Hard As Steel: A Hard Ink/Raven Riders Crossover (1001 Dark Nights)

The blunt head of his cock pushed closer to home, and the only thing separating them was the cotton of his boxers and the silk of her sleep shorts. On the next thrust, his length ghosted over her clit. But it was enough to make her moan out loud and clutch at his shoulder.

“Aw, yeah. S’good,” he whispered, his hot, sweaty cheek pressed against hers. God, he was on fire. What if he realized this happened and regretted it?

What if you regret it? No, she wouldn’t. If this was all she would ever get of him, she’d tuck the memory away somewhere deep inside her and hold on to it tight.

Ike’s hips moved a little faster, shifted closer, ground harder, until his cock stroked her * on every single thrust.

Fuck it.

Jess dug her nails into his shoulders and met his hips thrust for thrust. “Yes, Ike,” she cried.

His movements slowed. Stopped. And then every single part of his body went rigid.

“Don’t you fucking stop,” she said, breathing hard. “I’m so close to coming I might die.”


“Ike, you want me. I want you. So have me. It doesn’t have to be more than what it is,” she said, an uncomfortable twinge going off in her chest. But Jess didn’t care. The pleasure would be worth whatever pain she’d carry from knowing how good they were together while being denied anything more.

“I didn’t mean to…” His words drifted off and he trembled above her, as if holding still took great effort.

But Jess was done with Ike holding himself back. “I know. I don’t care. I need to come.” She kissed his forehead, his cheek, his ear. “Please make me come.”

The room spun. His brain was dazed. His feverish body was strung tight.

And Jess was begging him for something he’d yearned to give for so fucking long.

Ike hadn’t meant to start this, but now that he had, he couldn’t seem to make himself do the right thing. More than that, he could no longer figure out what the right thing was in the first place.

His head hurt, making it so hard to think.

So he followed his gut and went with feeling instead.

“Not like this,” he said, pushing himself down the bed. If he was going there, he was going all the way. His movements were jerky and imprecise, but his hands fumbled their way to stripping her bare. He wished the light was on so he could see her, but maybe the darkness was better. It made it feel more like the dream he’d thought it was.

Goddamned coward.

He shoved the thoughts away as he pushed Jess’s thighs wide. “Thought of this so many fucking times,” he said. And then he was done with talking. He absolutely feasted on her. Licking her cunt, plunging his tongue deep, sucking her clit—her goddamned pierced clit. Over and over.

“Ike,” she screamed, his name turning into a low moan as her thighs tried to close around his head.

Her muscles pulsed and she came on his tongue. He sucked down every delicious drop.

It was like he’d been starving and now that he’d had a bite of food, he needed to gorge himself in case he never had more. The minute her body stilled, he dove right back in, his lips sucking her clit while his tongue strummed it, toying with the little hoop piercing there. She was so wet he could easily sink two fingers inside her, then three. Jess whimpered and moaned, clutched and pressed at his head, rocked her hips and rode his fingers. Fuck. He knew she’d be like this—passionate and fierce and unapologetic in her pleasure. It was goddamned fantastic.

His cock was hard as a rock and his balls ached with need, but he’d be content giving her as many orgasms as she could stand having. Her juices ran down onto his hand and he slipped in a fourth finger, nearly fisting her.

“Fuck, yes,” she cried. “Damn that’s good, Ike.”

He couldn’t agree more. He lost count of how many times she came on his mouth and fingers, but at some point he became aware that she was whimpering and almost chanting something under her breath.

“Fuck me. Fuck me. Please fuck me. Oh, God, I want you to fuck me.”


“Jesus, Ike, get in me. Please.”

The plea hit him in the gut, making him want nothing more than to satisfy her. But hadn’t he already taken more than he should?

Chapter 9

Jess was too needy to worry about pride, and they’d gone too far to avoid things getting awkward between them if that was going to happen. She needed him inside her, just this once.

“I want to fuck you, trust me,” Ike said, voice gritty. “But I’m…that’s what it would be for me. So I get it if—”

“That’s what it would be for me, too,” she lied. “Just for tonight. As often and in any way that you want. In the morning, it’ll all have been a fevered dream,” she rushed out, her mind racing. “And we’ll be the same friends we were yesterday.” She nearly held her breath waiting for him to make up his mind.

Laura Kaye's books