Hard As Steel: A Hard Ink/Raven Riders Crossover (1001 Dark Nights)

Except…slowly but surely, his body came back on line and he became aware of warm, fragrant skin. Soft, silky hair. His hard cock nuzzled between two sweet ass cheeks.

Ike opened his eyes to find Jess pressed up against him, just as they’d fallen asleep. It was just shy of dawn, which meant there was enough light to make out the curves and shadows of her, but not much more.

Jessica. It hadn’t been a dream.

The whole night rushed back to him—him making out with her in his sleep, her begging him for more and saying words that made it all okay, the best sex he’d ever had.

The heat of his skin and the ache in his head told him he still wasn’t well, but that didn’t keep his hips from moving and pushing his cock into the cleft of her ass.

He wanted more. No, he needed more. More of her.

Taking his cock in hand, Ike found her * and rocked into her until her wetness coated him and she moaned her awareness. He grasped and lifted her thigh, opening her to his invasion.

“Make yourself come,” he whispered against her ear. “I wanna watch.”

“Jesus, Ike,” she said as her hand traveled down the front of her body. She squeezed a breast, tugged at a pierced nipple, and stroked teasing fingers over her soft stomach until her fingers toyed with the silver hoop pierced through her clit.

“Such a pretty fucking *,” he said in her ear. “So wet for me.”

“Yes,” she said, her face pressing back into his. “For you.”

The words unleashed a deep male satisfaction Ike probably had no business feeling, but that didn’t keep it from being there. He wanted all her pleasure to be for him, because of him, with him. Why did she have to be so fucking perfect and so goddamned wrong at the same time?

Knock it off, Ike.

Forcing himself out of his head, he watched her find a circling rhythm over her clit. The sight had him fucking her faster, deeper, harder, loving the sounds spilling from her mouth, sounds that told him she loved it every bit as raw as he did.

And then she blew his mind. Slowly, she worked two fingers into her cunt with his cock. It made her tighter and added a whole new sensation to being inside her, and it stimulated the dirtiest, raunchiest part of his mind.

“That * is so damn hungry for me, isn’t it?” he said.

“God, yes,” she moaned.

“Tell me how much you want me, how much you need me,” he said. He wanted to know despite the fact that knowing would make resisting his desire for her so much harder.

Her other hand slid down to rub her clit. “Oh, I do. I want you, Ike. I need you,” she said, her voice breathy and deep. “Want your cock everywhere.”

The words drove him harder. “In your mouth?”

“Yes.” Her fingers moved faster.

“In your cunt?” he gritted out, eyes on her hands.

“God, yes,” she moaned.

“In your ass?”

“Fuuuck,” she said as her * contracted and her orgasm detonated. Her body shook and for a moment she didn’t speak, didn’t breathe. And then she moaned out, “Yes, yes, in my ass.”

Ike almost came right there. He pulled out and banded his fingers around the base of his cock—hard.

Jess pushed off the bed, and Ike frowned—until she started searching her small purse and came up with a packet of something. She tossed it to him—Aquaphor, one of the small sample packs they gave out for new tattoo after-care at Hard Ink.

Basically petroleum jelly. Goddamned perfect.

“You sure?” he asked, cock still steel in his hand.

Without a word she bent over the edge of the bed, and then she stared, eyebrows raised, dark eyes full of invitation, the sexiest fucking expression on her face. “I said you could have me any way you wanted, and I meant it.”

Ike shoved away the dizziness that threatened when he went vertical, but he held on to her until the unsteadiness passed. He tore open the packet and coated two of his fingers with the ointment, and then he rubbed circles against the rosebud of her asshole. Having her here would make the claiming total, and that roared a deep and dangerous satisfaction through him down to his very soul. Because it was an illusion if he kept his heart out of it, wasn’t it? But that was more thinking than his fever and his cock would allow him to do.

When her hips started to move, Ike sank a finger deep, then two. He finger fucked her until she was moaning and shaking her hips and reaching between her thighs to rub her clit.

“I’m ready, Ike,” she said.

He moved behind her and stroked lube all over his length. God, she was small. He didn’t want to fucking hurt her, which meant he really needed to know. “Have you done this before?” Part of him didn’t want to learn the answer, didn’t want to think of her being with anyone else before him.

Or, worse, ever again.


“Yes,” she said. “I can handle you. Promise.”

He lined the head of his cock up with her rear opening, and damn if it wasn’t erotic as hell to watch himself push into her, sink deeper, disappear inch by fucking mind-blowing inch into her luscious ass.

Laura Kaye's books