Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 5


I woke up when I heard Emma’s shrieking laughter. “Get in the shower now, woman! You can’t tease me like that and expect to get away from it.” I could hear Bass laugh from the hallway. I could also make out Emma trying to hush him, but Bass only growled and I suppose he picked her up since Emma sounded out of breath.

“Put me down!” A few heightened giggles, a light slam of the door, the house became quiet again.

I shifted on my side and smiled at the thought of them. Those two were crazy about each other. I’m glad that she’d stopped taking notice of Carter’s emails, but who am I really to say? If Harry asked me back again, I would most likely think about it for a few seconds and say yes. I admit, it’s beyond pitiful, but the heart wants what it wants. It doesn’t think for you, nor does it make decisions for you. It only beats like a drumroll, marching you toward the person who took your heart.

It’s deplorable to even think of him after all that’s happened, yet here I was, thinking of him, wondering if he’s thinking of me, too.

Languidly, I got out of bed and looked outside. It was dusky outside, and I could hear the light, chirpy sounds of cicadas. Beautiful, I thought as I closed my eyes and smelled the pleasing mixture of sea, fresh air and heady blooms. After a good five minutes of appreciating the view, I strode towards the light switch. I was surprised to find my luggage next to the door. Instead of going through it, I went to grab my phone inside my purse. There were still no messages or phone calls from Harry. I guess he really meant it when he said he will try to cut me out of his life. Well, good for him, I thought dastardly. I’m the one who went through the traumatizing shit and was treated like a piece of ass. Ah, great, just mighty, f*cking great.

Dejected, I opened my luggage and immediately gathered everything I needed and headed for the shower. Life goes on, with or without me. I best snap out of it before it forgets that I exist. I’ve been out of it long enough… maybe.

After a quick dry of my hair and light make-up, I declared myself ready. I wore a short, pistachio-colored, cotton dress and jewel encrusted, flat sandals. It was light and perfect for beach ambiance. I stared back at my reflection, a little unsure. “Happy face, Trista Stevens! F*cking put on your happy face!”

When I strode out of my room, I saw Emma and Taylor outside, laughing and drinking together. When Emma’s eyes saw me walk towards them, she immediately got up and gave me a tight, I-miss-you-so-much, kind of hug. I hugged her back with the same intensity.

“So, so happy to see you again, Tris!” Emma exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“It really is great to see you, too, Boo,” I said, and meant every word. Emma guided me to one of the rattan, chaise lounges, across from the shirtless Taylor. “Going to get you something to drink, b-r-b. Lindsey’s in the kitchen and, as you can see, Bass is over there on the phone.” Emma pointed towards her man, who was well engrossed in a conversation, also not wearing a shirt. He was muscular perfection at its finest. What’s up with these fellas not wearing any shirts? It was a total mind-f*ck to all the girly hormones around the perimeter.

The setting they had out here was impressively awesome. Outdoor bed, dining tables and chairs, but what I really loved was the large table around the chaise lounges. It had a Middle Eastern feel, where they shared their meals and broke bread amongst trusted folks. Complete with dim lighting and lit candles scattered about, it was purely soul-lifting and therapeutic. “They ordered dinner from the villa’s kitchen. It should arrive soon. How was your nap?” Taylor eyed me casually.

“Good, thank you.” I politely replied. Curiosity won out and I blurted, “Is there a Who’s Got the Best Six-Pack Competition around here that I should know about?” Taylor barked out a loud laugh. It was deep, throaty, and very manly. It was the opposite of Harry’s polished, restrained and practiced one.

“Why do you ask? Does it offend, or please you?” Taylor smiled at me before he took a long gulp of his beer.

My eyes instantly darted towards his neck where his Adam’s apple was bobbing up and down, mesmerizing me for a mere second. Taylor caught me staring at him, but I didn’t even blush or stand down from his penetrating gaze. I’m sure pretty boy was used to this kind of attention. Sure, he may be good-looking—to some—but he’s not my type, no matter how much I may enjoy ogling him. “Honestly, it doesn’t offend or please me at all. You could say that I’m indifferent about it.”

