grinned. “Thank you. Did you see my lip trembling when I was saying my vows to Ty? Oh, my God, I thought I was going to totally lose it and end up sobbing.”

“I might have noticed that,” Tara said.

“Why do you think I ended up crying? I don’t think I teared up as much during my own wedding.”

“Aww, Liz, you’re becoming so sappy and sentimental,” Jenna teased.

“Screw you. I am not. I’m a coldhearted bitch.”

Tara patted her back. “Sure you are.”

She glared at them. “I hate you both right now.”

Jaci Burton's books