Hard As Steel: A Hard Ink/Raven Riders Crossover (1001 Dark Nights)

“Shit, shit, shit,” she said, her back arching, her thighs shaking.

“Too much?” he rasped, trying to hold himself back, to restrain himself from just taking every piece of her.

“Yes,” she moaned. “But it’s so good, too.”

“Your ass is so tight,” he said, watching himself withdraw and then sink back in even deeper.

A stream of sexy, desperate babble spilled out of Jess’s mouth, some of it muffled against the covers as she lowered her upper body to the bed and reached back both hands to grab her ass cheeks.

This girl was going to be the death of him. She really was. “Jesus, that looks good,” he said.

When she started pushing back onto him, Ike moved faster, harder, until he was hunched over her on the edge of the bed and digging in deep. They grunted in unison, the sex raw, animalistic, the best of his entire fucking life.

Without warning, he pulled out, pushed her body further onto the bed, and then was right back on her again. “Hold your ass open,” he said, tone harsh, urgent.

Crouched above her, he plumbed her ass, holding his cock downward so he could sink deep, then pulling all the way out so he could enjoy the wide gap of her hole. So goddamned hot.

In, out, gape. In, out, gape. Until they were both sweating and cursing and Jess was thrashing beneath him.

On a groan, she pulled one hand away and shoved it beneath her, and the very idea of her masturbating while he fucked her ass had his balls boiling.

Her body bore down on his and she screamed into the mattress, her back going rigid as she came and came. Ike couldn’t hold back another second. He sank onto his knees and hammered his cock into her ass until he was shooting in her, filling her, making a mess of her inside and out.

Jesus, she stripped him bare and turned him on his head and absolutely rocked his world.

His Jessica.

His smart-ass, flirtatious, fun-loving, brave, sometimes maddening, always loyal Jess.

One of his very best friends. Who was in trouble…which was his fucking Achilles’s heel. So check yourself, Ike. Right fucking now.


He was in check, or at least he would be when he had to be. But the sun wasn’t all the way up yet, which meant technically it was still the night.

On a shudder, he eased out of her. Despite his aches and fever and shakiness, he carefully cradled her into his arms and carried her down to the bathroom. An arm still around her shoulders, he turned on the shower water nice and warm. He might not be able to keep her, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to take care of her every way he could—for however much longer he had.

Just tonight.

He ignored the fuck out of the ache in the center of his chest. So much for claiming her, huh, asshole?

As they stepped into the shower, neither of them said a word. Ike positioned her so the water would mostly stream over her and threaded his fingers through her hair until it was wet. He washed her hair and her body, working to keep his thoughts a nice steady blank.

“How do you feel?” she finally asked.

“Exhausted. Not complaining, though.”

Her pleased smile was full of mischief and satisfaction. She wore both really fucking well. She grabbed the soap and worked her lathered hands over his skin. “You still have a fever,” she said.

He nodded.

She peered up at him with such softness. “You need the sleep you didn’t get last night.”

“Yeah.” Not that he could bring himself to regret not getting it.

When they were done, Ike wrapped her in a towel and dried himself off while she did the same. As she brushed her damp hair at the sink, Ike came up behind her.

Damn, he’d given her a hickey on the side of her neck. He traced his fingers over it, then met her watchful gaze in the mirror. For just a second, her eyes were completely open books. And revealed a boatload of emotion he didn’t want to see, wasn’t strong enough to see, if you wanted to call a spade a spade.

It made him an asshole. He knew it did.

But then she gave him a flirty, playful smile, and the shutters dropped back over her expression. Letting him off the hook, allowing him an out.

And because he was a coward and a bastard, he took it.

Chapter 10

Jess was really glad Ike had slept all day. It gave her plenty of time to perfect her air of nonchalance about what had happened the night before. Namely, the best sex of her entire life. Not the best because Ike’s cock was a thing of wicked beauty. And not just because Ike was skilled at the same kind of rough sex she craved.

It had been the best sex of her life because she found all that with the man she loved.

Oh, Jesus. I’m in love with Ike Young.

Sitting in a ball on the corner of the couch, Jess dropped her forehead into her hands, the revelation sucker punching her anew.

“You are so screwed,” she whispered.

She’d known she had feelings for him, but somehow she’d chalked them up to things like being close friends, and being like family, and being in lust.

Laura Kaye's books