That caught his attention. “Even the ever-drooled over Bass Cole doesn’t affect you?” Taylor looked pretty much entertained.

Okay, maybe not Bass. Honest to God I don’t know a living soul who doesn’t have the hots for him. Not one. “I think it’s already a given how the entire universe sees him. I’m not immune to it, no one is.”

Taylor leaned over and studied my face with such concentration. To me, it looked like he was trying to read me, or better yet, read my mind. “Is this your subtle way of telling me that you don’t find me attractive?”

Damn it, he’s pretty forward, too. Hmmm! “I wasn’t trying to tell you anything, but, to answer your question, no, you’re not my type.”

Taylor’s face lit up with a devilish grin. “Women with excess baggage are unattractive to me. Good to know that we have something in common.” He then stood up and saluted his bottle at me before spinning around and heading towards Bass.

Staggered speechless, I stared after his form. What the flying F*ck was that? How the Hell would he know that I have excess baggage? Do I have a f*cking tattooed sign on my forehead or something?

“Uh-oh, looks like you influenced Trista, Lindsey!” Emma chided Lindsey as they approached me with a tray of assorted alcoholic drinks.

My eyes happily took in all the amazing concoctions as Emma placed the tray on the table. Lindsey and Emma then settled on separate lounge chairs. “This is why girlfriends are the best! You can always count on them to cheer up a down and out friend,” I happily said, as my hand grabbed a martini glass with a bright blue liquid in it. Now, if this drink would only turn out to be an AMF (Adios Mother F*cker), I would be an even happier woman. The smile that stretched across my lips was absolutely genuine as it turned out that it was! It was time to get back on boozeville.

“I’m taking it that Horrible Harry is no more?” Lindsey asked while Emma and I took a sip of our drinks. “You used to be like this when there was trouble in paradise with him, but now there’s a dark edge to it. That can only mean one thing, you guys are kaput.”

Crap, Lindsey. She’s too damn observant. This was why it was hard to open up to her, because she tends to just railroad everything and get to the point. She doesn’t stall or prance around the subject. I love her like a sister, but at certain times, Lindsey could be scary as f*ck. I took another gulp of my AMF, tilting my head back and savoring the sweet, fiery burn of the menacing drink.

“I am officially no longer a mistress. No more secret rendezvous. No more scheduled f*ck marathons. No more secret codes. Yep, there is no more Horrible Harry.” I miserably downed my drink before releasing a cringing sigh. “You know what’s the saddest part is? I wasn’t ready for it to be over. The stupid bastard dumped me! Stupid, spineless, piece of shit dumped me. Hah! Joke’s on me.”

Lindsey growled. “I could hire a hitman to end that sorry worthless piece of shit!”

If I weren’t so emotional right now, I would’ve rolled my eyes at her already. That statement was just so Lindsey!

Emma got up, sat next to me, and gave me a comforting hug. “That stupid, faithless prick didn’t deserve your love, babe. It may not seem like it now because everything’s still new. Give it time, you’ll see what I mean.”

Lindsey then came and joined our hug. “I’ve got a solution. We’ll make that f*cker pay.” I was about to protest, but she shushed me. “Okay, I was kidding about hiring a hitman. Okay, maybe I was serious, but only a little. I’ve got a brilliant plan, though. I could set him up, seduce him and make a video. I’ll send it out to all of his associates, and shame him for life. With my face blurred, of course. It’s the brightest plan, isn’t it? It should teach the cheating cad not to f*ck with my bitches!”

These were only a few examples why Lindsey was scary as f*ck. I glanced at Emma when I heard her laugh. “Seriously, what’s so funny? None of her ‘solutions’ were laughable. I’m not going to be a vengeful woman. I still love him for crying out loud.”

Emma smiled at Lindsey, before she responded to my question. “Woman, I think it’s a flawlessly, perfect plan. I know your cousin is pregnant, Tris, but you have to see that Harry might have a new mistress already or is looking for one again. You don’t want that to happen to another woman, do you?”

