Finding Forever

I shook my head as I pulled into the parking lot of Maya’s restaurant, Coral. “Thanks for being so positive about my new relationship, Des,” I joked.

“I’m not trying to be negative, I promise. It just seems as if you’re overcompensating or something. I don’t know. Just be careful, and I’ll talk to you later, okay? I love you.”

“Love you too, sis.”

I ended the call, and grabbed the box with the earrings in question from my glove box. For the last two weeks, I’d been insanely busy. Phone calls, video conferences, flights, meetings, and a ridiculous amount of paperwork were all a part of a deal that would expand Ignition closer to the east coast, so I’d been immersed in that, and unable to spend much time with Maya. I needed to make it up to her.

I didn’t see her when I first walked in, so I strode past the host’s desk and headed for the back, where her office was located. She was on the phone when she answered the door, but she stepped aside to allow me in while she finished her call.

“Hi stranger,” she said, tossing her phone onto her desk as she ended the call. She didn’t seem inclined to offer more of a greeting than that, so I pulled her into my arms for a hug, but she shied away when I tried to kiss her.

“You’re upset with me about something…” I sat down on the edge of her desk, using my grip on her hand to pull her close. “What’s going on?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. I just… I haven’t had an easy week, and I’ve missed you.”

“So… you act like you aren’t happy to see me?”

Pushing out a heavy sigh, she slipped her hand from mine to cross her arms. “It’s silly, I know, but… I guess I didn’t realize how busy you were. We only see each other maybe twice a week now, and at first it was every other day.”

“It won’t always be like this,” I insisted, standing up. “I’m just working on something big right now, and it’s demanding a lot of my time. After this, I’ll actually have more time, because we’re hiring more people for corporate, and I can start sitting around on my ass, being at the garage more… being with you more. It’s temporary.”

“You promise?”

I wrapped Maya in my arms, placing a kiss against her forehead. “Yes, I promise. I know we’re still… figuring each other out, but you have to know I want to make you happy. In fact… I got you something.” I pulled the box from the inside pocket of my jacket and placed it into her hands, waiting to see her reaction when I opened it.

Instead of the excitement I expected, her jaw clenched, and she pressed her lips together in a tight smile. After staring at them for a moment, she spoke. “Avery… these are beautiful. They must have cost a lot of money.”

“It’s no big,” I shrugged, confused by her reaction. It was as if she was mad that I was trying to do something nice. “I know I haven’t been available, and I wanted to try to make up for it.”

She gave a dry chuckle. “Make up for not being available. Right.” She closed the box, tossing it onto her desk with the same indifference she had given her cell phone. “Thanks, Avery. I have to get back to work now, okay?”

Mental note: don’t buy anymore fucking jewelry.

“Yeah, I’ll let you get back to it. Do you want to have dinner or something tonight when you leave?” I asked, hoping to bring us back out of the awkward feeling that had settled over the room.

“Actually, I think I’ll take a rain check. I’m pretty tired already, so when I get off tonight, I think I’m gonna get some sleep.”

But… you said you misse— whatever.

“Okay. Maybe this weekend then.”


Christina C Jones's books