Hard As Steel: A Hard Ink/Raven Riders Crossover (1001 Dark Nights)

And then he was pushing off his boxers, climbing up her body, mounting her. There was no pretense about it. His cock found her opening and sank deep. Jess’s head snapped back into the pillow on a long moan because, omigod, him being inside her was a total freaking rush—one Jess had never thought would happen. And, God, he was big. It was so damn good, so much better than she’d dreamed.

“Fuck, that’s a tight little *,” Ike ground out—and then he froze. “Shit, protection.”

“On birth control,” she said, wrapping her legs around his hips. Now that she had him, she wasn’t letting go. “Take me, Ike. Don’t hold back.” Just this once.

He didn’t. He plowed into her like there was a place inside her he needed to get to but couldn’t quite reach. His pubic bone pounded into her clit, her piercing making her so freaking sensitive. His balls smacked against her ass. His hands groped and squeezed and gripped her body—her breasts, her shoulders, her hair.

“Just tonight,” he rasped.

She ignored the pang around her heart. Normally, Jess was a sex-with-the-lights-on kinda girl, but tonight she was glad for the darkness. It would be her ally in masking her true feelings for him. “Just tonight,” she agreed.

Ike groaned in her ear, and then his hips absolutely hammered into her, the sweaty smack of their skin loud in the otherwise quiet room. He was almost frenzied in his movements, and he shoved her hard toward another orgasm.

“Gonna fucking come in you, Jessica,” he said, voice strained with need.

Those words pushed her the rest of the way there. “Fuuck, yes, Ike,” she moaned, and then the orgasm stole her breath and she held on as her body thrashed and convulsed beneath him.

The shout of his orgasm was one of the most erotic sounds Jess had ever heard. His cock kicked inside her, and she could feel the jets of his come again and again. He shook and cursed and jerked as his body moved through his release.

Breathing hard, he held himself above her, cock still buried deep. They were a sweaty, hot mess, and Jess loved every moment of it.

“Turn the fuck over,” he growled, pulling out. “I’m not done with you yet. Not by a long shot.”

She reached out in the darkness…to find him still hard. “Oh, God,” she said, her heart beating in her throat. She might not survive this night, but what a way to go.

“I’ve got four years of pent-up fantasies about you,” he said, flipping her over. “I’m gonna make them all come true tonight or pass out trying.” He was so much stronger than her that he could pretty much move her however he wanted. He lifted her hips until she was on her knees, and then he pressed her upper body down with a big hand in the center of her back.

“I’m all yours,” she whispered, not sure if he heard her or if he’d even understand just how true the words were if he did. Just then, he penetrated her * to the hilt. She felt so much fuller this way and it was mind-numbingly good.

He gripped her hips—hard—and started to move in a series of rough, punctuated thrusts. Jess had never been one for soft caresses or gentle fucking. She liked it rough, dirty, messy, raw. Ike gave her that in spades.

And she knew he would, she knew he’d be everything she needed in bed—just like he was in every other part of their lives. Shit.

Hands on her pigtails forced her onto her hands and pulled her out of her thoughts. Ike transferred both strands of hair into one hand, and the burn on her scalp was so freaking delicious. His other hand gripped her shoulder, giving him leverage to fuck her hard and shifting their position so that he drilled into her G-spot on every stroke.

It didn’t take long until Jess was moaning, concentrating, coming and shaking and grinding back against him, wanting him to fall apart just like she had.

Ike pushed her flat beneath him and followed her down to the mattress, his cock pistoning deep inside her. He clutched her shoulder in one hand and her hair in the other, and then his mouth latched onto the side of her neck and sucked. Hard.

The thought that he might mark her had her trembling again. “Fuck, do it harder,” she said.

His grip tightened, his mouth sucked more intensely, his hips slammed into her ass.

Jess came until she saw starbursts in her vision, until she barely knew her own name.

Ike shouted out his release. “Shit…take…all of me.”

God, she so would. For as long as he’d give himself to her. Because…because she loved him.

Aw, fuck, Jess.

But was this really news? No. No, it wasn’t. Not if she was honest with herself.

When their bodies stilled, Ike collapsed behind her, but he didn’t let her go. Arm around her waist, he pulled her back tight against his front. “Gotta sleep,” he said, sounding like he was already halfway there.

And that was okay, because Jess was right there with him.

Eyes still closed, body still trying to hang on to sleep, Ike reveled in having had the best dream of his whole damn life—fucking Jessica to the point that they both passed out.

Laura Kaye's books