Heart Recaptured

I burst through the cover of trees and ran. Ran as fast as my weakened legs would allow me. I had no idea where I was or where I was running to, but I did not care, visualizing Ky in mind. His image kept me strong. I must leave… I could not believe that I, Delilah, a devout follower of the prophet, was attempting to flee to the outside.

My breathing sounding hollow. I stumbled over a fallen branch. I was exhausted, my body in dire need of rest. As my palms and knees hit the ground, I tried to stand up, but I could not. With my cheek to the dried leaves, I heard raised voices approach, one voice in particular standing out—Brother Micah.

“Here! She is here!” he shouted, and in seconds, guards surrounded me.

Arms scooped me up. Dazed, I found my eyes looking into Brother Micah’s. His lips were tight and his gaze furious.

“Were you trying to escape, whore? Were you deserting your people again… your prophet?”

I did not say anything in response. I knew the consequence for being a deserter, and I doubted anything I had to say would be considered.

Brother Micah’s eyes lit with revenge and he said, “We will take her to the prophet. This Satan-created whore is beyond salvation, beyond redemption. She is evil to the core. Prophet Cain will not tolerate her attempt to flee back to those evil men.”

I did not care anymore. Let them do to me what they wished. I could not live this way. If my soul could not be saved, Ky could never love me purely. I would rather die than have his love under a ruse… and I would rather die than continue to live under the prophet’s rule.

This commune was not what I deemed sacred. Sex was used immorally. Scars were being thrust upon unwilling souls.

I welcomed the charge of desertion.

For the first time in my life, I welcomed the ultimate relief from this evil living within me.


“Prophet, you must make an example of her. She is a Cursed, beyond what we as the Lord’s followers can do. The men she has been residing with have corrupted her soul, fueled the devil’s influence.”

My hands bound again, I sat on the hard floor of Prophet Cain’s quarters. Prophet Cain stood in front of me, surrounded by Judah and the council of elders. Brother Micah was pleading his case.

Prophet Cain’s eyes watched me, and what looked like indecision glimmered in their depths. Walking two steps forward, Prophet Cain bent down and said, “Delilah… I have heard much of you.” I rolled my eyes to meet his and I was struck by his beauty. “Tell me, Delilah, why were you running from your people?”

I did not give a reply. I knew whatever I would say would fall on the deafest of ears.

Prophet Cain sighed and quietly said, “Delilah, repent, agree to atone for your sins by Prophet David’s writings, and you shall be saved from a trial.”

I dropped my eyes, and Prophet Cain lifted my chin. “Look at me,” he ordered. He stared into my eyes, and then cast what looked like anxious glances around the elders.

“Leave us,” Prophet Cain ordered his council, and reluctantly, they all got to their feet. All except Brother Judah. Prophet Cain stood and faced his twin. “You too, Judah. I need to speak to her alone.”

Judah’s face hardened as he shot out of seat and marched out of the room. Judah’s face, although identical in every way, was harsher than the prophet’s. Judah’s eyes were always assessing, like he saw everyone as an enemy. Prophet Cain’s eyes actually seemed kind at times, troubled at others. Mae had told me that she once had considered him a friend. At times, I could maybe see why.

When everyone had cleared the room, Prophet Cain walked over me and kneeled down. “Delilah, or is it Lilah? When Mae would talk of you she always called you Lilah.”

I kept my eyes to the tiled floor, not saying a single of word. Too numb to even muster a reply.

Prophet Cain sat on the floor and wrapped his arms around his knees, staring outside of the window. His brown hair hung loose down his back and his beard was growing out since the first time I had seen him all those months ago when he had returned Mae to marry Prophet David.

“How is she?” Prophet Cain said a few minutes later, making my blink in surprise.

Tillie Cole's books