Heart Recaptured

Styx held some old fucker in his arms, the bastard almost shitting himself as he stared at us. But Flame, Flame was holding his blade to a man’s throat, his pig-sized brown eyes watching me with my bitch, my bitch that he’d tried to motherfucking burn.

Flame was whispering something in his ear, something I couldn’t make out. But the dick-sucker in his arms was hearing it, paling and losing all the blood from his face at what our club psycho was spouting.

Deciding to start with him, I walked straight up to his face and, throwing all my strength behind it, punched him clean across jaw. Flame threw back his head and laughed as blood spurted from the Jesus-wannabe’s mouth.

But the fucker bounced back.

“The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”

His eyes flared as he coughed up the Bible.

Gripping his cheeks, my face met his. “Nah, the soul that sins is gonna fuckin’ rip you apart and send you to Hades, motherfucker.”

“Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire.”

“Fuckin’ kill him, Ky. Kill him or I will,” Flame hissed, his blade pressed so hard it started to draw blood.

“She is a temptress, a harlot! She must burn. She must repent!”

Turning my attention to the old fuck being held by Styx, I pounded over to where he stood, his face all high and mighty and proud.

“You got something to say, Grandpa?”

His wrinkled face reddened and he said, “She is born of the devil! She tempts anyone in her path. She must die! It is the only way to save her damned soul!”

“Maybe you need to fuckin’ die,” I spat back and turned my attention back the other cunt. He was the one that had hurt my bitch, and he was the one gonna die first.

“She was once my daughter! And she tempted even me!”

Stilling, I slowly turned to the old man. Rage like I’d never felt before swept over me. Reaching into my boot, I pulled out my blade, marched up to where Styx held him, and slit his throat. Styx dropped his almost-dead ass to the ground, and I knelt down and said, “You pedo piece of fuck. You touched your own kid and then fuckin’ blamed her. Tell Hades I said hello, ‘cause that’s the only place you’ll be going.”

As he gurgled on his blood, I stood, but not before I crushed his nuts and winkle-dick with my boot, smiling as he screamed out, the movement slicing his throat farther.

Shock spread on his features as blood poured down his chest. I left the molesting fucker to choke. He deserved to die… slowly.

“Ky!” Flame shouted. I jerked my chin at my brother, and his hand was shaking. “I wanna kill him. I wanna spill his blood… slowly. I wanna fuckin’ bathe in that shit.” Flame’s crazy black eyes were set on the Jesus in his hold.

Walking back to the disciple, I looked into his eyes and said, “You fucked my bitch? You lashed her, burned her, and tied her to this fuckin’ stake like you’re some cardinal in the Spanish Inquisition?”

He tried to give nothing away, but his eyes and nostrils flared slightly. That was all the confirmation I needed.

“Flame,” I said, “take off that fuckin’ gay-ass white dress he’s wearing.”

Flame frowned, but pushing the prick forward, he wrenched off that god-awful fuckin’ tunic and held it out. Glancing behind me, I spotted Cowboy and Hush with Lilah and said, “Cowboy?”


“Get this on Lilah. Cover her the fuck up so none of you fucks are staring at her *.”

Cowboy took the tunic, and I turned back to the bearded disciple. “So you fuckin’ raped my woman?” I asked tightly, feeling fuckin’ sick at the image. I felt like my blood was boiling, fuckin’ bubbling under my skin.

“She is a temptress and I am a blessed elder charged with her care… I was saving her black soul!”

Pointing my Uzi at his leg, I fired and sent a slug straight into his thigh. He screamed, but Flame put his gloved hand over his mouth to shut him the fuck up.

Tillie Cole's books