Heart Recaptured

I must have lost consciousness after that, for the next thing I remembered was being awoken by Brother Micah pushing his manhood into my core. “Lord, Lord, forgive me,” he panted as he thrust into me two more times. I did not even feel it.

Removing his head from the crook between my neck and shoulder, he reared back and his eyes met mine. “Delilah, you truly are the most beautiful creature on this earth. I have never wanted a woman like I have wanted you…” He sighed and rubbed his cheek against mine. “This face… this beautiful face drives me to insanity.”

“Brother Micah! We must proceed!” I searched for the source of the voice and saw my father gathering planks of wood.

“I will miss this face, Delilah,” Micah said quietly and pulled himself out of me, only to grasp my legs and pin them down straight, tying around my ankles. I instinctively tried to move my arms, but they were raised above my head, tied to a long piece of wood.

I was on a stake… I was bound to a stake!

I immediately began to struggle as my father piled wood at my feet.

By fire you shall burn. By boiling blood you shall be purified of your sin! Brother Judah’s words suddenly made sense. They were to burn me as a witch!

Brother Micah secured my legs, then set to helping my father.

Panic at my situation hit me and I shouted out in frustration, unable to free myself from my restraints. “Please!” I begged.

The pain from my back made me delirious, the burned skin on my torso raw and agonizing. I was thirsty, my mouth dry from lack of fluids. I searched the surrounding area, but there was nothing in sight, just field upon field, a vast blanket of green and a small truck parked at the bottom of the hill that must have brought us out here to this secluded spot.

Taking a match from a small linen sack, my father lit the flint at the bottom of the stake, and I watched the logs ignite slowly, a small flame beginning to lick at the wood.

“No, please!” I shouted as I began to feel heat at my feet.

Brother Micah and my father dropped to their knees, eyes closed, and held their hands up to the Lord.

“Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

“They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.”

Scripture slipped from their lips. Matthew, Revelation, Thessalonians…

They were conversing with the Lord, too lost in the rapture of Glossolalia to hear my cries.

The flames grew higher and any hope of me being saved from this horrid death departed.

I closed my eyes and prayed it would be quick.

Chapter Twenty



Smiler turned to AK and began unscrewing the fuse box to break the electric current running through the fence.

The rest of us—Me, Styx, Flame, Cowboy, and Hush—sat back waiting, but I was fuckin’ desperate to get inside.

AK and Smiler hadn’t been fuckin’ lying; this place was a damn military stronghold. Walls, fences, and lookouts stationed everywhere. So far, two guards had been taken down, one by Styx and one by me. The fuckers hadn’t even heard us coming, making it just perfect to surprise their stupid asses, slugging a bullet right between the eyes, the suppressors on our Uzis not making a damn sound.

“In!” Smiler whispered, throwing the door of the fuse box on the ground. Taking his Uzi, he shot the fuckin’ thing to pieces.

Taking the butt of his gun, AK tested the fence—nothing.

Hush stepped forward with the wire cutters, ripping enough of the huge fence to allow us through.

One by one we passed through the row of fences into a fuck-off great field. Sticking to the line of trees, AK guided us into the woods.

“What now?” Cowboy asked.

“We head north,” Smiler answered. “The blueprints showed most of the buildings in that direction.”

Tillie Cole's books