Finding Forever

Mel scoffed. “It certainly is not. You should look at that file, okay? But let me get you back there before Tori throws a fit,” she said, gesturing toward the computer. She stood, and walking over to Tori’s door, opened it and directed me inside, closing it behind her with what I could swear sounded like a quietly uttered “fucking dummies.” I didn’t have the time to figure out what that meant before my eyes fell on Tori, looking beautiful as always as she stood behind her desk.

“Avery, you made it,” she said, giving me a nervous smile as she eyed the bouquet of purple and white orchids in my hand. I was about to speak, when the movement of another person in the room caught my attention. “Avery, I want to introduce you to Maya. Maya, this is Avery.”

Tori emanated poise and professionalism as she stepped around her desk, leading a strikingly beautiful woman with almond colored skin in front of me. Her face was frozen in a placid, detached expression, but she couldn’t fake it with her eyes, which were too bright, too wet, as if she were a second away from tears.

“Are those for me?” Maya asked, gesturing toward the flowers with a warm smile. I glanced at Tori, who nodded, but so slightly I was barely sure I saw it.

“Uh… yes, they are.” I returned her smile, trying to not to let confusion register on my face. Had I really come up here to try to pursue Tori, when she was trying to push me off onto someone else?

Maya accepted the flowers, then stood on her toes to plant a kiss on my cheek. “Tori, I like him already! Tall, and handsome, and he came bearing gifts!”

Tori gave her a weak smile and I could tell she was as uncomfortable as I was, but she kept up whatever game she was playing. “Avery, Maya is a new client, who came in this morning. We ran her matches, and the two of you have compatibility off the charts, and I had a little feeling there was the potential there for something special, so I couldn’t wait for you two to meet. Now that you’re in the room together, I’m even surer about it! How would you two feel about going out tonight?”

Her words were confident, but her shoulders were slumped, and she would not meet my eyes. What the hell was she doing? Did she forget that four days ago…?


That’s exactly what she was doing, trying to forget, by fixing me up with Maya, so I could get off her back. And I couldn’t be mad about it, because this is what we’d agreed to. She’d made herself perfectly clear about her intentions, and I was supposed to trust her to find me a partner that wasn’t her.

Maya spoke up first, showing off perfect white teeth as she smiled. “I’m game if you are.”

“Well,” I said, “If Tori says it’s a match, I guess I’m along for the ride.”

I glanced over at Tori, who was expressionless even though I still saw the unmistakable pain in her eyes, which were focused on the wall behind us. When she realized I was looking at her, she tried her best to force another smile, but the best she could muster was a grimace, and she quickly turned away before Maya could see her face. She began shuffling things on her desk, and then , without looking up, and with well-concealed strain, said “Okay. I’ll set it up.”

— Tori —

This is exactly what I get. It’s absolutely all my fault.

Holed up in my office’s private bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face in an attempt to calm my nerves. I was nauseated, and had been crying so hard I’d thrown up what little I’d been able to eat.

From the moment she walked through my door, I hated Maya. I’d certainly had clients before I wasn’t particularly fond of, but this was different. I couldn’t figure it out, because she came across as genuinely sweet, she had a good sense of humor, and a great personality. Nothing about her was phony, or forced, and she was beautiful, with creamy skin the color of toasted almonds, big, innocent brown eyes, dimples, and thick chestnut brown hair in a relaxed style that framed her face. It wasn’t until I ran her matches that I realized why I hated her.

She was perfect for Avery, and I was sick to my stomach about it.

I briefly considered calling them both back, saying I’d made a mistake, but deep down… I knew Maya was who he needed. She still had hope for love, where I had none, and hope was exactly what Avery needed.

Christina C Jones's books