F*ck! Was Harry capable of taking on another mistress? If I think back now, he was way too slick about everything. From setting our schedules for meeting to every single minute detail of our rendezvous, it was well thought out and fully orchestrated. Only a man with practice and experience could achieve that without a glitch. The joke really was on me. The whole f*cking time that Harry was making me fall in love with him, showering me with presents and kisses, professing his crazy love for me, it was all a load of practiced crap!

To be blinded by love—to have had that love then taken advantage of—is the most humbling, the most eye-opening, the most gut-wrenching experience anyone can ever go through. However, do I want to humiliate Harry and Becka? No, I don’t.

“I’m not for it, but I’ll keep it in mind, okay? Thank you for all the crazy support.” I stated, with much more emphasis on the word crazy.

Lindsey simply pouted and went back to her spot. Imagine, if she was acting this way after only learning about Harry dumping me, I could easily see the she-devil incarnate in her coming out if I dropped the bomb about the terminated pregnancy. Definitely not a good idea right this instant!

Emma glanced to my left and welcomed a few people who brought out a feast with them, instructing them to place everything on the long, rectangular, glass table that was close to the lounges. Emma then took out three one hundred dollar bills and handed it to each of the men accordingly before they left us with the bazillion plates of food.

“Three hundred bucks for a tip, Em? Isn’t that a little too much?” Lindsey asked as she checked out the platters filled with lobster, squid and shrimp dishes, as well as others I couldn’t name. It all looked good, mouth-watering, dive in without care, scrumptiously good.

Emma bit her lip. “I ran out of Euros. Besides, Bass always tells me to tip bigger for people who serve you. It’s mandatory that way. He says that these people work extra hard and they deserve to get more than they get per hour. Manual labor is harder work.”

“F*cking Bass! Why does he have to be so perfect? You’re such a lucky beeotch! Now, I would really be pissed off if you went back to my brother.” Lindsey announced. Her voice held a serious tone to it.

Really, did she have to bring up Carter when Bass was around?

“Heck, I’m so invested in her love life. I would cut a bitch if they break-up. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all living our fantasy through you, Doll.” All three of us laughed at that.

This was really refreshing. I felt somehow hopeful, again. I smiled and strode over to them . , I eyed the gourmet food on the table with interest. T t aking a shrimp by its tail, I took a luscious bite. F*cking awesome, I savored the delicacy.

We all turned around when we heard male voices. “Trista, it’s good to see you again.” Bass came over and gave me a welcoming hug. Holy f*ck, my heart started to palpitate. I gave him a smile after he released me from his arms.

“Good to see you, too, Bass. You still look sexy enough to give a woman a heart attack.” Hell, I think I actually might have had one if he held me any longer.

“I did tell you my friend has got a fever for you.” Bass laughed at Emma’s response, who simply gave him a flirty wink.

Lindsey and Taylor started to get their plates and forked out food from the table. “Who wants wine?” Emma asked as she poured Bass a glass of red and handed it to him.

“Thanks, agápi̱ mou,” Bass murmured and gave Emma a lingering kiss before they joined us.

“What the hell does that mean?” Lindsey wondered out loud, once we were settled on the circular table.

“It means my darling, my love, my beloved, my sweetheart.” Taylor provided her with quick answers.

“Damn, I need to find me a Greek god,” Lindsey said in between bites of her salad. I had no doubt in my mind that she would get her wish.

“I’ll join you on that worthy campaign.” I added and as I high-fived Lindsey. Taylor simply shook his head, like we were both crazy. We truly were, he just didn’t know it yet.

“Ooh, this ought to be exciting!” Emma cheerily eyed her girlfriends.

Bass simply grunted on the side, disbelieving. “Trying to ditch me already, Emma? You should try harder than that!” Bass passionately eyed her, a sensuous dashing smile plastered on his face.

Ha! I bet this dude would never forget the day that Emma backpedaled and chose Carter over him.

Taylor choked on his food and started to cough, tapping his chest a few times before he cleared his throat. “You’re hopeless, dude.”

Maybe a good distraction was the best solution after all. Yeah, that’s a BIG FAT maybe.

Pamela Ann's books