Heart Recaptured

Next, I aimed at his right shoulder and sent another bullet into his flesh.

Tucking my Uzi into the back of my leathers, I pulled out my serrated knife. “Flame, strip him.”

The rapist on the floor began thrashing around, so much that I could almost smell his fear. Pussy. That was until Flame took his gun and smacked the butt into the back of his head. Flame sliced down the prick’s pants and ripped them clean off, the disciple’s goods all on show.

“Ky!” Smiler shouted, and when I turned around, he was hovering over Lilah. “She’s in shock, bleeding bad. We need to get the fuck home before it gets infected. Kill the cunt and let’s go.”

My eyes met Flame’s. “Cut his cock off, slowly, and fuckin’ choke him with it. And don’t stop until he’s dead. He doesn’t get to survive hurting my bitch.”

Flame’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas, and I leaned down to the disciple to say, “You fuckin’ love your God so much, go fuckin’ meet him.”

I stood and stormed across the clearing to retrieve my bitch. Hearing Flame tearing at the prick’s cock and the disciple’s pained cries had all us brothers wincing.

“Fuck, Ky!” Cowboy said. “Did you have to be so fuckin’ graphic?”

The cries soon became silent, and Flame made sure the fucker choked his dick down. The sputtering and gagging went on for a fuckin’ age until Flame suddenly roared out like the brother had just come in a bitch, and we all knew the disciple was dead.

Flicking out his German blade, Styx walked to the disciple, hovered over his chest, and began carving a huge H in his chest—his signature Hangmen mark. He then did the same to Lilah’s old man.

Prophet fuckin’ Cain would take one look and know who killed his pedo men. But I’m guessing the rat-brother would’ve known anyway. He had to know if he attacked us, a whole load of that prophesied evil he preached about so much would be dumped on his holy fuckin’ shoulders.

War was coming. Not right now… but it was coming soon, and I’d be fuckin’ ready.

“Let’s go,” Styx signed. Wiping the blood from his blade on the dried grass, he tucked it back into his boot. I scooped Lilah up in my arms, the blood from her injuries seeping through the tunic. Even in this state, she was so fuckin’ stunning my chest literally ached at how much I’d missed her. But fuck, what those bastards had put her through, her stunning body hacked up.

Styx’s hand planted on my shoulder. “We’ll get our fuckin’ revenge later. Get your mind on your bitch and let me worry about the rest.”

Flame joined us, wiping the blood from his hands on his leathers, the brother seeming calmer, and we ran for the fence.

A gasp stopped us mid-step. When we turned as one, a redheaded bitch was staring at us, pure fear etched on her face. She’d run over the hill from the direction of the base.

AK stepped forward and she stumbled back in fear, whimpering when she saw the two bodies on the floor. “No!” she hushed out, her cry silencing her voice. “You… you are the demons Prophet Cain warned of. A living army of Hades that wear black leather and kill our people without remorse. You rid us of our pure souls and send them straight to Hell.”

“Fuck! Look at that. We’re even famous in the motherfuckin’ Garden of Eden!” Hush said dryly, not a damn bit of humor on his face.

“Shit!” AK spat and met eyes with Styx. “I ain’t into killing women, but we can’t leave her to go running back to chief Jesus freak.”

Styx ran his hand down his face.

The bitch tore her gaze from the two corpses on the ground, then set her sights on Lilah. “Is she alive?” she whispered, and her face seemed to crumple in fear. But not outta fear of us, but outta fear for Lilah.

Frowning, I held Lilah tighter and studied the pilgrim redhead. “Why the fuck do you care?”

Tillie Cole's books